posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 07:24 PM
You know its a very valid question you pose. I am a Christian, and I have wondered that myself. I've made many decisions in my life that were not
honouring to God, and for a time I walked a seperate path from God. It took almost 8 years for me to get back on track in my life. Everyone has their
rock bottom, for me it was getting pregnant, I was resentful of everyone, my unborn child at the time included. I now have a wonderful daughter and I
wouldn't change any of it for the world. But in that time I was on a different path, I couldn't go to church most of the time with my family because
I would feel the spirit of God on my heart, convicting me. I knew the road I was on wasn't what God had planned for me but I did it anyway. It
wasn't until my daughter was about 4 that I really got right with God again. It was a long hard road, but I am now there, and its a work in progress
Now getting back to your question.
I questioned God, and I wondered that same question, and After reading a fiction novel called "The Shack" by William P. Young, which explained it
the best for me. Basically he said that Adam and Eve started out "right with God" but he also gave them the freedom of choice. It's kind of like a
relationship with your spouse or significant other, any love that is forced isn't love at all, but fear and manipulation. Well God doesn't want us
to be manipulated by him or in Fear of him. He wants a loving relationship with us. So we have the right to choose him or not. He knows our hearts he
also knows the future, but its kind of like those stories that we use to read as children with the different endings the ones where you make your own
ending by going to different pages where it states. Anyway. Mack the character in the Novel was questioning God, and in it he asked God how could you
let this bad thing happen, and God stated something like I don't let them happen, but I don't stop them either, if your walking beside your child
and they trip and fall, you don't allow it to happen, it just does, you feel bad and your there to help them up when they fall but you don't allow
it to happen. When Adam and Eve chose to sin, they gave the world the freedom of choice, and they introduced sin, if God was to stop every bad thing
from happening to people then he would be taking away that freedom of choice, and taking away our rights. God doesn't like what happens but he is
there for us when we fall and to pick us back up and carry us if and when we ask.
God it the same way with us. He wants us to have a relationship with him, he could force us, but if he does how is that a healthy relationship. He
wants us to freely choose him. He guides us in the ways he wants us to go, but we still have the choice to follow or go the other way.
he laid on my heart for years to go back to him, and repent for what I was doing, it wasn't until I got pregnant and crashed that I started to see
what I was doing was wrong, and I finally repented, and you know, my life has been fuller, richer and much happier since I stopped that behaviour, and
started walking with God again.
Today I have a wonderful daughter, amazing friends who always stood by me no matter what, a great family and I have finally found the love of my life
in a wonderful man and his amazing daughter.
God is amazing, and I'm sorry if I was rambling on in this, but the book although its a fiction, is a good read and although it may not change your
mind on many things it will broaden your thinking.
God Bless you