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Canada Flexes Diplomatic Muscle

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posted on Jul, 18 2004 @ 05:15 PM
Falcon - you're right, our vision of equality is often a fallacy, and there are cracks in the system. We did give out a passport to a member of Al-Queda. We also have some people who shouldn't profiting from the system, while people who should benefit from it are ignored or passed by.

I submit that it's the same with a lot of countries. As a Canadian, I recognize that we have committed our share of injustices and have our share of weaknesses. Yes, our border is porous and could be better protected. Yes, our military is laughable.

HOWEVER... people abroad trust Canadians more than they do a good number of other countries when it comes to being honest brokers and peacekeepers. We may be weak, we may have - as other countries do - some dirty secrets in the closet, but we fight for the right values.

And as far as weaknesses go, I prefer my Canadian weaknesses than those of other countries.

posted on Jul, 18 2004 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by CommonSense
In order for diplomacy to be practiced, it must be bilateral not unilateral. When one party refuses to negotiate, or acts in total bad faith as the Iranians have, it is indeed a failure of diplomacy.

You're absolutely right. I guess I meant to say that it doesn't surprise me, coming from the Iranians.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by DeusEx
. I'm simply happy we found out a put a stop to it.


Once again I ask how have we put a stop to it?

There was a good editorial criticizing Bill Graham, in the National Post on Saturday, I'm gonna have to dig it out of the recycling box

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 08:14 PM
Are these people going back? Are they not being scrutinized by police?


posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by DeusEx
Hey, nobody said Canada was perfect. But at least we (generally) walk teh straight and narrow. part of due proccess and equality is that people will, inevitably, take advantage of the system. I'm simply happy we found out a put a stop to it.


I am a canadian. I don't know where you get your info, but we do not walk the straight and narrow. Unless you think that aiding Sadam in acquiring goods to make WMD's and having our ex-Prime Ministers autographed picture found in Udai Hussein's home. Not to mention being a threat to the US because of the irresponsibe dept of immigration and lax border policies and policing. I am ashamed of my country for not being more of a help to the US, Britain, and allies in rooting out that demonic regime in Iraq. I was horrified when I watched the interview with Dr. Ravi George, a scientist who escaped from Iraq 5 yrs before 911, he stated that Germany, France, and Canada was selling things needed for WMD's to Iraq when he was working for Sadam. Then we hear that our ex-Prime Ministers mentor, Maurice Strong, was caught funneling money into Al Queda via a charitable organization.
I think it's time canadians get off their pulpits and face the one time we were a nation to be proud of...but not for a very long time. It's disgusting that we send our peace keeping soldiers over to do their jobs with tin cans to ride in and no bullets to shoot. A friend of my father in law lost his son last year in Afghanistan because the truck he was being transported in blew up, if they were in an american truck it would have withstood the blast and that boy would still be alive. The americans have to supply us with bullets to shoot. It's sick, it's irresponsible and diabolical to send our soldiers somewhere to die while the rest of canadians are whining because they want more money spent on social services.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 09:08 PM
Not to put down Canada's diplomatic abilities, but if it did not share a border with the US and share NORAD with the US, who is already sabeer rattling at Iran, and was not a close allie of the US, would Iran have backed down-?

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by SOTERION 5
... Unless you think that aiding Sadam in acquiring goods to make WMD's and having our ex-Prime Ministers autographed picture found in Udai Hussein's home. Not to mention being a threat to the US because of the irresponsibe dept of immigration and lax border policies and policing.


Dr. Ravi George, a scientist who escaped from Iraq 5 yrs before 911, he stated that Germany, France, and Canada was selling things needed for WMD's to Iraq when he was working for Sadam. Then we hear that our ex-Prime Ministers mentor, Maurice Strong, was caught funneling money into Al Queda via a charitable organization.


It's sick, it's irresponsible and diabolical to send our soldiers somewhere to die while the rest of canadians are whining because they want more money spent on social services.

Links or references please.

I live in Montreal and have not heard many of these allegations in the Canadian press (other than border and immigration issues).

I agree with your last point.

They would not be needed in far off lands if you understood where I was comming from.

