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what happened to the old fashined 50s way of life?

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posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 02:05 AM

Originally posted by HarmonicNights
reply to post by Annee

So what? There have always been and still are dress codes and uniforms for both men and women.

I strongly believe that employers should have the right to hire whomever they want, and yes, that does include the right to discriminate.

Excuse me - - where exactly am I talking about dress codes.

Are you that - - never mind.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by alysha.angel
Im sorry if i piss off a lot of feminists and womens liberation people but i gotta speak my mind.

50 or 60 years ago when wives stayed home raised the kids took care of the shopping housework ect things n my opinion were a lot simpler.

when people got married back then they took their weddng vows seriously and they stayed married 9 tmes outta 10 for life .
now a days women are expected to go out and work and still raise the family and do everything else as well....

the world wide divorce rate is higher then ever . a lot of women and men now fear love and commitment and some avoid the whole issue all together ...
you got more and more cheating spouses , ect.
yes ll be the frst one to admit that im extreamly old fashined and outdated for id much prefer to stay home and raise the famiy ect yet. but being a divorced woman with kids in modern times im expected to go out and work or at the very least get an education, now im not complaining about being a student.
what im complaining about are sociates expentations of the modern woman..
its too much....
where the hell is the MAN who is willing to take responsiblty for his actions take care of the WOMAN who for as long as historys been kept cared for her ,is strong when shes at her weakest . and simply cherished her .
im sure theres bond to bea few of this type left in the world but their used to supressing it. because of the motto
" i dont need a man what ever a man can do women can do better.
thoughts and comments are appreciated ...

Well it is complicated

For myself, I was burned at a very young age and it really messed me up bad. I was with the most fast assed girl who could really hide it, needless to say it took a toll on me. I was at one point on my way to becoming that
MAN, however that experience cheapened my sense of love and my sense of self to certain degree. That was nearly half my life ago and I fear I will never be the same, for a time I was the man.

From that experience I learned another thing

Broken Heart - a shattered heart


(what I learned)

Broken HEART = a heart that does not function how it should

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by Annee

You said "nylons were mandatory" and then said you could be fired for not wearing them. How else is that to be interpretated?

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by HarmonicNights

Why don't you build a goddamn Waybac machine and go back then?

Things are never going to go back to the "way they were" because that time sucked for most Americans! If you weren't white, middle class with 2 children, you certainly didn't have a walk in the park.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by HarmonicNights
reply to post by Annee

You said "nylons were mandatory" and then said you could be fired for not wearing them. How else is that to be interpretated?

So you choose to justify the metaphor of the run in nylons (even though it is fact).

But skip over and ignore - - you could get fired for not having sex with the boss.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by Annee
Originally posted by HarmonicNights
reply to post by Annee

But skip over and ignore - - you could get fired for not having sex with the boss.

That falls under the rights of the employer.
edit on 20-2-2011 by HarmonicNights because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by HarmonicNights

Originally posted by Annee
Originally posted by HarmonicNights
reply to post by Annee

But skip over and ignore - - you could get fired for not having sex with the boss.

That falls under the rights of the employer.

Okay - - - someone beside me is gonna need to comment on this gem.

I'm speechless - - truly .

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by Annee

Why shouldn't an employer have that right? Sure, demanding sex from an employee is certainly brutish, but it's a personal matter that the government has no place in.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by hounddoghowlie
now when we get together my mom says thinks she was a little hard on us. i tell that she better be glad she was, cause during my rebellious years, there was always that little nagging voice in my head that kept me from doing things that said what if momma finds out. and i know both of my brothers feel the same way. we could have went down the wrong road, the way many people who we knew when we were younger did. all because they didn't have folks at home takin care of them. and bustin that ass when they screwed up.

