posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 01:26 AM
hello members/staff
would it be possible to have another function of "tools"? or another way of gauging ATS activity
i wondered if we could have another way of finding posts by members according to the "star" count.
it was my good fortune to have had my personal "star" count go up dramatically over
but dang-if-I-know-why..
with the search function, i can find posts from any member, myself included.. but to find the "starred"
comment,, would be really handy,,as it is now ,, i found it impossible without re-reading EVERY post i made in that day...
for me, if i knew what i said, that was well regarded, it could (in some small way) train me to keep improving
my post content for the betterment of us all.. but to have in additional way of visually scanning content of
topics getting flags--or topics getting replies,, how about -posts getting stars, or highest rated comment,
(by star count) in a day,, or some other way of spotlighting the most concurred, understood, coherent,(stared)
or agreed with post of the day,, within the topic, forum. or within the thread..
i hope my brambling after a long day with kids,, is clear to somebody..LOL
Thank You ATS and members..
my well exercised brain,, thanks you all.....