Sorry about your father's friend. I lost a friend in the North Tower to all this madness.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 11:03 PM
And you never will hear these things from the Canadian media. The interview with Dr. Ravi George was either on Fox News or MSNBC. The autographed picture of Cretien was on MSNBC. Like I say, it's time for canadians to get their heads out of the sand and take a look at what's really going on here. I am thankful that the US are our allies, they may have to save us from ourselves.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by SOTERION 5
And you never will hear these things from the Canadian media.

Well I for one am not ready to believe the big corporate American media chains (especially FOX and MSNBC) in their Canada bashing and especially if there has not been a peep about those serious allegations around here.

If any of those were true, we would have heard about them.

Why would you rely on right wing American media for your Canadian news?

You have lost a measure of credibility with me and probably others.

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 08:38 AM
On which canadian news channel did you hear about Maurice Strong...none, until it was released by the american media. I am into reality, not some puffed up ideaology of Canada. We are basically a socialist nation now, there's too much gov't intrusion into our lives, we don't even have rights.
The only reason we became a peace keeping country in the first place was because of the threat of the USSR, which is no more. Now we are a burden to the US as far as any military help.

Talk about the american media being Canada bashers, well I'd say that the majority of media in Canada is filled with anti-american propaganda.

And I suppose you get your info from the CBC, a gov't funded news channel...and then sit back on your holier-than-thou canadian ass and brag about your nation. I've heard that bogus 'everybody loves us' for years...we are just conned into believing that from the canadian media...which also is propagandizing the world to think we are a french nation. Remember when we went in and rescued the american hostages in the 80's, on canadian TV we saw a bunch of americans holding up a banner that said 'Merci Canada'. Every canadian embassy in the world will respond in french to any callers. It's propaganda, to show the world that we are different from the americans, if you read real history you'd see we are the same people, family's came over some to the US and some to Canada.
If we were attacked by these terrorists we would be screwed, the US would have to come in and give us help. We are a spoiled brat little brother always kicking the shins of the US, and just now we are going to get a time out...then we'll see what can happen if the borders shut down. Although we have a fertile country with plenty of clean water...we would starve to death without the US...whether you like it or not.

The US and Britain should be praised for what they have done for the Iraqi people, now they can have food and medicine and freedom...something we have taken for granted. I think that all who criticize the injustice of the treatment of the Iraqi soldiers should have to go to one of these countries and see what it's like to be oppressed, sick and starving....watching your children die of malnutrition and disease while the government officials are living in luxury, healthy and hale with no compassion for those they are responsible for.

posted on Jul, 20 2004 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by DeusEx
Are these people going back? Are they not being scrutinized by police?


Going back?? The khadrs live in Toronto's east end. Scritinized by police, I hope so. Like said our government is full of garbage, we are not some world class nation, who has the respect of foreign countries. If Iran had respect for us they wouldn't have suddenly stopped the Kazemi trial, if the Americans had any respect for us they would stop criticzing us. People need to wake up and come to reality and realize the truth.

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 05:39 PM
For an update on this ongoing story see the CBC here.

Mohammad Reza Aghdam Ahmadi was cleared of killing photographer Zahra Kazemi, who died in custody in Iran last year.

The reason Canada is taking time to plan its next move is that it was widely beleived that Ahmadi was put on trial as a scapegoat chosen by the Iranian authorities due to his reformist activities.

Right now "Kazemi lawyers are preparing an appeal and may also take the case to the International Court of Justice. "

This is a developing story that is being closely followed in Canadian media as well as the BBC who are claiming a cover up.

posted on Jul, 25 2004 @ 09:36 PM
heres a point i'd like to make, being nice and peaceful and everything is good but it doesnt bring respect or make you very influental over anyone, sure being strong and using force and threats like america does brings resentment, anger and such but it does bring respect and influence too(you dont have to like someone to respect them-lybia is a good example of what respect and influence can do), we may contradict ourselves alot but sometimes interests come before ideals and you should act according to the situation and not one way for every situation you face, its that way in war, economics, personal relationships and i see no reason why politics and diplomatic situations should be any different.

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