Terror in the skys, Again?
You are about to read an account of what happened during a domestic flight that one of our writers, Annie Jacobsen, took from Detroit to Los Angeles.
The WWS Editorial Team debated long and hard about how to handle this information and ultimately we decided it was something that should be
Last Christmas, I had to go back to Australia from Holland due to an illness in the family. Because the cost of a flight in December was very high, I
had to take the long way. So I was forced to book a 36 hour flight from Amsterdam to Chicago, then LA, Sydney, and finally Melbourne.
I think most of us can remember all the terror alerts that were released the week before Christmas. I remember it very well, as I had arrived at LA
International airport right on Christmas Eve.
Before we touched down, the pilot made an announcement that if family or friends were going to pick any of us up, they weren't going to be there.
After hearing this, I really started to panic and thought that this was most unusual.
When I arrived, I checked the internet and all the terror alerts were splashed across most pages. Knowing this, I wondered whether or not I was going
to arrive safely. When it really came down to it, I knew I still had about 14 hours left to get to Australia. So I figured that if anything were to
happen, there wasn't anything that I could do about it.
Getting back to the above article, I was surprised at the writer's observation of security protocols. My experience of security at LAX and Chicago
contradicted this. I waited hours in Chicago where they went through everybodies stuff, including mine. I had my shoes off, the whole deal.
She claimed that security didn't thoroughly check the belongings of those men on her flight. Is there no continuity when it comes to security
It seemed good for my flight, but not for hers?
We often read about extra security being enforced, extra money being spent. But are we really seeing it happen? Or is it all just an illusion?
I think it might just be an illusion.
[edit on 16-7-2004 by dolphinguy2004]