Dreams, at least for me, have tended to have their symbolism tied in with my own head stuff. For very close to ten years, I've studied my own dreams
and the dreams of people I know really, really well. I've come to some conclusions about them.
Dreams are stories your mind acts out to itself about things ongoing in your life. Some of them are about worries, others are just ways information is
passed into your current gestalt. In many ways, the dream's intensity can indicate how troublesome the matter is to your subconscious mind. Your
subconscious is going "warning! warning!" in the only way it really knows how, through pictures and stories, emotions and signs. That doesn't
necessarily mean that there is a problem. It's just an inner distress signal that something
might be awry. It is basically up to you to
identify the source of the dreams, examine the situation, reason it out, and then sleep again to let your subconscious make nonsense of your reason,
but assimilate it none the less.
Identifying what the dreams are about specifically can be trickier still. The subconscious chooses from its vast accumulation of potentials. Every
action movie motif you've seen, every relationship, every story you've read, all of your pertinent experiences and knowledge... your subconscious is
armed with a virtually limitless array of emotion inducing scenarios to act out in order to process what's going on in a way that makes sense to it,
which ironically can make next to no sense to someone not versed in bat-crap nuts and/or too much Joseph Campbell.
There are, however, several "areas" where you might consider looking in your life. Work, school, and money are usually primary contenders for most
people. Much, much worry is generated from those three. Another common area where people flail is in their relationships, and not just romantic
relationships. Friends, family, coworkers, exes, whoever. Someone on your radar. Important, life altering decisions are another wild dream inducer,
even if it's as minor as trading your old car in for a new one in the cosmic scheme.
Another possibility is that it could be that an aspect of your ongoing life reminds your subconscious of a previous emotionally trying experience,
though the actual waking situation may not be bad at all. When you've experienced the finding of a loved one's body, which I experienced myself at age
6 with my grandmother and can thusly very much (over)identify with you about, it gives you some residual...things. Things that have gone past Scars
and become character traits, but things that still hurt sometimes when the weather gets damp, so to speak, which isn't to say that all rain is bad.
(I've also had apocalyptic dreams, but I recognize their symbolism anymore and just roll with the dream havoc
It's better than torpedoing my real
imho anyway and good luck.
edit on 28-2-2011 by nithaiah because: (no reason given)
edit on 28-2-2011 by nithaiah because: argh weed
on 28-2-2011 by nithaiah because: seriously, weed man.