posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 05:12 AM
Meditating sounds valuable, getting a deeper knowing of yourself is never a bad thing to do.
Do not worry, many people these days wake up to the realization that something is on its way...
From my perception there is and it is all good.
Getting friendly with yourself would make it possible to enjoy the coming times even more.
There is a lot of info and dis-info out there, so listening within beyond that point of stillness, and making your mind up about matters (this signe
you´ve seen too) would be greratly beneficial.
And remember when reading or listening to anything, link up to the energy-signature behind, how does this harmonice with that of your own, use you
discernment - you are highly able to!!!
I have found some inspiration in this thread:
If you do it is great, if not I know you´ll find it somewhere else.
Everything will be fine.
Stay protected my friend.