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Mass Abduction In California December 1992

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posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 01:36 AM
Does anyone have any more information about this case?

All I can find is Dale Musser's article here.

This is of particular interest to me.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by inomztietuseoe

I don't believe in alien abductions in the majority anyway to be perfectly honest with you however I'll have to apologise as I don't find anything really believable or credible in the linked article.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 02:46 AM
This seems like a very interesting case, and it does appear to be real. Here are some related links with more info:

The last link states:

At a meeting on December 10, the audience questioned the abductees about their experience and although uncomfortable, (feeling they should not talk about their experience), were able to share to some extent. Some of the abductees would not reappear for the final questioning at the meeting. This meeting was video taped.
Though I suspect it will be hard to find that video.

EDIT: It's amazing also that there hasn't been a thread on this yet. Nice find OP!

edit on 24-2-2011 by WhizPhiz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 03:09 AM
It turns out that Derrel Sims is an ex-CIA operative. People postulate he was involved with the MK ULTRA mind control program, and that's why he's so effective at installing hypnotic suggestions and the such. This case really is quite intriguing, I think something like this needs to be done again.

edit on 24-2-2011 by WhizPhiz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 03:33 AM
Here is a video of Derrel Sims giving a very interesting presentation concerning his life and his work:

The video description has some good information:

Though known for animated presentations laced with homespun humor, UFO researcher Derrel Sims has a serious message: some aliens are deceptive, and in pursuit of their own agenda with little regard for human casualties. In 1994, a journalist dubbed the controversial Texan the Alien Hunter, a name that aptly characterizes Sims pro-active approach.

Sims dates his interest in UFOs from his first encounter with aliens when he was four years old. He credits his fully-conscious recall of numerous abduction events with providing his initial clues to the nature of the phenomenon, though his own visitations ended violently at age 17. From 1968-71, Sims served in the army as a Senior Military Police Officer and in a top-secret capacity with the CIA. A dispute over his refusal to conceal his religious faith from the civilian population resulted in a congressional investigation. According to Sims, The CIA and I did not part on good terms, and he refers to the incident to refute allegations that he is still working for the intelligence community.

He married his high school sweetheart, Doris, in 1970, and settled in Houston, Texas, where they both trained in a variety of therapeutic disciplines. Sims received certifications as a Hypnotherapist, a Master Hypnotist, a Medical Hypnotherapist, a Hypno-anesthesia Therapist and a Master Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming. Sims was also licensed as a private investigator, and continued to hone skills that he would use in his pursuit of the elusive alien predator.

When Sims came to believe that his own 5-year-old son was a victim of alien abduction, his alien hunt began in earnest. He formed Saber Enterprises, and began counseling alleged alien experiencers free of charge, while at the same time gathering physical evidence of their experiences. He became Chief of Abduction Investigations for the Houston UFO Network, and while heading the HUFON support group, claimed to initiate alien contact through the use of hypnotic suggestions inserted into a volunteers subconscious. The purported result was a spectacular double mass abduction in December of 1992, involving 7 individuals in two states, and offering numerous points of verification.

By 1995, Sims had collected an assortment of artifacts, either expelled naturally from the body or from previous surgeries, which he suspected were of extraterrestrial origin. He orchestrated the first public removal of alleged alien implants in Camarillo, California, with two surgeries, and then three more in 1996. Test results from Los Alamos Laboratory and New Mexico Institute of Technology revealed some of the objects to be meteoric in origin with unusual elemental composition. Sims emphasizes that additional testing is still needed, and has stated unequivocally that though the purpose and function of the implants remains unknown, theyre not tracking devices.

Sims also discovered the phenomenon of fluorescence on experiencers. In some cases, a black light shined on the skin following an abduction reveals subdermal traces, usually of brilliant green and occasionally forming specific patterns, which Sims speculates could be a kind of alien secretion.

