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Group that lie behind the " Days of Rage" across the Globe.

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posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:32 AM
I was reading through a very interesting website, when I came upon a link. The link was titled "The Day of Rage". I read it and was astonished as to what I was saying and how it seems to mirror current events. The link is much older than the protests of course. Mabey these guys are for real??

Check it

Scroll down the left side. If you can make it past the mind blowing ideas, you will see the Day of Rage link. Read all about it.

Are these "the" guys?

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by SunTzu22
I was reading through a very interesting website, when I came upon a link. The link was titled "The Day of Rage". I read it and was astonished as to what I was saying and how it seems to mirror current events. The link is much older than the protests of course. Mabey these guys are for real??

Check it

Scroll down the left side. If you can make it past the mind blowing ideas, you will see the Day of Rage link. Read all about it.

Are these "the" guys?

Some of the stuff is very, very interesting. I don't know how mind blowing it all is, there is quite a bit of material, but it is a well made site. Great link! S+F

The Day of Rage stuff is crazy. I would have bet my life that whoever wrote that page KNEW what was going to happen, or had a hand in it. Mabey your right this time

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:00 AM
Hey this is a great find man. Have a read of this. Very interesting

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by aarys

Interesting isn't it? Have you given any of the e-books a once over? They are under the "download" link. Definitely will fill up hours otherwise spent doing nothing.

What do you think these guys know that we don't?

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:15 AM
Hmmmm. I've just spotted a picture on the main page of that site with the caption "A site in England that was once used for meetings of the Illuminati.".

The photo is of the unfinished Parthenon, or 'Edinburgh's disgrace'.

If they can't even get the country correct then i'm skeptical about all the other content being accurate.

And fundraising for the building of Edinburgh's disgrace was by prominent Freemasons as far as I remember. But a meeting place for the Illuminati? I doubt it. The project was never completed due to lack of funding. I doubt they would continue meeting in a not even half build building that they couldn't even gather enough funding to complete.

I love that speech from 'Network' they added the video for on the Days of Rage page. It's reminded me again that i need to get a copy of that movie.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by Nammu

Shouldn't you be busy finding that movie?

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by SunTzu22

I believe the Illuminati are specific to their name they are illuminated. You have to think of illumination in a spiritual sense. Humans by nature try to rule over each other and grasp for power. But what do the illuminated know I think there are a few things that seperate them from us.

Many people search for illumination by enlightenment through meditation and tapping into the universe. Much like voodoo shamnas and old religeons. I have read it described that a telented shamam reaches for perfection through the ancients through their intent. Once they have acheived high preist or preistess when they journey they see pure light. They can close their eyes and look at people as pure light and everyone gives off a different reflection. They can see the old ones that have come and gone and essentially unlock many of the universes mystereies.

I believe the illuminati are similar they have unlocked the mysteries of the universe. Giving us a lot of the tehnology we use today.

They are a blend of old and new they are ancient and babies in the universe they have tapped into the mother board of answers.

Many people believe the bible is incomplete because it empowered the common man and gave him the answers to the cosmos. So the illuminati took it out they also have that knowledge.

This is just my theory and maybe I read too much into things but it is no worse than anyone elses ridiculous ideas.

But thik about it for a minute how far people are seperated intellectually. And how blind some people are of imminent danger because of lack of knowledge imagine being tapped in to a unlimited source of knowledge telling you when things are coming good or bad.

But i do not think they are all powerful they just know some old sacred rituals that tap them into the universe.

There is on more farther out there possiblity. The ancient astronaut theory. The theory we were visited over 100,000 years ago or even longer genticaly altered by extra terrestials. But they were always described as angels white as snow head to toe tall nordic looking pleasurable to the eyes. Seen all around the world by different civilizations riding on machines wheels within wheels in puffs of smoke and out of the mouths of dragons.

If this theory were true what if some of them were still here. Or what if they genetically bred watchers of the earth. If they were given tools to communicate with the cosmos. Instructed to keep it a secret from the masses. I could go into great detail it is just a theory. If you kick started a race made them your slaves released the slaves and gave them a taste of knowledge wouldnt someone know about it. Wouldnt you leave someone there to keep tabs besides the sattelites and positions in space to watch. And to all of us its just a spooky old secret society so we all look the other way everything has been manipulated to keep us dumbed down so the illuminated ones keep control. just a thought

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by teotwawki77

You show a very high ability to percieve truth from non-truth.

You would definitely enjoy that site. It is an eyefull, I know, but there is so much that you can learn in a short period of time. I've only read about a quarter of the articles on there and I feel like Im learning again something that I already knew. Its cool.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by SunTzu22

Shouldn't you be busy not being cheeky?

