Greetings from Australia also known as the Land Down Under.....well I'm not sure if we really are at the bottom of the world, maybe we could be at
the top depending how you look at it.
But if dare I say it, the poles flip as per all the talk and predictions, then for sure we will be "On Top of The World !"
I called myself Metropolis1927 because its one of my favorite movies, made in 1927 and so current in this world we find ourselves in today.
I remember watching it when I was a teenager...lots of years ago now, but it had quite an effect on my young mind how this evil robot was made to fool
the enslaved mases by morphing into and pretending that it was the true hero of the people, the lovely Maria who had tried to free them all. ( A bit
like shape shifters for those who are into it
The rich lived in an Utopian Society while the poor were the slaves who provided them their luxury.
I feel this is very relevant today, and I appropriate as my ATS name and avatar...when I work out how to make it !
Anyway I guess Metropolis opened my eyes as to how we can be decieved and enslaved, and perhaps was the catalyst for my continous search for the truth
of who we are as Human / Spiritual beings, depending how one looks at it, and what is our purpose in life, hence my search for the last 20..... odd
I come here often to find out whats really going on, and spend hours reading the forums and enjoying the great diversity of thaughts, not to mention
the occasional spat
There's not much I don't get into, knowledge is everything and I seek it and wisdom wherever I can find it.
What are my beliefs ......well .......only that I know I am something more than this body I live in, and that I need to do something or learn
something to get free of that which confines me.
I believe that all is not what we are told, or all that we see with our eyes, or hear with our ears, that there is a veil that needs to be lifted or
Ok ...and I believe in "other beings" and most likey they are the gods of the bible and perhaps we share DNA of some of them. Just thaught I'd go
there !
I hope i have given some insight into who I am and hopefuly I will be courageous and and become a worthy member of this amazing site and group.
Peace and Positive Vibes to All !