I am tired, so this is a little ranty...
Here we go.
With all the talk about the American Deficit focusing on buzz words and favorite whine topics and blame tossing. I would like to make a couple
suggestions and burst a couple of myths.
Firstly: The deficit is not due to health care costs. Healthcare costs are but a symptom of another problem. But to discuss how the insurance billing
works there are two key items to understand.
Years ago there were two laws passed regarding insurance:
1: A doctor or healthcare provider cannot charge an insurance carrier more than a patient.
2: An insurance company can decide fair costs on what is billed.
The result is basically-this: A doctor must charge $1,000 for a procedure to make 100 dollars off of it. Depending on what is done and the materials
used an insurance company can decide that they will only pay 20% of what is billed. This means a doctor must charge much higher than wanted in order
to make ends meet. They cannot charge a patient less which is what it is that leads to 10,000 dollar one hour visits to the Emergency Room. Net result
is an industry that has spiraled costs out of control to guarantee it's own profit margins.
However, the debate on the deficit and costs go like this:
Republicans / Conservatives really enjoy using the deficit as a call to battle. That combined with hot button moral issues constantly drive terrified
voters to office. They will never truly even attempt to alter such issues because it is their security for voters-it keeps them in power.
Democrats do tend to raise taxes. This is to pay for spending. Republicans like to increase spending, and cut any civil benefits to pay for it. In
essence to halt public benefits to pay for pork barrel projects.
The basic premise of Pork Barrel spending is actually beneficial. It shifts money into areas that need help-it puts people to work in regions thus
kicking the local economy in a very good way. There are certain types of this pork barrel philosophy that are destructive.
War: War is the ultimate pork barrel project. Especially when many politicians have direct connection to companies which maintain defense contracts.
War causes billions of tax payer dollars to shift through all the defense contractors swiss accounts all tax free because many have off shore
addresses or a home office in Dubai. To maintain war you must maintain a cause. In recent years it is a generated threat in the form of Terrorism. As
the impact fades and people withdraw support – here comes the terror alerts.
This is a conspiracy for profit. Many claim NWO but at it's simplest. It is about profit and Congressmen/Senators having guaranteed fluff jobs for
millions a year after office. The war on terror is nothing more than people dieing so others can make money. Whether 9/11 was an insider attack or
terrorist is irrelevant to the now.
Now it is all about money. All about keeping money flowing into certain bank accounts.
The next Pork Barrel type we are looking at is a subsidy.
Subsidies are more sinister in many ways because nobody really thinks about them. A subsidy is welfare for using or not using products. This means if
you want a paycheck: just open a business for product X.
Of the agricultural subsidies the most evil is Corn.
In the United States Corn is a massive money maker in everything. The Taxpayer pays the farmer for corn-and corn products-even if that corn is not
used due to these subsidies. This has caused a wave of ethanol production because even if the product did not get adopted-they would make a measurable
profit due to the Corn Subsidies.
This subsidy has a direct threat to all living in the U.S. and abroad from High Fructose Corn Syrup-recent renamed “Corn Sugar” due to the
reputation it was getting. Any corn products are applicable to the subsidy.
That is right. The reason HFCS is in EVERYTHING from soda's to bread and everything in between is for the reason it is subsidized. As an example of
this: The Twinkie. Twinkies make a profit for Hostess even if it does not sell because it was made from products 100% subsidized.
Agricultural Subsidy-Corn
Essentially the U.S. Taxpayers are being charged to put high fructose corn syrup in everything, we are paying taxes to give our kids obesity and
diabetes. We are paying taxes for our kids who are not obese to kill people in other countries. All because of farmer welfare.
Write your senators and congressmen. In this time of dire economics when China could wind up dictating American fiscal policy we need to tighten our
belts in more ways than one. Write them and demand Corn subsidies be halted immediately.
This will save us billions a year from the subsidies. BUT, it will also save billions if not trillions down the road as the average health increases
nation wide. This is win win for the people. All it means is the obscenely wealthy will get a fraction less money going forward.
The deficit has nothing to do with NPR or Art grants.. Has nothing to do with Food Stamps or even illegal aliens. Those areas are chump change to the
billions every year going to mega companies in the form of subsidy welfare.
The Corporate beast is eating the fat taxpayers wallets first.
Stop railing on civil benefit programs and go after the real culprits already.
edit on 18-2-2011 by lordtyp0 because: (no reason given)