I liked your story and agree with what you say but I have to add something. Both of my parents have always had full-time jobs. My mother and my father would come home from work, cook a full meal every night and the house work was equally split etc etc. They were also very strict in keeping my sister, brother and I in line. We were very disciplined; we had to do certain chores, achieve certain grades, carry ourselves with a certain respect and attitude, and growing up I loathed this. I simply hated being told how to live my life. I'm in my early twenties now and I can see full-well that I was raised with good, staunch values and virtues, and I appreciate it. I realise the effect that such an up-bringing has had on me and that it will continue to influence me for the rest of my life.

Fair enough, modern society is much more fast-paced and family ties seem to be taking a relative back seat to money-making and lifestyle. Although I honestly feel as though the familial issues facing many people nowadays comes down to commonsense. Sure my parents worked full days, but they came home from work at the end of those days and showered my siblings and I with love and attention that all children should be given.
I mean, nothing is ever black and white and situations such as marriage and family are never without their challenges, but my point is one doesn't need a parent to stay at home all day taking care of the children (perhaps unless there is 6, 8 or 12 of them..). People just need to keep in mind what is more important - coming home to your family, not just some life-situation someone has gotten themselves into and can ignore or divorce when they feel like it. Be there to give advice and instill virtues. There is no going back to the 'good ol' days' of stay-at-home women unless you're very wealthy. Society and reasonable living demands other things but hey, whoever said that life would be easy anyway.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 03:59 AM
When I was a christian I glorified the 50's. I thought we were more religious back then and moral. In fact, since I thought our founding fathers were deep christians, I felt that the further back you went the better it was. But I grew out of that. Some people don't, of course. That's fine with me.

There's always sh** no matter which generation you live in. Don't focus on the negatives. Soudns to me like that's what you do. You focus on hte modern negatives and on the historical positives.

I could use myself as an example and say that my generation is a failure. I got good grades in school but here I am with my parents and being a general bump on the log. But that wouldn't be honest. I can point to too many people that prove to me my generation is not perfect but fine. Nor can I point to Elvis and say that that was why the 50's and 60's were great. That wouldn't be honest. It would be misleading. Did you know they prescribed amphetamines for people back then and that many people took em? Lol. When I learned that it added a whole new meaning to things.

Someone here mentioned they swept things under rug. We've always done that. I was having a haircut oneday and an old guy in there was talking with someone else and telling him how in the old days they would find the carcasses of babies in dumpsters. Abortions back then sure were sloppy. Disgusting eh? Well, they didn't sweep under the rug segregation and sexism and so many other things. Same thing happens today. We sweep under the rug racism/exploitation against immigrants and muslims and discrimination against transgenders and transexuals and so much else. That's the tip of the iceberg. But we fail to bury things a lot of things too. It's hard to say what because I'd have to live in the future to know, but I do know we got a lot of things under the rug.

Boy I sure wish we could go back 30,000 years when Atlantis was still around. J/k.
edit on 20-2-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by HarmonicNights

Unless by employee you mean hooker or porn star it's highly unethical to demand such things.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by alysha.angel

what? living obliviously and ignorantly?

Today is the result of the 50's... they tried to tell us in the 60's

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by alysha.angel

I agree with you. The feminist movement ruined modern society. I'll go one step further and say that it was part of a scheme to destroy family structures so that individuals would not be able to resist tyranny as easily once they had no one they could trust to work together with. Do you know how hard it is to be in this world alone without family? How long until this is the norm?

My generation will honestly be working for far less than they are worth in order to sustain meager apartments their whole lives. That's a different story. They will not have the freedom of thought their forefathers did because in order to have free speech one has to be able to support themselves without fear of financial repercussions.

There is probably good in there somewhere. I've also liked the feminist movement, for example, its attempt to create a level playing field where both parties work and therefore are equal and no one has all of the power. But no matter how I look at it I still think that it is going to end up with broken families, shoddy relationships, and more abuse of power by outside entities such as corporations and governments on BOTH the male and the female. As the OP mentioned, now the female has to worry about working, taking care of the kids, taking care of the house and on top of that never finding true love or any fulfillment in life. The male has to live a pointless existence working slave jobs that don't allow any vision, the male has to live a life where he will never be able to create a better future for himself or his nonexistent family.

