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US Gov't caught with their pants down three times over the past week!

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posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 02:52 PM
Over the past week or so, the U.S. Gov't has been caught with its pants down in a few instances and have been red faced trying to explain themselves. I have put this in the conspiracy theories forum because these revelations have involved conspiracies that often go ridiculed by most citizens. Those being:

1. The U.S. Gov't using "plants" or "agents" on the internet in order to sway opinion and create discourse among posters, commenters, and bloggers. In this case, they aren't even real people! Maybe this is a way to save money. One person can get paid but be responsible for a myriad of online fake personas.
The Raw Story

Revealed: Air Force ordered software to manage army of fake virtual people

Related ATS Thread with little activity

2. The CIA uses "undercover agents" to commit assassinations creating discourse towards us in other countries

The Raw Story

Pakistan intelligence says US gunman is CIA

ISLAMABAD (AFP) – A Pakistani intelligence official said Monday that an American in custody for killing two men was an undercover CIA contractor, in remarks likely to inflame a crisis with the United States. Washington insists that Raymond Davis, who says he acted in self-defence, is a member of its Islamabad embassy's "administrative and technical staff" who has diplomatic immunity and should be released immediately.

There has been no ATS thread posted regarding this, as of yet, which surprised me.

3. The U.S. Gov't traffics drugs and weapons into other countries thereby fueling the war on drugs.

The Raw Story

Argentina claims it seized weapons, drugs onboard US Air Force cargo plane

Related ATS Thread with little activity

4. Man accosted, thrown in jail for silently protesting during Hillary Clinton's speech regarding the importance of government allowing their citizens freedom of speech and expression (Not so much a conspiracy as it is a travesty that has gone over looked)

Raw Story

Former CIA analyst accosted during Clinton speech about tolerating free expression

My ATS thread with little activity

Let's not forget the uprising in the Middle East that have a lot to do with the citizens fed up with being ruled by US Supported dictators and US cables released by Wikileaks.

What amazes me is the complete lack of coverage by media outlets AS WELL AS a general disinterest on ATS regarding all of these topics. Case in point, you can see the related threads have not had much discussion nor have they been flagged. Yet the polarizing threads like minorities working in the gov't, smoking parents, and camera flares that look like apocalyptic omens get the most attention. What is it about us that makes us ignore that stories that have a strong potential to unite us all together AGAINST our corrupted gov't?

Something is happening across the world. The US is being exposed, all at once, for what it is and has been for the past few decades. What are you thoughts regarding all this?

edit on 21-2-2011 by nunya13 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-2-2011 by nunya13 because: Edits: add content after accidental post; make post look prettier

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 03:32 PM
Just a little bump because of my goof up on posting this prematurely (to say the least!)

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 04:02 PM
S&F makes ya wonder doesn't it.......
I thought only the Republicans did all of the bad stuff and yet this administration is raising the bar it seems on illict behavior. And, with the left leaning bias in the media, this won't be a big deal.......makes their boy look bad.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 04:26 PM

What amazes me is the complete lack of coverage by media outlets AS WELL AS a general disinterest on ATS regarding all of these topics. Case in point, you can see the related threads have not had much discussion nor have they been flagged. Yet the polarizing threads like minorities working in the gov't, smoking parents, and camera flares that look like apocalyptic omens get the most attention. What is it about us that makes us ignore that stories that have a strong potential to unite us all together AGAINST our corrupted gov't?

Something is happening across the world. The US is being exposed, all at once, for what it is and has been for the past few decades. What are you thoughts regarding all of this?

S&F Just for that. I'm really starting to get the feeling that this site and many others are just jokes. All they seem to be ( in a majority) are people who want to Seem like they are the smartest guy in the room and will yell and yell and tell you just as much. And Dad always told me If you truly are something then you do'nt have to tell people they will know.

I know a little about a few things and I came to this board trying to expand my mind and in the year I've been trolling and the month I v'e been posting the only Answer which I've found more of an epiphany actually is that I wish I was one of the "Sheep" as everyone would say instead of being caught somewhere in the middle. Defeatist ..yes. However I am quickly coming to realize that we "enlightened" or knowledgeable ones are just as bad as they people we claim to want to educate ( if education is defined as making whomever believe exactly what I say regardless of truth because i say so and because everyone else is wrong).

9/11ers are a perfect example of this. Yeah we want the truth. NO you only want to hear that you are right be patted on the head given a cookie and told you are smarter than the others that you argue with mindlessly and relentlessly instead of trying to find some cohesion and gaining the truth , That I truly believe No one wants if you go by the words actuall definition..

ALL in all I think this we are all #ed. The "sheep" for not knowing/caring (which is probably better). And us for all being so god damn conceited and arrogant that its impossible for us to actually gel and rise up. Imagine I mean really imagine What would happen if we all worked together. Its #ing scary aned depressing Because its will never ever happen.

Here I stand , waiting for the barrage. # the armor cause attacking me will only prove my point , and more so I just do'nt give a #e anymore.
edit on 21/2/11 by TrowaBarton because: sentence structure

edit on 21/2/11 by TrowaBarton because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

This has nothing to do with left vs. right and what media outlet leans which way. If what you say is true then wouldn't you think Fox News would be all over this? But even Fox news is failing to cover any of this. Why? Because this has nothing to do with affiliation, and everything to do with the media failing to do its job to inform the public on the controversial and unconstitutional actions of our government.

