posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 07:11 AM
ATS search has issues, this we know. Also, on a members personal profile, the "Posts" section doesnt cover ALL posts made by a member. Therefore, I
was wondering if there is a way to access old posts without resorting to the search bar. The reason I am having problems is because in order to search
thoroughly , one may have to use several keywords, or several different searches.
Unfortunately , because one is only allowed a search every half minuite or so, the process can be very slow, especialy when dealing with posts more
than a year or so old, due to ones memory slipping as to the exact title of the thread.
For example, I have been posting in the thread which poses the idea of a function preventing disagreement in posts, by stopping members who do not
believe certain stories from posting. As part of my efforts to explain why I think this is a bad idea, I wished to use an example of a post which
contains a good amount of critical and forensic thinking from about a year (perhaps more) ago that I did on a cattle mutilation thread. However, it is
no longer accessible through my profile, and I couldnt find it on search because I couldnt narrow down my search terms enough to locate it.
I could use other examples, but they wouldnt do the job as effectively.
Any hints or tips? Have I missed something obvious? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your time folks.