There is definitely reason to praise the feminist movement for what it does, there is reason to praise all modern liberal movements, however I am not worried about today. I am worried about tomorrow (well, it has started today to be honest) when life becomes not even worth living and people just go to work, come home, watch meaningless television shows and don't even think about their future, or hobbies, or meaningful friends and relationships... a world where paranoia rules and PEOPLE DON'T EVEN BELIEVE THAT MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS EVER EXISTED. Either friendship wise or romantic.

My views are rather complicated because I don't like religious, closed-minded people either. I prefer logic and reason. So realize what I am saying is simply how I see the cause-and-effect of our current situation panning out in the near future.

edit on 20-2-2011 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-2-2011 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 05:26 AM
Quite frankly, society needs to do one of two things for people to be relatively happy again.

(1) All electronics need to be destroyed. Automation has helped make certain jobs easier, but at the cost of taking millions of jobs away from unskilled workers. These jobs were vitally important to the general population maintaining their livelihoods; now these same people are even more in debt because they are not skilled enough to get any other jobs, because none are there to be had.

(2)We figure out a way to completely automate EVERY industry. This would make it so the general population would not have to work. Oh yeah, we can NEVER have this type of life. Why? Because it is too much like a socialistic society. Actually, it is more of a Utopian society, which in my mind I think would be ideal... but boring overall.

(Personally, I would prefer to live back in the 1800's, sans racism and segregation. Who wouldn't want to be able to settle their personal issues with a gun fight!?)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by Hefficide

smacking the wife around was part of normal life for a lot of people.

This is how liberals view the majority of white men.. And its a complete falsehood.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 05:34 AM
Reply to post by darkbake

The strength of values that people used to have and believe in were firmly deep-rooted.'s not only horrifying but disgusting to see what people have become.

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posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
You're very bold, speaking your mind to the mostly conservative and male audience of ATS.

ATS is an anti-establishment website, you seem not to have noticed.

Actually fathers are expected to help raise the family, too. Shocking concept for most Americans, I suppose?

They really brainwashed you to believe that American men hate raising their family, didnt they.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by alysha.angel

The world is a sad place, but why is it mens fault again.

Im all for equal rights and such, but heck and can you raise a family when your too busy doing what your told to do, getting an education, good job and all the perks.

Im not so old but i remember a time when familys stayed together, and the guys where well behaved...

Must be or fault us evil men eheheh

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:05 AM
OH MY GOD. ATS is just at top peak today. The ignorance around here this morning is staggering.

I work for a living. I am a woman. That makes me a feminist?

Um. I have to work. We simply couldn't survive if I didn't. 4 kids in college. You know the deal.

There are, for the first time in history, more women in the workplace than men. That's because men haven't adapted to the "new normal." They don't relish health care jobs and other opportunities that have arisen, whereas women have shown themselves to be adaptable and to be trained for the sorts of jobs that are in abundance at any given time.

More women are in college than men right now---again for the first time in history.

I have raised some really well adapted, interesting and well rounded kids....even though I spent some of my time working during their childhood.

I've made a great contribution to this world, I think, because I've raised kids to be industrious, independent, and not dependent on the government.

Grow up, OP.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by MRuss

you know im not complaining about having to work ect , what i am complaining about are the what has become the normal expentations of all women... granted a lot of women work and still manage to raise the family and do everything else too...

i m coming from a single parent household where my mother literally worked her self into a early grave raising us 4 kids . none of the fathers chiped in to help instead they ripped my mother off and blew a lot of good chances for my mom over the years ...

i got nothing but the highest respect for women who succeed at this .. but you gotta admit that its gotten out of hand..

nowa days if women wanted to stay home and be a good housewife ect its impossible ...
due to price inflation skyraocketing and everthing else ...

and the men most men would split if you so much as look at them the wrong way...

things need to change yet again. men need to relearn how to be A MAN stop being whimps and take responcibility for their actions

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