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Law passed to stop energy assistance, small business loans, etc.

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posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:06 PM
I'm sickened by this. Starting next year, no more help with electric, gas, small business loans and so on in the USA.

I'm about ready to throw up. So those people who can't find work or lost their jobs due to unforseen circumstances are sol. Those people who are at home but need electric breathing machines, etc, are now gonna die if their electric is shut off. Those with babies will suffer.

And small business loans are goodbye too. If you dont have 500 thousand dollars in pocket, forget it.

I'm sickened so bad I'm shaking with adrenaline of pure disgust and hatred. You guys have no idea. Even social security recipients got no raises this year. WHAT IS GOING ON????
Yet America spends what, 1 billion A DAY on that stupid war??????????

But they're cutting everything out completely for the poor. Trying to kill us out I suppose. I hate this country. I really super do.

Guarantee in two years we will see:

Crime is up exponentially.
Death rates of the lower middle class down to the lowest of low class is up exponentially
People can't even open businesses any more cuz what, the minimum to start a business is like 500 thousand dollars? Oh I'll just pull that out of my rear end for ya here.....
Homeless will rise like you have NO idea; rich people better lock their houses up tight cuz I guarantee you the poor will be watching when you leave. They gotta survive too.
I can't really blame em. Can't at all.

I'm still shaking. and ready to vomit.
And all over, people like me will write raged things like this, and feel like this, but sadly NOTHING will be done to counter act it. If we even do, the govt will declare martial law and our own Military will probably end up policing US.
Guys, I'm really scared here. This stuff is becoming REAL.

They just opened up two giant huge VolksWagon plants recently. Each one expected to get something like 10,000 workers in each plant give or take.
They opened them in China.

Do we see a slight PROBLEM with this? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller???

Stop outsourcing our jobs.
Stop the war that's taking 1b a day to run.
Maybe then we can help take care of our own for once instead of stabbing them while keeping our men and women overseas for no good reason.

When is enough going to BE enough???????????? It's passed enough in my opinion. Now that no one can do small businesses anymore and people are going to die from lack of refridgeration for their lack of food and no running water and no lights and no heat..... we're heading into some dark disgusting terrifying times, folks.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:08 PM
Thats shady I know a lot of people who are supported with those.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:09 PM

. and I just read their also sending 150 Million to Egypt in Aid.

Because of course america doesnt need it.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:19 PM
I am sorry, but it is not the government's job to support people like that. As for starting a business, I am starting one now as I plan to leave my job. I am not investing huge amounts of capital, I already have most of the tools and equipment I need; I have accumulated the stuff over the years. Life is tough, and things are only going to get worse. This nation has to cut spending. We need to end both wars, I agree 100%. However we still have one we cannot avoid though owebowma and TPTB are trying to avoid it. We have to do something about this invasion of illegal immigrants. That will cost money, but if we don't stop it and round them all up and get them out of here we have no chance. All entitlements need to be ended, or at least phased out. We need to end all free trade agreements and adopt punitive tariffs on imports. We need to bring manufacturing back home. We cannot afford to support everybody, the nation is broke. Accept it. Hard harsh cuts have to be made or the nation dies.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by sarra1833

I suggest you look at this website for solid informatin...reading the HuffingtonPost is like reading anything out Fox News...both have their own agendas..stick with this website for good information and you will be happy you found it...

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by sarra1833

I starred your rant because I share your rage.

It's simmering below the surface............

When 's the rest of this country going to get angry?

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:08 PM
@ Chris, the president was actually on tv talking about it too. I just grabbed the first thing I saw online that talked about it, lol.
here's more: by googling "Obama stopping LIHEAP"

to the guy who wants to blame poor people: you must be one of the rich or well off middle class then, else you'd care about this horrible thing. The government is so against people - IF they're not rich or are unemployed.

The rest is not directed toward you, btw.
I would never wish for anyone to lose your job, but maybe if those who sit on their thrones and cut down those who are needy DID walk a mile in their shoes, outlooks would change exponentially.
Hi, I work so I'm better than you.
Bullpoop. Total bullpoop. Just cuz a small few misuse the system doesn't mean they all do.
A sad disillusion to be in; one bad apple spoiling the bunch. Awful. Would ya toss out a whole bag of fresh lettuce for one wilted brown piece?

As it stands, for those social security folk who didn't get raises, I'd be the first one in line to deduct a dollar an hour off my paycheck so they could GET their raise. I bet others would stand behind me too. And my jobs, I get minimum wage. Have since I started working in 1989. Would you give up a few dollars off your huge salary to help out the retired and the unfortunates?
Probably. Probably not.

I agree about the illegals. They are a HUGE problem and then some. HUGE. And the war has to stop yesterday. THATS where all the problems are. It's not with the poor or unemployed. Its this trash war. 1 billion a DAY? In a month that is 30/31 BILLION. and this has been going on since 02. 9 years now. Who wants to add that up? Do calculators GO that high?
Yet they're taking heat and water and electric from the poor. But keeping the war going.

edit on 17-2-2011 by sarra1833 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by sixswornsermon

Hopefully very very very soon. Soon isn't soon enough. I wish everyone WOULD revolt. It IS by the people after all. We all seem to forget that. Or just don't know how to go about revolting.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:10 PM

Remove the resources from the people that could actually kick start the economy.

