posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by curious7
My right ear acts up when the beings are around. Its more like a vibration kind of thing. It feels like something is in it. Everytime I go to the
doctor, I complain about my ear! No, I dont tell him anything about Alien Issues. He always tells me that I have an ear infection.
I also have some vibration going on in other areas. I have also had somekind of static shock thing going on in my right hand. The right hand issue
happened yesterday.
How does a person go about even finding out if they have been implanted? Its not like you can go to a regular doctor and even talk about Alien Issue.
I have learned hard lessons just to not even talk about Alien Issues never in Public..but in my opinion, how can any of us solve this issue if no-one
is willing to say something.