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If the US started a revolution what would you be revolting against and would you take off work for a

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posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by xyankee
reply to post by whaaa

No! it is not a threat. If it was I would just let you know point blank. I am just referring to some of the liberal opinions you have posted on here, I am sure if mentioned outright in public, in that situation would not be in your best interest.

Even that sounds like a threat, though you say it isn't.

I see your point and perhaps you see mine. Liberal opinions won't be tolerated will they? Thanks for proving my point. Do you think people of liberal persuasion and people of color will the targeted, and by whom?
edit on 20-2-2011 by whaaa because: code lil bit

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by whaaa

I don't think it has any thing to do with color. I know you probably will think other wise but sincerely for the most part (I know I would not tolerate it) color makes no difference. I just think that a lot of people are fed up with the way things are going and there is no room for "takers" without everyone pulling there weight. Something has to give.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by whaaa

I am sorry if I am coming off that way. Another reason is that the only ones who will be really fired up will not be liberal. Most of the liberals will be running to hide, so you will probably be on the "wrong side of the tracks"

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by xyankee
reply to post by whaaa

I just think that a lot of people are fed up with the way things are going and there is no room for "takers" without everyone pulling there weight. Something has to give.

In your opinion, who are the takers? And what is going to "give" and who is going to "give" it.

That is precisely why I say there will not be a revolution but anarchy, race riots, large burning urban areas and the blood of innocents in the streets. It's just a matter of time isn't it!

posted by xyankee
Most of the liberals will be running to hide, so you will probably be on the "wrong side of the tracks"

yeah, we know who lives on the "wrong side of the tracks"....don't we?

edit on 20-2-2011 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:36 PM
Interesting question that the op posed.
What is proposed by the op, is a civil war. A revolution would be if individual states, decided to break away and become a country unto themselves. In either case, there has to be a reason for such, and for it to have the support of the people, it would require a very good reason. The original reasons for such would have to be where there can be no doubt, no question as to its validity. If those reasons for it are not to convince me that the reasons are justified, then I would either offer aid and comfort to those who are injured, or fight on the side of the government. However, if they are justified, then I will offer aid and comfort to those who are injured, and give my support towards those who are breaking away.
Civil wars are not nice affairs, they are messy, often breaking families apart, the clean up is a mess. There is always talk of armed rebellion/civil war against the government, yet no one who speaks of such, speaks of the aftermath, when all is said and done.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by whaaa

I think that if there is conflict between races it will be in the cities. Because you know and I know that the cities are full of "punks" of both color, who have no respect for them self let alone someone else. I think you have your mind made up that the whites hate blacks, when I see it that blacks hate whites more. I treat every one equil and make a opinion on the individuals personality. I treat them (anyone) the way they treat me.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by xyankee
reply to post by whaaa

I think that if there is conflict between races it will be in the cities. Because you know and I know that the cities are full of "punks" of both color, who have no respect for them self let alone someone else. I think you have your mind made up that the whites hate blacks, when I see it that blacks hate whites more. I treat every one equil and make a opinion on the individuals personality. I treat them (anyone) the way they treat me.

Don't try and BS me. You don't like liberals. You have already labeled me a "people like you" remember?

You have already classified me as being separate and unworthy of even being considered. I'm "across the tracks" and probably a "taker" aren't I? Even though you don't know me.

edit on 20-2-2011 by whaaa because: code lil bit

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by whaaa

yeah, we know who lives on the wrong side of the tracks....don't we?

See! Why do you automatically turn this into a color innuendo? That makes me feel like you are the raciest because you don't think any other way. Like it or not I am only raciest against attitudes, and the way someone carries them self. If you treat me like I am something I am not. Then we have a problem, because I would not treat you any different than my neighbor. I have good friends that are black. neither of us are hung up on the race thing. We know how each other of us feels about the other.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by whaaa

yeah, we know who lives on the wrong side of the tracks....don't we?

See! Why do you automatically turn this into a color innuendo? That makes me feel like you are the raciest because you don't think any other way. Like it or not I am only raciest against attitudes, and the way someone carries them self. If you treat me like I am something I am not. Then we have a problem, because I would not treat you any different than my neighbor. I have good friends that are black. neither of us are hung up on the race thing. We know how each other of us feels about the other.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by whaaa

yeah, we know who lives on the wrong side of the tracks....don't we?

See! Why do you automatically turn this into a color innuendo? That makes me feel like you are the raciest because you don't think any other way. Like it or not I am only raciest against attitudes, and the way someone carries them self. If you treat me like I am something I am not. Then we have a problem, because I would not treat you any different than my neighbor. I have good friends that are black. neither of us are hung up on the race thing. We know how each other of us feels about the other.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by whaaa

reply to post by whaaa

yeah, we know who lives on the wrong side of the tracks....don\'t we?

