reply to post by mnemeth1
it's nice to hear someone else with this most basic of truths.
i look into the pits of heck directly. i want to know the utmost of truths. all truths. you might think that learning about how messed up the world is
would make me violent. or quick to hurt those at fault. and it's not unfounded.
sometimes when kids are dumbed down their whole life with disney, violence in the media, and religion they hear how cold and calculated the world
really is, and they go psycho. it's a sickness of a system built on lies. and people separated from everything. to open your eyes to sunlight after
being in a cave your whole life is earth-shattering. i personally won't even attempt to awaken over middle-age people or people with low iqs.
unless you witness the depths of human depravity, you can't begin to fix it. i looked in myself, and in everyone else. i studied 9-11, chemtrails,
sovereign citizenship and the routing of our rights, slavery, population reduction, every war america joined being a lie, the disease of religion, the
stripping of our love, the causes of poverty, the separation of us from nature, control, murder, hate, police state, bloodlines, subversion,
suppression, subjugation, free energy being kept from us, space being kept from us, the destruction of our planet, the falseness of money, false
flags. and probably a thousand other things i can't think of right now. i gaze hard into the very pits.
so why am i the most peaceful person i know? literally. i go around in life eliminating the confusion caused by dualism used against us. everyone i
know, literally, is full of duality and confusion, and they're very quick to engage in drama or negativity. yet here i am in heaven.
you should read the art of war.
the art of war is based on deception. the art of war is the art of advantage. thus, deception is advantage.
this is divide and conquer and it's been going on for thousands of years.