Ok so one definite reason why the current systems of governance including democracy and european governance and even UN governance need to be
I heard on TV that even if Gaddafi manages to win the revolution he would be sanctioned by the UN, but these sanctions won't affect him. Not even
just a bit.
Because all the sanctions will be payed by the people who fought and whose friends and relatives died trying to win their liberty but failed thus
being further punished by the UN.
Do you think this is right? Do you think that this is the way it should be?
I say, to hell with all the forms of globalization where people have nothing to say. To hell with the United nations and with the European Union and
to hell with all governments!
Its a known fact that if China, Iran, Luxemburg or even Haiti wants American $$$... just start and declare a small war, and then surrender...and give
them $$$ to rebuild because of it. They know this.
Watch: Peter Sellers "The Mouse that Roared" about a tiny country needing $$$ so they could "surrender" to us and then get $$$ from the winner of
the "war": US. Or read the book.