In 1994, Sims addressed an American Medical Association Conference on The Medical Complications of Alleged Human/Alien Contact. As part of his continuing work to refine methodology among mental health practitioners dealing with abductees, he accepted an invitation to join PARSEC, a European organization of medical professionals. Sims relies on a Dream Team of international consultants from a variety of academic, medical, and scientific disciplines to assist him in his on-going research. His contributions to ufology are featured in exhibits in the UFO Museum in Hakui, Japan, and the Roswell UFO Museum in New Mexico. He is a member of the International Association of Counselors & Therapists, and the National Board for Hypnotherapy & Hypnotic Anesthesiology.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 03:36 AM
Concerning Sim's time in the CIA, this page has the following info:

He has said he was training to be a military policeman in 1968 when the CIA recruited him and sent him to work in covert operations. It had something to do with raising lions and tigers, people recall, but Sims was vague about it and his military record only shows that he was an MP for three years of no particular distinction.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 04:25 AM
I just sent an email to our friend Dr. Sims requesting more information about this investigation. This seems to be his official website:

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 04:25 AM
Damn double post!
edit on 24-2-2011 by WhizPhiz because: (no reason given)

EDIT: Come on people, show some interest. This is a fascinating case IMO!
edit on 24-2-2011 by WhizPhiz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by WhizPhiz

i wil lol but let me read up on it first.. i keep trying to read the links, but my mind keeps wondering and i have to re-read over and over..ill go and have a bath and try reading it all again.

After we have finished our house moving in a few weeks, i'm going to order his books.

edit on 24/2/11 by Whateva69 because: I wanted to

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by inomztietuseoe

phew...So much to read and take in. my stupid brain didnt want to read it. anyway i think you have to buy his books and other video's from his online store.
this is old though the vids are VHS lol might have to find an updated store.
video's n books
there pretty cheap too. cost of materials and postage id say.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by Whateva69

Oh well, I'll wait to see if he emails me any juicy details, I never buy anything conspiracy related. It's just a rule I live by. Knowledge should be free.

edit on 24-2-2011 by WhizPhiz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by WhizPhiz

oh his books are cheap $20 each. i doubt he would make much profit.
some people pay more than that on tv mags for a week.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 06:42 AM
i just had a look to see if he was on th elist of presenters at the 2011 National UFO Congress that ScepticOverlord went to. but his name isnt on the list, maybe he might be there though. ask Sceptic to find out anything about the follow up.

edit on 24/2/11 by Whateva69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 11:18 AM
If you think Richard Boylan's opinion is worth anything, then take a look at this 'Good, Bad and Ugly' list of his.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of the UFO Scene

Derrell Sims is listed as a bad guy. By that, Boylan means:-

BAD GUYS/WOMEN: (Bad=harms UFO truth - a partial list)

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by Death_Kron

That's what I would normally think too. I posted tis in the hope that someone could point me towards evidence.

reply to post by WhizPhiz

Just before losing consciousness, she uttered the installed "magic words"…"We know what you’re doing…We know about…." (words not included here as this case continues to be under investigation). This statement seemed to evoke a reaction on the part of the aliens and appears to have predicated the events that follow.

I wonder what the "magic words" are. Mass harvest?

By 1995, Sims had collected an assortment of artifacts, either expelled naturally from the body or from previous surgeries, which he suspected were of extraterrestrial origin.

Sunds like we need to get Dr. Sims and Dr. Lier together and have them compare notes.

Sims also discovered the phenomenon of fluorescence on experiencers. In some cases, a black light shined on the skin following an abduction reveals subdermal traces, usually of brilliant green and occasionally forming specific patterns, which Sims speculates could be a kind of alien secretion.

Doesn't this sound a lot like the stuff found on this woman?

Excellent links! Thank you very much! Perhaps you'll be able to find that video. Good luck!
edit on 24-2-2011 by inomztietuseoe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2011 @ 10:34 AM
Not to seem incredibly narcissistic, but should I find it interesting that half of the reported abductions occured ridiculously near the time and place of my conception?


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