posted on May, 30 2019 @ 01:11 AM
a reply to:
Well howdy there partner...See that other member that viewed this intro five years after I posted it? When that member introduced himself I asked him
about his handle, quite subtly I thought. Anyway, that new member found this intro and from what he read here knew that his cover was blown and never
returned, at least under that name.
As for the teeth Gut, well, who knows how much of my thinking is still marred by those times, both in the Moonies and the Marxists. I can tell you
that one observation I have come away with is that in some ways they were similar. Not in the ideology as one was fundamentally arch conservative
while the other was arch leftist.
For one, neither could compromise. Both had discovered the ''truth' and from there is was our way or the highway. Those who could not see either of
these ''truths'' were considered to be asleep. All others needed to wake up. It was believers jobs to help them do that, wake up. Once the wake up had
happened then all would fall in line.
I see this everywhere now Gut. People fall in line. I see it in on the left side of the political spectrum as well as the right.
I see it here.
Hey, it's late and I am only replying now because once I clicked on your reply it disappears from my in box and the liklyhood of y forgetting you had
done so is higher as each day of my life advances.
So please, any more discussion you would like to have, please do, let's do it. Just in the morning.