first off, go me for finally getting 20 posts !
Anyways, me and 3 of my friends have been living in a duplex together for the past three months, and we've noticed a few weird things going on. One
of my roommates thinks we're paranoid but the rest of us think we have a spirit of some sort 'living' with us. As I said we live in a duplex, and
I'm really curious as to if the neighbors have noticed anything, but the neighbors happen to be 10 people from Asia, and as far as i know they don't
speak a lick of English, or at least they have no interest in returning our "hello's". No idea how they manage to fit everyone in there, but
whatever works I suppose (Its exactly like ours, 4 bed 2 bath). I'll list the experiences we've had and try to list approximately when they
happened. I'll only list the things I was actually there for.
1- happened late October, before I had moved in (one of my roommates has been living here since last spring, I moved in November, when one guy was
kicked out for not paying bills, the other 2 moved in in December, because the old roommates where having a 2nd kid and needed more space). We were in
the backyard having a smoke inside the garage as to avoid snow (oh the joys of Saskatchewan in fall/winter...). It was snowing lightly, but there was
very little wind. We were all standing in the middle of the shed and one of the doors swung open by itself. As far as we could tell the wind was not
blowing hard enough to open the door, it is one of those old-school, small metal sheds.
2- Early November, about a week or two after we had moved in. Once it started getting colder out we decided we would just smoke at the back entrance
instead of actually going outside and freezing. There would often be half-finished cigarette butts sitting on the stove by the entrance, which is just
outside of the kitchen. I was going through the freezer and found an empty pack of cigarettes in the corner of the freezer, None of my roommates knew
why it was in there. A few days later i was looking in the freezer again and i found a half-finished smoke sitting beside our ice-cube tray. Again, no
one had any idea why it was there.
3- Early December. The 3 of us that weren't at work were sitting downstairs watching some TV. We were all noticing that it was cold inside.
Eventually we went to the thermostat to see what was up. Both the knobs on the thermostat were put all the way down. I KNOW none of my roommates would
turn the furnace off in the middle of December. It gets COLD out over here...
4- A little while after the new year, i cant really remember when... Anyways, all 4 us were home this time. We were all sitting downstairs again,
watching TV (god our lives are boring... lol). Out of no where we heard a little bump and some dishes tinking together from the kitchen upstairs. We
were all downstairs, and we didn't have any company over. We went upstairs to see what was up and, i know this is cliche, but the dishes were stacked
up on the stove kind of like an upside down Y, with a frying pan joining the 2 legs. When i grabbed the frying pan to move it all the plates fell from
on top of it.
5- Just a few weeks ago, early February I guess. I was upstairs in the kitchen making some toast. I heard a noise that sounded like it came from just
at the bottom of the stair case to the level my room is on. It's hard to say what it was, but the best way I can describe it is a kind of cross
between a poster falling off a wall, and a wer dog shaking itself dry, if that makes any sence at all. Like, a poster falling off of a wall but also
shaky-sounding. Really weird. Anyways, I was confused, and I'll admit i stood there for probably about 5 minutes before I moved just thinking "what
the f*ck was that...?". I went downstairs after finished my toast to see if anything had fallen off my walls or something (I like to keep my walls
decorated with posters and blankets), but nothing was out of place and nothing had fallen. I even checked the other bedroom on the floor of the house
but again, nothing out of place.
There were a few more incidents where my roommates have heard bumps or say things have fallen off of tables, etc. but seeing as I wasn't there I
can't say if it's true or not. So what do you think ATS, is my house haunted, or are we just paranoid ? I know most of these things could be
explained, but I can't see why anyone would turn off the furnace or put an half- cigarette in the freezer ? And if it is haunted, what do we do about
it ? If it is an entity or some kind, it doesn't seem angry or hostile, more so like it's just kinda messing with us. I often get the feeling I'm
being watched while im sitting alone in my room (like now, actually... trippy :puz
, but it's never something that worries me, or that I feel I need
to get away from. I had my heart set on trying to communicate with it using my blackberry as a recorder, but when I actually went to do it I got bad
vibes and decided against it. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable on this subject than me can tell me what exactly this might be ?
Thanks for your time all,