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:25 AM
reply to post by Nammu

Find it yet? Laird nammu?

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:31 AM
The pdf file named The_Armageddon_Conspiracy The Secret of the Solomon Key
Under the downoads tab is very interesting. Only looked at the first part of this massive book. But was a great read. Looking forward to tomorrow, when i will read some more. Its late hear in NZ now.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by SunTzu22

I find it strange you choose to derail your own thread with personal attacks. You posted a site, i commented that i noticed some information was incorrect. You resort to personal attacks even though what i said is true. Do you dispute that Edinburgh is not in England? If such a simple fact can be incorrect on the site then others information may be wrong too.

The joy of ATS is that its a conspiracy site where we can share information and pick out untruths i.e. deny ignorance. I'm denying the ignorance that Edinburgh's disgrace is in England and that the Illuminati meet there, when there's no evidence for this. If you have a constructive argument against that statement i'm more than happy to discuss.

Overall it's an interesting site, i never said it wasn't, but whether it's factual information or speculation is a fair comment.

Chill dude.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by Nammu

You chose to exploit a typo as dumbfounding evidence that the site was automatically a hoax or non-credible. Thats lame.
You certainly have the right to any words you please. Although, you should study the site and bring forth more than your rumours as evidence of contrary claims.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 06:05 AM
I have read some of the articles and I've already found two things I find dubious.

They claim the russian revolution was caused by them, the Illuminati, my impression and opinion is that it was caused by the Old World Order(using their terminology) or the Rothschild's specifically.

They also seem to be under the impression that Obama got to where he is by 'playing the game', I don't believe that for a second. In my opinion he was groomed for that role, I don't have 100% proof of that of course, but to me it's pretty obvious..

But I do love this quote:

Obama has benefited from being the multi-cultural candidate par excellence: half black, half white, half Christian, half Muslim, half professor, half celebrity, half intellectual, half man of the people, half activist, half preacher, half establishment figure, half civil rights campaigner. He is a man for all seasons, a rainbow canvas upon which the masses can project any image they like.

I'll continue reading and see if I find anything else, interesting site with interesting information nonetheless.
Maybe I'll read one of the books too eventually, too little time, too much information on the internet.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by SunTzu22

Nowhere did i say it was non-credible or a hoax. I only noted that it had information on that page that was incorrect, and they make claims about Edinburgh's Disgrace being in England and being an illuminati meeting place with no evidence, then it makes me skeptical about other claims on there.

No idea why that makes you so defensive.

Anyways, some section of the site are well written, but I would personally disagree with their take on 9/11 though. An evidence of claims is always a benefit too.

I think the only way to save humanity is for us to liberate ourselves, to wake up and realise our full potential. People on one side controlling us by keeping us in the dark, other people controlling us by trying to pull us into the light. There's too many secrets and smoke and mirrors in this world.

I'll be checking out some 'Mike Hockney' books. A couple of them look pretty interesting.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by Nammu

The photo is of the unfinished Parthenon, or 'Edinburgh's disgrace'.

I'm not saying you're wrong but it looks very much like Penshaw Monument built for the Earl of Durham near Sunderland, then in county Durham, lots of very similar "follies" were built, perhaps by a secret society, I visited Penshaw monument many times as a youngster.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by TheLaughingGod
I have read some of the articles and I've already found two things I find dubious.

They claim the russian revolution was caused by them, the Illuminati, my impression and opinion is that it was caused by the Old World Order(using their terminology) or the Rothschild's specifically.

They also seem to be under the impression that Obama got to where he is by 'playing the game', I don't believe that for a second. In my opinion he was groomed for that role, I don't have 100% proof of that of course, but to me it's pretty obvious..

But I do love this quote:

Obama has benefited from being the multi-cultural candidate par excellence: half black, half white, half Christian, half Muslim, half professor, half celebrity, half intellectual, half man of the people, half activist, half preacher, half establishment figure, half civil rights campaigner. He is a man for all seasons, a rainbow canvas upon which the masses can project any image they like.

I'll continue reading and see if I find anything else, interesting site with interesting information nonetheless.
Maybe I'll read one of the books too eventually, too little time, too much information on the internet.

The Rothschilds are Illuminati, so that should clear up that little issue. Obama is mysterious in that we have never seen his real birth certificate, his transcripts and grades have been hidden, and he pretends to be of one religion, but appears to be really of another. One thing we do know is that he's been highly steeped in Marxist philosophy.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by SunTzu22

Days Of Rage !! S and F


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