These issues are non-partisan. These issues have nothing to do with left- vs right-wing. Nothing to do with Democrat vs. Republican, conservative vs. liberal, liberal media vs conservative media. These issues demonstrate the crimes of the US Gov't and the failure of the media to alert us to these revelations that serve to alert the American people to exactly what kind of Government we subject ourselves to. To what kind of Government we have that purports freedom and democracy while denying others, even their own citizens, of those values and even fueling wars in an effort to constantly have a boogey man to fight because it is when they give us a reason to fear someone else, that we let them take our freedoms away and put democracy on the back burner.

edit to add: I hope I didn't come off as confrontational. It's just that these practices have been going on regardless of whether we have a Republican or Democratic president. This is nothing new and exclusive to this administration.
edit on 21-2-2011 by nunya13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 04:38 PM
Only problem OP is that none of this is " new " news. Most people can reflect and remember the CIA drug trafficking of the 1980's. ( which btw, the former director of the CIA was Bush Sr., and that wasn't a coincidence. ) All of the Espionage with Escobar, his rise to fame and glory, only to meet his demise under the very people who gave him power.
Same with Saddam...many people don't know, but Saddam ( unless I misunderstood ) was painted as " allies " at one point in time, again, only to meet his fate. And for what? All for the dollar!

I'm with you though, as for some things making headlines, and others...well others not so much. And why is that? Why do so many people, jump on the bandwagon on one influential topic, and yet not realize that, that topic is only a minute ( mynute), piece of the puzzle.

I guess for some, any subject they feel passionate about, is a ' sore " spot, never fully realizing the bigger picture.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 05:14 PM
The problem is most people don't want ugly truth's, they want glorious revolutions and beautifully complex mysteries.

They get swept away with the landslide of emotion, sometimes to the point of self delusion.

Even most if not all people on here sometimes forget the idea and get distracted by the tragic romance of their own beliefs (I know I'm certainly guilty of this and I have on several occasions posted things that on reflection were dumb.)

I've heard it said that the most unpopular fortune teller is one that's always right no one wants to here that their life isn't going to be special, that they aren't going to meet that tall dark stranger.

People want to see the government as evil but only in a sanitized, romanticised way. Grand forces of light and dark, good and evil. When people envision government of corporate evil they want to imagine Lex Luthor not some dull 9-5 office type that after signing forms that condemn thousands to death of worse goes home to his family who he adores and who adore him.

The same is true with this news, most people here want grand schemes, Fema camps, mind control, shape shifting reptiles.
The truth is mean, ugly, painful and makes us all look bad, both as individuals and as a race.

Its easier to extinguish the light in ones own heart than try to face the darkness around you.
edit on 21-2-2011 by monkofmimir because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by monkofmimir

It seems you and others hold the same general opinon on this matter. So are we doomed to living with these controversies when we have a population who could care less about them and would rather know what evils a specific democrat/republican or even Lady Gaga is doing?

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by nunya13

Its not so much that I dont think. its just much like you said, there are SO many controversies that its hard for all of the citizenry to wrap their minds around it all. Not to mention many of whom, would prefer to stay in their happy little shell, as long as their little world isn't affected.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by nunya13

Friend we are a fringe of a fringe, we could kick up a fuss and scream and shout but we'd be drowned out by lady gaga's awful music. Even if you could get people to pay attention to this they would only use it to further their own views not to try to see the truth.

I believe that the true gift of humanity isn't opposable thumbs or higher intelligence. Its the ability to tell stories both to our selves and others. We understand everything in this world as stories both big and little but this comes at a cruel price, anything outside our stories is invisible to us, we can hear the words, sometimes we can grasp the meaning a little but true understanding eludes us.

The only way humanity can improve is to tell itself new stories but the ones most people have already been taught are too seductive for anything either one of us has to say to hit home.

Me, you anyone else who tries to think about the truth, were freaks, abnormalities somehow we learned different stories from everyone else...

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 06:08 PM
Oh I thought Clinton was president again.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by nunya13

I believe every single word of this and am so ashamed that these sinister bastards have been able to hijack our country. This is not America anymore. I DO believe that an overhaul, similar to that of the govts. of the M.E., of these agencies will occur thanks to the will of the American people.

We pride ourselves on being an example of democracy, fairness, and freedom and when the mirage fades to reveal what our name and reputation has become, thanks to those in power representing us, we will become the greatest generation once again. Thank god people are waking up.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 08:49 PM
All governments are evil. They are machines without a heart and brain.

That is why our government needs to be restricted in it's power and money to the constitution. The CIA has too much money on it's hands and the President has too many executive orders expanding his power beyond the constitution. We have become a freaking evil empire! We either reign it in or suffer even worse damage to ourselves and others.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 09:29 PM
The US Diplomat/Murder was (and is still being) covered on the BBC:

An interesting case that is for sure. Made even more interesting by the third killing of a pedestrian by additional US personnel running him over in their SUV as they came to the aid of their presumed colleague.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 06:20 AM
Since I am a youngen yet (under 20 posts) I was not able to start a thread on this but i did send a copy to a super mod here so this might start a thread if so feel free to delete. Interesting link sorry if off topic, but in my head it kinda fits....

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