posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 09:14 PM
Low and serene the music floated out of the stereo...
Mama take this badge from me
Almost silently, as they floated up the Mekong River, up through Cambodia, into Laos, the music played.
I can't use it anymore
"Why, why are we here?" Sanchez asked himself, but the question was already answered by a voice in his head.
Getting dark, too dark to see
America had launched a nuke against "those North Vietnamese bastards" for ties to a terrorist organization. The year was 2006. Dubya had come out
ahead, although the race was obviously fixed.
Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door!
"And now we're here to clean up the rest of 'em" Sanchez replied to himself.
"Sarge, do you think it's safe to be playin' that there music?" PFC Tex Richter asked.
"Hell yeah", Sarge replied, "We're still in the "safe" part of Cambodia.
The music abruptly changed.
Welcome to the Jungle! We got fun and games! We got everything you want, Honey, we know the names! We are the people that can find, whatever you
may need. If you got the money, honey, we got your disease, in the jungle.
"Tex! Turn that #ing music off! I'm trying to sleep!" hollered PFC. Ricardo Vicente
So, what do you guys think? More coming, if not tomorrow, then it'll have to be around the first of August, cause'a vacation!
I am in no way afilliated with GNR. I just like their music.