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Wikileaks' Julian Assange to be extradited to Sweden

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posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by Majestic RNA

It's not the sweden part that worries me. If the US puts its stinky fingers on the issue we might have to take some pointers from Egypt and related places where they know how to deal with corrupt governments

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by FoxfilesMulder

UMS He did not come to the UK from Rome, he came from Sweden, big difference there dont you think!
No he not a false prophet either

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by Laurauk
reply to post by KingAMARU

But under European Law no,European Country can extradite him, if he is under a European Arrest Warrant until his case has been went to trial and the veridct given. It would be an infringment of his rights under the charter. But you know exactly what will happen. They will turn a blind eye as per usual, anything to please thier masters in the US.

Yeah agreed Laurauk, Maybe i've just been viewing conspiracy forums for too long, but I seriously believe that if they want something/one so bad, they will most definitely get him.
If he is what he says he is, then my thoughts are with him as he must of known of the possible implications of what he was getting into.

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by FoxfilesMulder

your view of the 'seven' could be put to many possible outcomes. the seven as i am led to understand are the seven hills of rome. the antidude could very well be italy's very own premier entertainer come prime minister ______ __________ u fill in the blanks.

slightly off topic. got me wondering as to how many 'leaders/ex-leaders' are now inundating the tv networks discreetly requesting all footage of themselves hugging and a kissing and a shaking with gaddafi be destroyed?

edit on 25-2-2011 by fakedirt because: i wonder

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by woogleuk

This is why I think it's going to get interesting, IF the password exists, or should I say IF the insurance file contains what is claimed, then his extradition to Sweden is the first step to all that juicy info we have all waited so long for.

There is no doubt in my mind that the moment he sets foot on Swedish soil the extradition request from the States will be getting faxed through.

Hmmmm well I am still waiting for Gary McKinnon to complete his extradition... been what, 9 years now? Hope they speed this one up a little.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 01:51 AM
will some one just assasinate him already? hima and all those other wikileakers

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 02:01 AM
You and what army? Bring it on

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by mindfreak21
will some one just assasinate him already? hima and all those other wikileakers

My predictions is you will not last long here..
Lets see if my leak is correct..

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 04:13 AM
Prefaced by me saying that I have not done extensive reading on the sexual misconduct complaints against him...I know some but not all of the details...I think people too readily dismiss the allegations.

It is pretty common for powerful men, men with celebrity, or men with great egos...all of which could describe Julian Assange at the become sexually aggressive, or abusive, with staff, supporters, fans, etc. This, after all, is where the whole idea of workplace sexual harassment came from.

The two women involved were supporters, as I recall, who came to hear him speak and later consented to sleeping with him. Afterwards (allegedly) Mr. Assange took additional liberties that were not consented to (allegedly).

If we stripped away the fact that he also happens to be front page news right now as a guy who is under investigation by various Governments around the world (led by the U.S.), the scenario surrounding the sexual complaints would not seem all that far fetched.

Just because he is seen by many as some kind of hero for his Wikileaks activities certainly does not give him free reign to prey on women, IMO. And it is pretty convenient for him, don't you think, to be able to mount (as part of his defense against rape allegations) that he is being persecuted by the American Government...even though it is Sweden who wants to extradite him.

(alleged) Sexual assault allegations against a person have nothing to do with whatever other (alleged) criminal activities they are involved in...and the fact that you are being investigated for two types of crime at the same time does not make you less of a criminal suspect...which seems to be part of his argument.

Assange seems to think that people will believe that the investigation against his Wikileaks activities somehow invalidates the criminal complaint against him for rape...huh?

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 05:16 AM
As I have stated before it's not the rape charge part that worries me. Even if it were true. Wikileaks is not just JA. Even if he committed a crime on his personal time I don't see how that affects the movement. If the US starts to move in for extradition then shtf.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by Majestic RNA
I'm really pissed off about this, if he get's prosecuted over in Sweden on these trumped up charges, then in turn get's extradited to the US we should be all rioting in the streets regardless of what the insurance file holds!

It's a blatant misuse of power to gag the man....

Well, considering the judiciary of Sweden is independent I would see proper process being applied to ascertain his guilt or innocence. Within the court system there will be reporting and thus transparency. We, the public will be able to hear what is being said. We will be able to hear all the evidence and the grubby detail. If Assange is clean then he's alright. If he's not then he needs to face justice for his participation in rape.

This may help in becoming informed.. Link to UK Gov info

There is scope for too much conspiracy here and people making things up because they want to believe Assange is being targeted. Too much convenience in that. The judiciary in the UK is free from political involvement and therefore the judgement made was proper.

Perhaps Mr Assange has got something to hide and just because he is seen by some to be some saviour for what he has done does not that mean he has something to answer for.

Assange’s defence is guilty of misinformation. The same type of double dealing which he is trying to expose. Methinks he protests too much


posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by paraphi

Oh come on now. Do you really think, no political unfluences are ever pressed upon judges in the Judicary system in the UK>?

You have to be really joking. It has been know for governments to have thier dirty fingers all over cases which have been proven as false in later years.

To say the judicary system in the UK, is free from political influence, is misleading to say the least.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by Laurauk
reply to post by paraphi

Oh come on now. Do you really think, no political unfluences are ever pressed upon judges in the Judicary system in the UK>?

Er, yes I do. The British judicial system is free from political interference and is independent. That is how it is set up and that is how it works. I appreciate that it is trendy to mistrust everything within any system of authority, often a mistrust based a person's worldview rather than on facts and reality.

