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If TS were to HTF and TPTB knew what "tells" would you look for?

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posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:19 PM
Ok folks first thread and here am hoping I've placed it in the correct forum.

As my title indicates I'm wondering if some sort of catastrophe(of any kind, take your pick, there's several that could happen) were somehow known about prior to it's happening (such knowledge being certain and incontrovertible for the sake of argument) by those who are supposed to be keeping our safety in mind, what do you think the outcome would be?

Would we be informed via a worldwide media outlet and told exactly what was coming, what had been done about it, and what the plan was?


Would we be allowed to go on as normal without being given any inkling whatsoever as to our upcoming challenges?

If we were to be left in the dark, how could we as a community go about seeing through any smokescreens thrown up to inveigle the information?

Being as prepared as possible and being able to take as much personal responsibility for my family's safety and well being go a LONG way but there really are some things that our government should be in the business of doing for ALL OF US and I'm not certain I trust them to do that any more.

There are some incredibly smart and resourceful people here on these boards and I sincerely would like to hear from as many of you as possible to get your take on this and perhaps suggestions as to what more could be done.

Thank you for your time.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:36 PM
A perfect day, the quite before the storm.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:46 PM
well I may be the only one who thinks
the Stock Market is a good indicator
or tell sign.

If you see investors getting liquid
really fast or switching currencies
really fast, you might wanna
take precautions.

If a natural catastrophe, is about to occur.
pay particular attention to the animals
(pets and wild) as they seem to have an
extra sense we do not. Note unusual behavior
patterns in their routines.

If you see politicians and elites all leaving
town at the same time, you may wanna
pack your bug out bag and head in the same

just my opinion

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:55 PM
]Ok folks first thread and here am hoping I've placed it in the correct forum.

As my title indicates I'm wondering if some sort of catastrophe(of any kind, take your pick, there's several that could happen) were somehow known about prior to it's happening (such knowledge being certain and incontrovertible for the sake of argument) by those who are supposed to be keeping our safety in mind, what do you think the outcome would be?

Would we be informed via a worldwide media outlet and told exactly what was coming, what had been done about it, and what the plan was?


Would we be allowed to go on as normal without being given any inkling whatsoever as to our upcoming challenges?

If we were to be left in the dark, how could we as a community go about seeing through any smokescreens thrown up to inveigle the information?

Being as prepared as possible and being able to take as much personal responsibility for my family's safety and well being go a LONG way but there really are some things that our government should be in the business of doing for ALL OF US
Its Just in my crotchety nature to ask "why?"

Why do you think the govt should be in the business of feeding your or any bodies family if the crick rises?
I'm not saying we are self sufficient enough for months of unusual circunmstances but i guess that would explain the FEMA"FUN CAMPS" and massive purchases of storable food.

Originally posted by jadedANDcynical
and I'm not certain I trust them to do that any more.

There are some incredibly smart and resourceful people here on these boards and I sincerely would like to hear from as many of you as possible to get your take on this and perhaps suggestions as to what more could be done.

Thank you for your time.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by 46ACE

In general I don't think government should feed my family at all nor provide for me in any way whatsoever. I work and have done s continually since I was 16 and don't plan on quitting any time soon.

But if, say a celestial object were to strike in the Gulf of Mexico for instance, or the New Madrid Fault were to let slip with a major tectonic event. the area in which I live would be wiped off the map in a very real and literal sense.

That being the case, I would hope that those whom have managed to worm their way in to power have contingencies in place that would promote a 'return to normal' as quickly as possible thus allowing me to continue to work and provide for my family. During that transition time, I would also want to contribute to the effort and would not expect anything to just be handed to me.

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