posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 12:54 PM
Good day,
I've finally tired of lurking and have decided to join the fray here on ATS.
A quick bit about myself...
I'm recently seperated from the military due to personal misgivings I have with the entire military-industrial complex. When I was young and ignorant
I could turn my eyes away and hide from the truth.. the truth that what I had believed in was a dream and not the reality I lived. Age and experience
sometimes yield wisdom.
Additionally, my former conviction to Christianity has been greatly challenged by some of life's harder lessons, helping me to discover that I was
blindly following something I had assumed was right. Now I've learned to question those assumptions, and that leaps of blind faith are simply leaping
blindly for no reason.
So in short, the lifting of the veils of patriotism and organized religion has vastly opened my eyes to a much darker, visceral, and dynamic world. I
look forward to what discussions lie ahead, whether I agree with you or not, and vice versa.