The UK judicial system often confounds and goes against Government and politicians. You need to appreciate that in the UK there are clear separations between the Executive, the Legislator and the Judiciary, as is broadly the case in all liberal democracies, including Sweden.


posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by paraphi

A good example there is the MP expense scandal, they are getting jailed left, right and centre for their fraud, no political pressure on the courts there.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 08:26 AM
If he has done nothing wrong in Sweden, then I hope he returns and gets it over with.
If he's done nothing wrong, then he has nothing to fear.
The same with America. If he's done nothing wrong as he often states, then he has nothing to fear.
It doesn't help his cause that he seems to thrive on all the attention he's getting.
And it's not helping Wikileaks cause from what I can see.

If the guy was really serious, he would've at least had a trusted girlfriend somewhere to take care of his "needs".
He said himself that he was warned about "honey traps" yet the guy had sex with women he didn't know.
I don't think the guy is the full dollar.
Which is a huge problem for his long term credibility. IMO

I was a supporter originally but there is something not quite right.......

edit on 26-2-2011 by Flighty because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 08:35 AM
It's not the rape issue that he is trying to avoid. He is trying to avoid extradition to the US. And no he has not broken any US laws but that doesn't matter. If necessary they will change the laws after the fact.

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by paraphi

Originally posted by Majestic RNA
I'm really pissed off about this, if he get's prosecuted over in Sweden on these trumped up charges, then in turn get's extradited to the US we should be all rioting in the streets regardless of what the insurance file holds!

It's a blatant misuse of power to gag the man....

Well, considering the judiciary of Sweden is independent I would see proper process being applied to ascertain his guilt or innocence. Within the court system there will be reporting and thus transparency. We, the public will be able to hear what is being said. We will be able to hear all the evidence and the grubby detail. If Assange is clean then he's alright. If he's not then he needs to face justice for his participation in rape.

This may help in becoming informed.. Link to UK Gov info

There is scope for too much conspiracy here and people making things up because they want to believe Assange is being targeted. Too much convenience in that. The judiciary in the UK is free from political involvement and therefore the judgement made was proper.

Perhaps Mr Assange has got something to hide and just because he is seen by some to be some saviour for what he has done does not that mean he has something to answer for.

Assange’s defence is guilty of misinformation. The same type of double dealing which he is trying to expose. Methinks he protests too much


I know I quoted it all, but i do think this is a really pertinent post. It is imperative he face the charges IMO, whenever a charge as serious as rape is leveled and a public prosecutor decides there is enough evidence/reason for trial it must be done.

In this case there is the 'celebrity' nature of the accused and the conspiracy arguments in light of his having right royally pissed off the US government and the argument they want retribution: this is logical that people will make this assumption.

The Swedes are a fair nation from my experience of them and the trial will be heard according to their law. The time for conspiracies comes right at the moment that the US makes an application for extradition for an Australian national who has committed no crime based on US and Australian law. Publishing secret documents is not a crime, stealing them is. From all appearances JA has NOT stolen anything just published top secret and secret docs. On this basis the US would have no right or reason to petition for his release to their custody irrespective of the outcome of the Swedish trial. Furthermore my understanding of things is that JA if found guilty would be free to transfer to a penal institution in his own nation anyway to serve his sentence.

Ultimately JA has his 'password' and the bank docs left in his armoury as far as we know about Wikileaks. In his trial he will need neither, just the truth and a decent barrister who understands the Swedish interpretation of consensual sex with or without Durex. If found innocent you can bet he will use the media platform to release the bank docs... (Whether we will want to see them if the middle east goes bang and oil hits $200 a barrel is another matter - there may be bigger fish to fry come the day of the bank disclosure)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 09:01 AM
Whats gun control like in Sweden? Would it be easier to have him assasinated there? It wouldn't be easy in the UK due to our tight gun control, nobody would be getting in to the country with a firearm, and anyone from abroad would have a hard time buying one on the street.

I'm not saying thats what might happen, but thats what he might be thinking on top of being extradited. Just throwing the thought out there.............
edit on 26/2/11 by woogleuk because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by woogleuk
Whats gun control like in Sweden? Would it be easier to have him assasinated there? It wouldn't be easy in the UK due to our tight gun control, nobody would be getting in to the country with a firearm, and anyone from abroad would have a hard time buying one on the street.

I'm not saying thats what might happen, but thats what he might be thinking on top of being extradited. Just throwing the thought out there.............
edit on 26/2/11 by woogleuk because: (no reason given)

Gun control for the general populace is the same as UK, licences for hunting etc. there are very few hand guns available on the black market, but they are available. If the US government wanted to take him down it would be easy to get a gun into any country using a diplomatic bag which is sacrosanct and cannot be searched and giving it to whoever they want to do the deed. The other thing about Sweden is the ENORMOUS borders they have it would be easy to bring one in from:

Estonia,latvia,lithuania,russia,poland,germany and denmark over water.

Norway and Finland by land.

Also hundreds of kilometres of shoreline make a little boat trip easy peasy. Having driven it from the UK several times there is never a border check apart from leaving the UK and there is a big tollbridge from Denmark to Sweden (11 miles or so) where no passport is ever checked. But look above - Estonia, Lithuania, Russia... guns probably a bit easier to come by in those countries...

posted on Feb, 26 2011 @ 09:28 AM
If somebody came into the UK under the diplomatic channels and JA was assasinated whilst they were in the country there would be hell to pay, the UK government may have issues, but they wouldn't condone that kind of carry on on its soil for any country.

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