Government at it's finest.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by sarra1833

The real issue here is not the programs in and of themselves, but rather the obligation of the Federal Government to support. This is a state responsibility and the government should get out of these programs.

Why should someone in a low regulatory state fund electricity for someone in California which places massive taxes on energy when, say Texas does not? They should not. Why should someone in a conservative state, like Utah have their tax dollars go to support small businesses that are of a type they don't agree with? They should not.

You can't read these stories and intrepret them as being that the politicians in Washington don't agree with them. What they don't agree with, appropriately is the federal government's role in the provision of those services

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by sonofliberty1776
I hope you get taxed taxed taxed , billed billed billed and have to pay fee's fee's fee's up you know what for the time you have your little business. Then you will know what i is like to be the rest of us, poor people, wondering if we will have a pay check next 2 week's or have money to eat with , or for the next 2weeks of gas to get back and forth from as far as the SBA PBS HEAT some of the wast does need to go, SBA should not give loans out for a NEW TRUCK fix the old one, PBS should not have gov funding for a NIGHT AT THE OPERA, HEAT should not have to pay for someones cell phone bill.

edit on 17-2-2011 by bekod because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-2-2011 by bekod because: word corection

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by sarra1833

understood...I'm actually a subscriber to heatusa...not a bad program they have for less than 50.00 bucks a year...I'll look at the links but please look at the website that I provided...not being a wiseguy but when you go to that site they actually seperate fact from fiction regardless of who's saying it..

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by bekod
reply to post by sonofliberty1776
I hope you get taxed taxed taxed , billed billed billed and have to fee's fee's fee's up you know what for the time you have your little business. Then you will know what i is like to be the rest of us, poor people, wondering if we will have a pay check next 2 week's or have money to eat with , or for the next 2weeks of gas to get back and forth from as far as the SBA PBS HEAT some of the wast does need to go, SBA should not give loans out for a NEW TRUCK fix the old one, PBS should not have gov funding for a NIGHT AT THE OPERA, HEAT should not have to pay for someones cell phone bill.

edit on 17-2-2011 by bekod because: (no reason given)
I have been there and done that. I lived in my car for over a year once. That was when I realized that since I was a white male I did not qualify for any assistance programs. I sure did not get 2-3 years of unemployment even though the plant I worked for sent all the jobs to China. I realized I needed to "re-purpose" myself". I had a degree in history, but could not get a job. Schools were only interested in hiring "minorities" when I considered teaching. I made more money from my AAS in Automotive Technology than I ever did from my history degree. Sometimes, you are poor because of your own poor choices and your unwillingness to change. If you have been making minimum wage since 1989, you are doing something wrong.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

Agreed about the state supporting them. I live in a town of 1700 people. The closest big town is an hour drive in any direction. Our medics in the town don't have anything for the ambulance aside from bandaids, stretchers, aspirins and a few other things. No breathing machines, no meds for heart attacks, etc. nothing for stings or bites. The state will not pay for that. Ambulances from other towns have to meet ours halfway there to trade the patient over so they can give life saving help.

Just given that, I don't think the states are in any good condition to help any one anyway.
It's a sad form all around, to be honest. A sad sad form for the entire country.

sometimes I wish the filthy rich would 'grow up' and give some of their unneeded wealth to those who would appreciate and use it. It'd go a long way. Oprah doesn't need those billions. Gates doesn't need those trillions. I could go on.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by chrismarco

Thanks Chris.
I'll bookmark that site, definitely.

second line.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by sonofliberty1776

I'm getting my bachelors now for web/graphic design et al. But the reason I've been a fast food/waitress my entire life is because I never was trained for anything better. I'm changing it now, even though I'm almost 38. Never too late really.
but even then, all graduates can't find anything in their field but min wage any way so.... yeah. It's a dead end circle no matter what route one takes sadly.

I think the best degree to go for is anything solar tbh. That's where the future lies.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by sarra1833

Who are you to decide how much others need? Where is the line drawn? If you make 10k/year and I make 100k do you say that I do not need the other 90k? what if another person makes 30k, should he give up 20k for people too lazy to get up off the couch?

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by sarra1833

Careful now.

I would personally like to see a revolt consisting of non-participation in the system rather than other alternatives I could imagine.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 05:02 PM
No, no loves, I'm talking filthy rich: Oprah. Gates. People like that. Not the normal people of the country, no way. 90k a year is nothing, sadly. You all need help too probably. nods.

(following is for everyone)
Someone on another site brought up how we're always at war and something about China. I had to reply: Ah our govt will keep finding ways to keep us (USA) at war. It's the best way to drain the country of money while blaming it on the fkn poor and homeless.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 05:04 PM
My mom makes about 120k a year and she and dad are struggling big time due to mortgage, bills, hospital bills et al. So even 120k a year is difficult to survive on and they're money smart. Don't drink, use drugs, smoke, gamble, nothing. (hell even holidays are full of love and laughter, not fighting) Yet they have money problems big time.

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