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Wisconsin Be Proud of your Governer

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posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 06:50 AM
As a person who lives in Minnesota i have made a lot of jokes at the expense of Wisconsin, (how can you not), but i have to admit a bit of jealousy this morning. The Governer of Wisconson Scott Walker is doing what he feels is correct for his state, this is not a post on if its right or wrong, this is about making a stand for what you believe. The people of Wisconsin voted for a man who said he was going to do what he is doing, doing what he said he was going to do, how noval in this age of lies and deceat to find a person who will make a stand for principle. We elect people who say one thing and do another all the time, and give them a pass when they compramise on their so called core principles, here we have a person who was elected on this platform, and he is not wavering in the face of massive preasure. Years ago these people were simply called adults, yet now its almost viewed as extraordinary to stand for ones ideals, if you are right or left, to stand in a room of people telling you that you are wrong, and to say no, I Am Not, and not waver is the measure of a man. I would take 1 man like scott walker rather then 100 Mark Daytons, or 100 Tim Pawlentys, (my last 2 Governers), you know what he believes, wheather right or left i dont care, nor should you, doing just what he said he would do. Wisconsin be Proud of your Governer.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 07:22 AM
He is the next patriot in this battle to defeat the corrupt Democratic Party and it's buddies the Labor Unions.

They were given (or took) enough rope that eventually it will end up hanging them.

Greed. Greed and Shady Politics will be on thier tombstone......

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 09:18 AM
Doing what is correct by fabricating a crisis through tax cuts? Doing what is right by using the crisis to "shock" the system with attacks on organized labor?

The public sector unions make up more than 50% of unionized labor in this country. If the public unions go, say good by to the pathetic amount of private sector unions.

Also, this is all about the Koch brothers. They bought this governor and they want to sound the death knell of the middle class in this country.

Edit: Here comes your "austerity" (read as "thirdworldification")....really, really tiny group of 1st class citizens....REALLY, REALLY large underclass of working poor. At least we'll have wars and private prisons to cut down on the destitute, indigent and itinerant classes.
edit on 23-2-2011 by Sphota because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 09:26 AM
So doing what he said is bad, the people voted for him? As far as being bought by the Koch you feel the same about Obama and Soros?

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