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Charlie Sheen Target Of Hollywood Illuminati?

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posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 11:16 PM
Oh please. The only enemies Charlie has are the following.

Too much money
Too much time
Too many drugs at his disposal
Too much booze at his disposal
Too many hookers who want to use up some his money and time, snort some of drugs and drink the booze and maybe sell a story to the National Enquirer.

Charlie is really the only enemy Charlie has.

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by Xcathdra

How do you know for sure that what actor Randy Quaid is saying isn't true? The Randy Quaid story all began when he did the film "Brokeback Mountain" for a mere $100,000 and was told it was a small film that would go directly to DVD to a mostly gay audience. He didn't know it would be distributed worldwide and be nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars! When Quaid went to the producers and demanded he be paid his regular fee a legal battle royale began. Quaid was never paid and he was blacklisted from new production work by the higher ups in Hollywood. Quaid claims his assets were illegally transferred out of his name without his authorization, fraud, but the billionaire Hollywood machine covered it up. Leaving Quaid and his wife homeless! How does a guy like Quaid, a multi-millionaire become homeless in less than two years when he has no addictions? I think there is something to Randy Quaid's story. You obviously have not researched how the Hollywood illuminati mind control machine works, and has controlled and killed people for decades! The illuminati uses Hollywood and all media to mass manipulate the population. And when their stars don't do as they are told or start a legal battle with them people end up ruined or killed.

Charlie Sheen may not even realize that people have been planted around him to manipulate his life. Two of Charlie's $150,000 dollar mercedes benz cars were driven off a cliff just miles from his home. Do you know how difficult it is to steal a mercedes benz? You must have the key! No doubt these cars were sort of a message to Charlie that he better shape up or else. His show is worth billions worldwide to CBS and Warner Bros. over the next ten years!

The only thing Charlie wants is to work, get paid, and party. But the highest paid celebs are always controlled by the studios and insurance companies that cover production losses. Chuck Lorre is a snake. He steals TV show ideas from UCLA Film School Students and has a history of ripping off investors and being fired from a dozen TV shows over the past 20 years. under normal circumstances this guy would have been booted from Hollywood years ago. But he is close friends to a Hollywood top dog. Lorre wants Sheen to fail, he wants Sheen fired because Sheen does what he wants with no one controlling him. When Sheen agreed to be the voice of the 911 families who had questions for Presidents Bush and Obama that is when Sheen was given a personal assistant (Rick C......) who we learn is a drug dealer and night club promoter!! CBS and Warner Bros. spend millions every year on professional publicity agencies who speak on behalf of celebs like Sheen, but instead, they put this drug dealer, night club promoter out there to feed Charlie's addiction and even speak for him! This was a intentional effort by the studio execs to ruin Sheen. You can believe that the sky is blue and the grass is green, but life in the wealthy fast lane in Hollywood has it's controllers. Charlie is not entirely responsible for what is happening to him and his reputation. He is being manipulated and it will end badly unless the public demands that CBS execs can Lorre NOW. No one cares about rich Hollywood celebrities but what you watch on TV every night influences your life and how you think about things. Charlie is a truther and should be protected by all other truthers, not left to die or be killed.

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 11:51 PM
He may be a target, he may not be but canceling 2 1/2 Men seems a little odd to me. Besides the rantings and ravings he did on AJ, there really wasn't much there to piss anyone off. I don't see Hollywood not making movies with Tom Cruise and he's a certifiable nut-job yet Sheen rants, not really saying anything, mostly gibberish, and his show gets canceled.

He came off as a fool - WINNER! - and a idiot - WINNER! - but what did he say that was so offensive? Did I nod off during the juicy bits?

Seriously, I couldn't care less if he has a show or not as I don't watch it. I just don't quite understand why the show got canceled over what seems to be nothing to me.

posted on Feb, 27 2011 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by Justaposter

You are wanting to believe what THEY want you to believe. i bet you watch CNN and FOX News, too?

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 12:08 AM
Who cares, He's just some guy that got a job being an actor, there's nothing special about him besides the fact that he's some guy on T.V. If it wasn't for the media hyping these people who the hell would care?

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by mdelauzon

Charlie Sheen doesn't need the help of a mythical entity to destroy his life. He's done a fine job of pissing away every good thing in his life (his marriage to Denise Richards, Two and a Half Men (after he went off on a rant at the producer, won't be long before he's out of work), etc).

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by mdelauzon

As far as Randy Quaid goes the phrase Caveat Emptor comes to mind. This would be why actors have agents and lawyers. Business matters aside for Quaid, his behavior had nothing to do with brokeback mountain.

In 2009 Quaid and his wife were arrested in Texas for Fraud, burglary and conspiracy charges out of California.
In 2010 he and his wife were again charged with burglary for living in a guest house without permission (squatting charge) since 2007 after they sold it.

They fled and were arrested at the Vancouver BA border check. They applied for refugee status, with the pretext that too many hollywood stas were dieing mysteriously.
Yeah..... nothing crazy there..

As far as Sheen goes, its been an issue for a long time with him. Its just now getting attention because of the sucess of 2 1/2 men. If the show was not the hit it was, his antics would be on page 26 below the fold.

