let me first state i apologize if this has been posted before, i was not able to find it and i truly spent the last 6 hours searching for it here on
ats... i thought i noticed something about google earth when i first logged on this morning, but since being here nearly all day, i have not been able
to relocate the thread i thought i saw...
anyways, i was looking back, thanks to zorgon's signature, and checking out the old john lear and sleeper threads, absolutely wonderful.. and so it
lead me across extraterrestrial speak site - www.ufolou.com... which lead me on to youtube... i had seen some of these images posted on some of
the threads pertaining to google earth, just not this particular collage, although i in no way doubt that someone has already posted this...
if so, mods feel free to tar and feather me, and of course, remove this thread from existence...
anyways, if you haven't seen this, please enjoy, as i have
I enjoyed the video. Google earth is great just to click and zoom in. I have seen lots of cool stuff. Regrettably I think some of it is cgi. Did you
see FAP86 carved in stone at the Nazca lines?
Go to the 3:30 mark of the video and look at the bottom middle of the screen.
edit on 16-2-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: 86