posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 11:39 PM
It could happen. There could be some kind of re-solidification of cold-war-like power blocks, mutually antagonistic. "Ocenana, Eastasia, and
Eurasia," perhaps? These could carry on low- or high-intensity conflict at any level up to and including world war.
But although I acknowledge this is possible (after all, the cold war was very profitable for many decades, and relatively stable in many ways), I tend
not to think along these lines. I see a more medieval situation taking shape...on one hand, you will have entrenchment around smaller localities, more
people "holing up" and huddling back in the old city cores, where life is cheaper and more energy efficient in an era of entropy. With more local
consciousness, conflicts, too, are apt to be more local and low-intensity. But the weird thing is this: Conversely, at the same time, you will have
these huge. shifting virtual communities of like-minded individuals accessing each other across the globe over more and more sophisticated networks,
erasing boundries...and perhaps creating new ones? It seems like the communication/information capabilities are so amazing, and yet at the same time
the physical outer reality is set for decay and collapse. I don't know where all this is heading, please clue me in if you do...