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what would we do if one day aliens came to earth and said...

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posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 08:34 AM
that this planet was originally theirs, and have come back to take it back. (in the same lines as a landlord evicting a tenant) and tell us it does'nt matter where we go as long as we leave???


posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 08:43 AM
What could we do?! Not like we can just up and leave, have to do what we do best.. start some war and nuke the planet so they cant use it or somethin

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 08:46 AM
we might not be able to get up and leave, but im sure they'd figure out a way to get rid of us, and a war against aliens with tech. so advanced would'nt do any good i think.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 08:48 AM
Feal bad for the alians its like you owaning a home that your renting out but the renters are Trashing the place and now you got a house that would be easer to tear down then to fix.
If alians do own this place my bet is they tear it down and start over.
O but wate this was tryed once already and dident work then eather .

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 09:05 AM
Hmmm. Interesting. There would be no war...if it was theres and they want it back, and have the tech to to to of left it to start with, and come back for it......we'd be no match for them. I would think many of us would head to underground areas, out existance, those that survived, would be bleak and dismal for sure.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by LadyV
Hmmm. Interesting. There would be no war...if it was theres and they want it back, and have the tech to to to of left it to start with, and come back for it......we'd be no match for them. I would think many of us would head to underground areas, out existance, those that survived, would be bleak and dismal for sure.

Such a bright outlook!
lol They could be leanient and give us a few thousand years to colonise another planet then tell us to f*** off or somethin?

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 09:53 AM
I would tell them "There's no way we're leaving, please annihilate us gently before we do more dammage to this beautifull planet."

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by whos_out_there
that this planet was originally theirs, and have come back to take it back. (in the same lines as a landlord evicting a tenant) and tell us it does'nt matter where we go as long as we leave???


probably say something like "that was 1000s of years ago" and institute some kind of intifada.

-koji K.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 10:06 AM

probably say something like "that was 1000s of years ago" and institute some kind of intifada.

-koji K.

im sure they wouldnt know or care about intifada. for all we know they make us live with the fish by the time we explain what that word means

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 11:02 AM
all I'm worried about is if I can get some ammo that sill shoot through E.T. body armor

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 02:53 PM
We could attempt the Too Toxic approach of defense. Monarch butterflies boldly announce with color the fact that they are to toxic for most birds to eat. We could attempt to keep a sufficiently large nuclear arsenal at our disposal and start nuking somewhere on the planet that let them know we own it by eminent domain. Squatter's rights. It might not work, but if that was the only option we would have to try.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 04:53 PM
i would be asking them why the hell they left!!! They left, we took over, their loss. Although this attitude will prob get us killed, i would still do it.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 05:10 PM
I really think, that overtaking land from others is a barbarian primitive act, that only humans at early stage of civilization are capable for.

Aliens, who reached very high level of technology probably don't spread all over likw we do, or like virus does . They may have learnt to care for their own planet(s), and won't come here to bugger us like we would do, if we managed to operate a downed UFO (fortunately we are too dumb for that). Also if they may overpopulate, they could have the technology to create planets, or to make them able to support life (as we try to do the same to Mars).

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 11:19 PM
I don't know, logic seems to tell me that if they can travel through space much faster than we can, they can probably do everything else that much better-weapons too. It would be like Cuba declaring war on the US, for real - PLEASE! Our best bet is hope and pray they are friendly.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 11:30 PM
They would probably come back, see the shape the planet's in and all the fun stuff we did to it and just blow the whole thing up. Or they would eat us, I dunno.

posted on Jul, 17 2004 @ 06:56 AM
we have to fite the aliens, use the most powerful weapons we got.

posted on Jul, 17 2004 @ 09:46 AM
First the negotiations..if that doesn't work best, man will resort to what all life forms do best, fight for their survival, and the primitive survival instinct will kick in and that instinct can do some serious business, and if these aliens where here to beat us out of earth well a human would say,

"whatever they do to us would be nothing to what we'd do to them, even if they have advanced technology because it's the primative instinct that keeps us alive and to survive, and if that don't work, lets kick their ass any way!"

"When they think they're messing with you, your messing with them"

hehe....the messing quote...well... it would have the eff word in it instead of the I just don't wanna be to late someone's already figured it

Another thing, do these Aliens have the emotions we do? Do they feel like we do? After all, Earth is the most beautifull planet to be seen in this solar system...they need PROOF it's theirs in the first place...after all "Finders Keepers Loosers Weepers" Their weapons cannot amount to the belief and love we have for each other when some crises like this comes along, we will join hands, with our brothers, sisters, friends, families, neighbours and even enemies, because all in all, we love each other and through that, we can beat the advanced pot heads no matter what kind of weaponary advanced or not we have!

"Peace out"

[edit on 17/7/04 by PhoenixSGC]

posted on Jul, 17 2004 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by PhoenixSGC
First the negotiations..

Originally posted by Asclepius
i would be asking them why the hell they left!!! They left, we took over, their loss. Although this attitude will prob get us killed, i would still do it.

We sick all the lawyers on them to claim that the Earth was abandoned property��
That aught to scare them away�

posted on Jul, 17 2004 @ 11:09 AM
Given the state the world is in today, I'd tell them they can have it. Come to think of it, why would they want it!

posted on Jul, 17 2004 @ 12:23 PM
lol...too true AlterEgo!...too true... but then, we may be in a state, but because of their advanced technology, I wouldn't be suprised if they could filter the earth and clean it in literally hours, and build whole cities in hours...

That just takes the uniqueness out of Life, to be able to take a while to do something that will be famous one day, to be able to look back in disgust of the past and be able to change your future, having a complete zoinked life is just not us humans, as much a zombiness is great and all, we can all make our way to a better life...and quite frankly i love Gaia and they'd have to kill me to get my physical body off Gaia thank you very much! and even then, I WILL torment these Aliens until they get their skinny butts off Mother Earth.

Besides, hasn't anyone actually thought about the name Aliens?! Alien to Gaia (Mother Earth)...sooo HINT HINT, you have no bloomin proof of being here first, DO NOT CLAIM Gaia...for earths sake, if you want to live on earth, consult the governments and they'll put you in Alien Assylems. Don't bother trying to claim Earth, you have no proof, where as we have proof having got genes of many animals off this earth, we must have evolved here, so we are part of the earth...we don't claim her as our own, but merely say:



Don't claim to OWN earth, because then, your as bad as every other thing that has claimed a living being of being theres...get real, you want to live here, live with us or don't live here at all....


lol..I got some strong feelings going on it's what I would say...but I really would rather have Aliens that where peaceful and would like to help the earth out and would live in harmony with us...not the other way round...


[edit on 18/7/04 by PhoenixSGC]

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