Big businesses run the world, after all the US government is a business, run by businessmen & women along with lawyers that help to justify the
dealing of those business types. The citizens pay for everything that these people do or want to do. From the military complex to big pharma they pass
the bill to the people. the US is an oil nation, everything runs on oil so the big oil companys pay lobbyists to go to DC and visit the elected
politicans in order to get favors to keep doing what they want to do. Oil drilling must be done to continue to stock the supplys as well as the
pockets of those involved. Free energy like the kind Tesla invented is a dirty word in their world. There are no profits from providing the technology
to produce free sources of energy so this technology must be suppressed at all costs. The drug companys make their profits by keeping the sick, sick.
or at least addicted to their medicines if the drug companys are to keep making profits. There would be no benefit to allowing the citizens to grow
lets say marijuana in order to self medicate theirselves. It has been proven in studys that the plant can be used for medical purposes however, the
big pharma complex does not want this to happen. The government as we all know bailed out the top companys in the US that were either directly or
indirectly responsible for the economic mess we are in. Giving money to the citizens is a way to stimulate the economy, afterall no one can argue that
giving the citizens money instead of corporations would boost the economy. If the citizens get a bailout instead of corporations then the people are
the ones who can turn around and spend that money on items they need or want. What benefit to the economy is there when the corporations turn around
and pay their CEOs, COOs and others bonuses? Those people are not hurting in the same manner as is the citizens so it makes little sense in economic
terms to keep feeding the sharks. However the people that voted for what they were told was "change" got none of it. The only change was at the top
with many policys the people were tired of, still being used to this very day. The unemplyment rate shows that 4 million people are currently out of
work. Yet many of the top wealthist people in the US are getting richer. Primarily from the bailouts and the help readily availible to businesses but
when the citizens needs help, the paperwork and red tape turn many off and they simply go away. Which is exactly what the elite wants. The laws of the
land are being passed almost monthly and many are working against the average citizen either by restricting their rights, freedoms and or movements in
transportation making it nearly impossible for people to get back on their feet so to speak and then try and regain a foothold on their nation by
using the system that no longer works in their favor.
The system which was once screwed up but still worked for the citizen now almost works totally against them in terms of laws passed under the giuse of
freedom and protection which do neither. The US is not under any threat greater today than she was 10 years ago from any international terrorists
group or other source. The US is however under threat from the very ones elected by the people to protect them and make their lives better. We all
have seen the violence in Arizona along with the many reported threats to varying politicans in recent years. This should be an indicator as to the
attitude of the nation to those in charge. But to the contrary, those in power have insulated themselves with laws that protect them against the
madness they have caused by their own actions. Promises made to the people can only go unfullfilled for so long before the people begin to seek relief
the best way they can. Afterall, the people cannot call up the NSA or the CIA to work for them, but those in power can. and do. The government actions
against it's own citizens in Waco was the turning point for many. One of them was Timothy McVeigh who took matters into his own hands and blew up the
Murrah Federal Building in OKC. Agree with them or not about their religion, Waco should have never happened the way it did. Even the Sheriff of the
county there stated he never had a problem with David Koresh, afterall he talked to him on many instances and was let in whenever he visted the
compound. While Tim McVeigh's actions are deplorable and wrong, I understand why he did what he did.
The people in the US are lazy, there is no doubt about it. They have become accustomed to getting what they want, when they want it and how they want
it. Business has catered to this for what I think is a mind control aspect. Give them what they want and you have them eating out of your hand. Do
this for years and one day, they will do whatever you wish them to do. or, accept whatever you tell them without question. This is exactly what is
going on today. Many get their news from mainstream media without asking questions when the news makes no sense. And not looking into the deeper side
of the story. One story that comes to mind is the case of Vince Foster. He didn't commit suicide. He was murdered. The gun found obviously placed in
his right hand had no prints on it, not even Mr. Foster's. His body showed no signs of lividity. His shirt did not show signs of blood until his body
was moved and the shirt was removed for autopsy later. This was a clear case of murder yet the establishment covered it up. They told the people what
they wanted and the people fell for it. The evidence or rather the lack of in his case points elsewhere then suicide. The people of the United States
needs to wake up and get out of their freedom induced coma and begin to seek the answers for their questions. Whatever they may be. Many citizens are
looking for help with jobs but no help is on the way from Big Fed. They were promised help but got the shaft. Many people who are working currently
are struggling badly to pay the bills and maintain a dignified lifestyle. But businesses have either been forced to cut back on wages as some people
have been forced to take a pay cut or their benefits have been discontinued altogether. The people continue to struggle.
I firmly believe the plan is to keep the people down and out for a period of time then hit them with another event like 911. This will create
widespread panic & chaos among the average sheeple enough to institute curfews and marshal law. Prices will go up in food staples and the cost of fuel
will skyrocket to the point where it will be rationed. With only the elite being able to purchase the amount they want to. The average citizen will be
forced to rpove where they work and after a calculation of distance from their home to their job, they will only be able to buy that amount of fuel.
It could be possible that those who work some distance away from their home wouldn't be allowed to buy any or enough to make it an entire work week.
Another very realistic scenario is that the dollar is replaced with another form of currency as the International Monetary Fund recently suggested.
The "Banco" was reccommended to replace the dollar as the world's currency. Also recently, China, Russia and France held a secret meeting to talk
about using their own money and not accept the dollar. China has been steadiliy unloading their investment sin the dollar but slowly as to not create
a panic situation. Should the dollar be replaced the lifestyle all Americans enjoy now and have enjoyed for decades would change in ways many cannot
imagine at all.bread would be upwards of $15 a loaf, fuel would at $10 a gallon and so on. The US is currently printing money to pay off a select
number of debts to other countrys, Greece did this and we all remember how it placed the greek currency at a value of .02%.
The US is also vulnerable from threats to it's very existance by countrys such as North Korea, Israel and others. The US has the very real chance of
being pulled into a confrontation that could end up with China and or Russia getting involved. Should one of these countrys get involved there are
many variances that can play out and things to consider. Both countrys have citizens here in the US who are loyal to their homelands. Many who are no
dount, spys operating under cover as the US does routinely around the world. One example is Raymond Davis who was working under cover as a diplomat
then got caught and was revealed to be a CIA operator working with TF-373. There are also many individuals and groups inside the US who long for this
type of conflict in order to get their own agenda rolling. Right now, America is prime pickings for any country to take advantage of despite what the
military states otherwise. The US needs to get it's own house in order and take care of its people to ensure that it's people will take care of it
when the time comes. At the current rate we are travelling, it'll be sooner than later. The people mak eup the nature and spirit of a nation. Ours was
once the leader in manufactering, invention and makers of great things for thre world. Businesses have sold out and shipped off our best and most
prized aspects so that they can pay some third world peasent a measly wage in order to profit from misery. The people of the US were displaced and
forced to look for work elsewhere because of what amounts to the greed of those in business. some may say that was good business to do that, tell that
to the family who struggle and are forced to watch their 3 year old son go to bed hungry then wake up hungry the next morning. The US has sold it's
soul but the people have the spirit that once made this nation great. Its time for them to stand up and make it known that they will not be kept down,
used as a bargin chip, exploited by companys & industries any longer. Wake up people before the day arrives when you can't.
edit on 2/22/2011
by Humint1 because: title