posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Phantom28804
I had this isssue for a bit...when chat 1st changed to its latest format.
And darned if I can remember ....oh its on the tip of my tougue...uhhhhhh..OHHHH your java script must be enabled........I think, please referr to
another member, thats more PC friendly tha myself...but thats what fixed my issue 6-8 months or so ago "best of my memory"...but like I said please
do not do this!!!! unless you know for sure, what your doing.....I by no means wish anyones PC trashed cuzz O my edumacashun.
But yes like everyone else is saying "it has its days" I think connection speed also has a bit to do with this, example when pullin off Goodscents
Subs and Pasta wyfy....from a bit too far away....usually grey screen just as you desribe.
When @ home 100 mbps connection ...rarely if ever do I have an issue with chat....I think I can say never....?
edit on 20-2-2011 by Doc Holiday because: darn OCD and blank boxs