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Many believe what we're told about UFO's God from childhood

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posted on Jul, 17 2004 @ 06:39 PM
We believe what we are taught. When children have something drilled into their head from infancy, that it is the only truth, "most" will grow up believing it. If you took a child and raised it believing blue was orange and red was purple...that's what the child would believe. "Most" people that believe in the bible, believe it not from having any type of religious experience, but because that's what they were taught.....

Then there are those that do not accept just what they are told is so, and seek for's much the same with UFO's, we are told, most from the time we can remember, it's not possible so many think it's not. How many people actually go in search of things for themselves? Most of us on this board does...if we weren't the type of people to question, to search, we wouldn't be here. How many people actually know that so many books of the bible have been left out, or give thought that man picked out what went into the bible and what didn't? Or that Jesus, whom ever he may of been, wasn't out to start a new religion, most don't even recognize that fact that he was a very dark man, short hair and was Jewish!! With all this in mind, is it really any wonder that many people doubt, even in the face of evidence, that there is indeed, other life forms not only in our universe, but with us on our planet? And speaking of religion and UFOs,
Check out this site...many of you may enjoy it...

posted on Jul, 17 2004 @ 06:42 PM
well, i saw a ufo when i was 6 years old. and my parents don't believe they exist. i was told about god, but i don't believe "he" exist. but that's just my opinion. i don't judge others.

posted on Jul, 17 2004 @ 06:44 PM
I believe I shall one day gain power and dominion over all life. Noone told me it, I just believe it. From as far back as I remember I just had this urge to complete something and that something I never knew. Some task given to me that which I had no option but to accept.

Ehhh its a little wierd.

posted on Jul, 17 2004 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by aukaiman8000
I believe I shall one day gain power and dominion over all life. Noone told me it, I just believe it. From as far back as I remember I just had this urge to complete something and that something I never knew. Some task given to me that which I had no option but to accept.

Ehhh its a little wierd.

Yeah, but, a "little" wierd is usually a good thing...

posted on Jul, 17 2004 @ 07:32 PM
Well I have no doubt in God and UFO�s. Then I got one hell of an open mind. Listen if I shake my head you can hear my marbles rattling around and im sure I lost a couple.

But when it comes to aliens living amongst us...Never. Only joking.

I reckon they amongst us in many different forms and I would like to guess that they are the people who don�t quite dress right. I mean if you see a punk or a techno freak, a businessman in his suit or people in just everyday clothes.... these aliens try to assimilate that look but they just don�t quite get it right.

posted on Jul, 17 2004 @ 07:42 PM
Hehe man I so want to go to the all you can eat chinese food resturaunt...

On my way!!!

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