See! Why do you automatically turn this into a color innuendo? That makes me feel like you are the raciest because you don\'t think any other way. Like it or not I am only raciest against attitudes, and the way someone carries them self. If you treat me like I am something I am not. Then we have a problem, because I would not treat you any different than my neighbor. I have good friends that are black. neither of us are hung up on the race thing. We know how each other of us feels about the other.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by xyankee
reply to post by whaaa

yeah, we know who lives on the wrong side of the tracks....don't we?

See! Why do you automatically turn this into a color innuendo? That makes me feel like you are the raciest because you don't think any other way. Like it or not I am only raciest against attitudes, and the way someone carries them self. If you treat me like I am something I am not. Then we have a problem, because I would not treat you any different than my neighbor. I have good friends that are black. neither of us are hung up on the race thing. We know how each other of us feels about the other.

Me??? You are the one that brought up "wrong side of the tracks" and this isn't racist? try and keep up!
edit on 20-2-2011 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by whaaa

I give up! yes I don't like liberals. Because of your ignorance in you reply you just reminded me why! So you know if you came off to me like this ? Yea, I think you would have a problem!.

Thanks for the chat, sorry we could not agree to disagree!

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:17 AM
I'd support a revolt against people like Colin Powell going on Live National TV and admitting he uses his military retirement check to hire illegal immigrants to work on his home...instead of Americans.

That's a felony. He should lose his military retirement over it. He should also be held liable for saying Iraq had WMD's which led to the death of a million Iraqi's. They didn't have squat and we steamrolled their entire country in days.

Or what about General Wesley Clark releasing US Army ordinance to the FBI to be used to burn those children and women alive at Waco? How he sleeps at night...or why we pay him a military retirement check either is beyond me.

We are a nation of thieves...the top echelon has been robbing and pillaging for their own personnel benefit and have no regard to the citizens of America who pay them.

We likely don't revolt because we know they would kill us and wouldn't tolerate a Egypt style peaceful protest.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 10:56 AM
If you start a revolt against your country then you are nuts. If you join in on this revolt then you are nuts. Please take heed here people... You will get pwned!! Labeled terrorists and be tried for treason.

Plus the aliens wont like you anymore....

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 11:17 AM
Waa waaa wwaaaa you people dont stand a chance responding to this in general a dumb choice. You cant even get along on a conspiracy board. Dont you see this is a ploy to draw you in to the topic. Gov concensus at its finest. go ahead and tell the world how you feel if you cant feel it in your gut then you dont have it in you so get out now.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
There will be no revolution. There will however be another civil war and race riots, anarchy and the cities will burn when people begin to find no food on the stores shelves.

Not only would I take off work: I'm glad I have made provisions to get me and my GF to Europe where the most violent riots are over football matches. AT the first sign of civil unrest; I'm bailing. I can't even recognize the America of my childhood with all the hate and division.

I hope I'm wrong but if you can't see the beginnings of a civil war, you just aren't paying attention. Just listen to Rush, Sean, Savage, Coulter, Beck, Ingraham, Levin, Gallagher, Medved, Sussman, Hal Turner, Kaufman and many other local conservatives fanning the flames of right wing hatred against all the people that they disagree with. Do you think that this type of rhetoric won't eventually bare fruit? I certainly worked in Germany.

edit on 20-2-2011 by whaaa because: lsdkl code

Actually you are supposed to be telling everyone not to listen to these people for the same reasons you are telling people to listen to them.

And that guy was not threatening you haha. But let's duly note it anyways.

Back to the topic...

Revolt against: Federal Laws that steal my rights and property, Banks (including FED) that essentially create those federal laws which steal my rights and property, Police and military that try to stop me from revolting, a Foreign Policy that is at the root of much of our economic instability, government regulations that coerce me to be a better man, a frivolous national education system, unaccountable and uncontrollable defense spending, government cover ups, board of directors of every US based multi-national corporation that includes the BoD for media corporations such as News Corp, income taxes, DEA, presidential immunity and grants of pardon, the whole election system...basically anything that our government has ties to and sponsors, or everything in this nation besides non-government employed citizens and the Constitution.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:20 PM
As much as I would love to " revolt ", those who would participate in such actions would only fall into the plan the USG has. By revolting, all you would do is strengthen the Police state " regime ", allowing for a complete dismantling of the our rights....which we all know they would do. They are chomping at the bit, waiting for us to step out of line, even though, it is well within our rights to do so, it would only fuel the Police state mentality.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 01:50 PM
I'm sure everyone on this thread is now on the government's hit list. Lol.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by SamTGonzalez

Yeah, not me. I will not be in the streets. I will be protecting my family. Sorry, but they are more important.
Sounds like a job for the young at this point.

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