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by mdelauzon

who the f is charlie sheen?!

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by mdelauzon

Sorry, I hate to be one to come straight to the point and say this is BS, however, I wish that folks would just call a duck a duck sometimes. Come on, Charlie Sheen is a rich, wild and crazy coked up mess, he is a woman beater, he will beat the poo out of a woman in front of her children (and his children) and not bat a lash, or terrorize a hooker in a hotel, but he does it because he has the same problem a lot of men do, and women, he is a drug addict, an alcoholic, and has anger issues and most likely other mental problems that have never been dealt with.

domestic violence as a "pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner". The definition adds that domestic violence "can happen to anyone regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender", and that it can take many forms, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional, economic, and psychological abuse.[10]

Why is it that because Charlie Sheen is in the arts and entertainment industry, his condition, which fits perfectly into the same category as other abusers, indictates to some of you here that it is illuminati? What did he do different other than work in the movies and be rich that makes his symptoms not fit those of simply a abuser?
edit on 28-2-2011 by space cadet because: edit to add link

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by mdelauzon
reply to post by Justaposter

You are wanting to believe what THEY want you to believe. i bet you watch CNN and FOX News, too?

Well if you want to chase that story go right ahead.

Believe it or not, not everything is a conspiracy, sometimes people actually do have problems with drugs and alcohol and take a tumble down a very dark path.

But hey, whatever makes you feel better at the end of the day

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by space cadet

Very well said Space Cadet.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 06:46 PM
Are we already forgetting this?

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by mdelauzon
Is Charlie Sheen being attacked by the Hollywood Illuminati machine for agreeing to represent the families of 911 survivors who have lingering questions about that event? After Sheen went on news and talk shows questioning the official 911 story, wrote a publicized letter to President Bush with a youtube video in 2006, his life began to unravel.

How do you take down a Hollywood Icon like Charlie Sheen? Probably in the most obvious way. He is a partier, a drinker, a womanizer. But according to family and close friends "Charlie was a comfortable partier, he always knew his limitations and never crossed the line."

After Charlie Sheen, star of the CBS Hit Television Show "TWO AND A HALF MEN" agreed to represent the 911 families and go on the offensive after Bush ignored his letter, Charlie Sheen was assigned a Personal Assistant who's name is Rick Calamaro. It was Rick Calamaro who according to his interview on the entertainment website said "I gave Charlie his first crack pipe!" Who is Rick Calamaro? Watch this video from someone who worked with Charlie Sheen on the film "Major League 2" and knows his father Martin Sheen. Is the Hollywood Illuminati machine setting up Charlie Sheen for ruin? Is he being drugged up intentionally for failure because he took on the Illuminati's cover up of 911?

David Beach was the gang boss of the production crew of the film "Major League 2". He became friends with Charlie Sheen and was even arrested for civil disobedience with Charlie's father Martin Sheen at Vandenberg Air Force Base. He was friends with actor Jon Cryer during the 1980's. He worked for the same production companies that 'TWO AND A HALF MEN" creator Chuck Lorre worked for and was fired from. Is this payback time for Charlie Sheen for his attack on the administration's official 911 story?

I'm glad you wrote this post OP. I really wanted to write about this, but I couldn't have typed it better than you.

My feeling has been, as of late, that the Illuminati have their plants trying to kill Charlie Sheen by getting him super stoned with drugs that they supply through some interesting pipelines.

Some of the women who surround him might even belong to their minions, who are well trained for the work they do.

Charlie may know a thing or two about the corrupt things that the Illuminati does, but I don't think he is aware of how big an octopus and with how many tentackles this thing really is.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by leaualorin
reply to post by mdelauzon

who the f is charlie sheen?!

He's that guy we're talking about on this thread.
You know. That guy, from that TV show.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:27 PM
I think that he has been traumatized by the msm and they are diverting the real issues by exploiting someone who is an eccentric.

He should sue for PTSD.

Leave him alone, he obviously is out of his comfort zone doing all these lame interviews and no matter how he feels in his private life, which is probably worlds away from how he gets hyper and nervous in the interviews, he obviously has some healing to do and that is going to take a much needed time out from public life.

Nothing is real when every move you make is from a glass fish bowl life.

Charlie, take your beautiful family and go to the country, to the private beaches, to the high mountains. Let your healing come from nature and goodness. It will take time, but the centered groundedness will be worth more than all the money in the Universe.

Take a portion of your money, put it in a trust to help all the people who are depending on you that you fear letting down. It will be nothing compared to your generosity of past, but hey where would they be if you had died during one of the parties?

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 08:35 AM
There are four possibilities:

1 - He is an unwilling pawn and target of the illuminati, and is being used to distract the population.
2 - He is willingly collaborating with the illuminati, and is being used to distract the population.
3 - He is actually nuts, and is being used to distract the population.


4 - He has called their bluff.

Either way, it is to the advantage of those who would distract us from the important events of the day to have him plastered all over the news.
edit on 3/2/2011 by this_is_who_we_are because: item #4

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