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Dan The Man - Video Game Style!

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posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 08:46 PM
that video reminded me of one of my favorite games for NES, kid niki.

After thinking about the game I just watched some guy on youtube beat the entire game...
edit on 15-2-2011 by SlyingFaucers because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by ~Lucidity

I didn't even look when I first got into the thread. Sorry.

reply to post by greenovni

I guess that backfired? He was supposed to learn to avoid buying them anything at all!

He watched it again and realized on his own that when money was gone, he could not buy her any more shiny things and "stopped loving him"... to which I replied - Wait until I teach you about child support!

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 09:52 PM
This video is a horribly sexist display of a males incorrect and misogynist perception of what women are like and perpetrating this kind of thing...
ok I couldn't say that with a straight face.

This was probably the funniest thing I've seen in quite awhile! And the great thing I would have missed it if it wasn't being complained about.

For all the young guys who haven't been around the block not all women are like this exactly. But it is not uncommon. The real take away from this should be AVOID PRINCESSES unless your a rich old guy.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 08:49 AM
I loved it!
I gotta show this to my oldest son who had an ex-wife just like that

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Jinglelord
This video is a horribly sexist display of a males incorrect and misogynist perception of what women are like and perpetrating this kind of thing...
ok I couldn't say that with a straight face.

This was probably the funniest thing I've seen in quite awhile! And the great thing I would have missed it if it wasn't being complained about.

For all the young guys who haven't been around the block not all women are like this exactly. But it is not uncommon. The real take away from this should be AVOID PRINCESSES unless your a rich old guy.

It was being complained about? Where?

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Ummmmm...... Get over yourself. We're all humans. And this was stereotypically funny.


posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!

Why should I get "over" myself about my opinion. Because I didn't join the herd and laugh at something I though was overall ridiculous? This was originally posted in General Conspiracies with quite a different title. Got it? So maybe you're the one who should get over yourself. Whatever that means anyway.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by greenovni

I'm not in the habit of naming names when it serves no purpose. I just wanted to slyly insert that the complaint made for great free publicity.

I showed this to my wife and got the dirtiest look I've ever seen. Apparently it isn't as funny to people who haven't experienced this at one point or another. She asked where the video game about a great wife who takes care of her husband and cleans and cooks gets left for a younger girl after years of loyalty. Good question, I just said women don't like video games as much as men in general.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!

Why should I get "over" myself about my opinion. Because I didn't join the herd and laugh at something I though was overall ridiculous? This was originally posted in General Conspiracies with quite a different title. Got it? So maybe you're the one who should get over yourself. Whatever that means anyway.

Even if I posted this with a different title, what makes you think that by making complaints about it, the title should have been changed by force?

This is exactly what is wrong with our country today, people like you, trying by all means to step on the rights of others. In this case, freedom of speech.

While I possibly would not like something you might post sometimes, I would stand up for YOUR right to say it however the hell you want!

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 12:05 PM

Stop the arguing.

You will be Post Banned.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 12:09 PM

second line

edit on 2/16/2011 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Jinglelord
reply to post by greenovni

I'm not in the habit of naming names when it serves no purpose. I just wanted to slyly insert that the complaint made for great free publicity.

I showed this to my wife and got the dirtiest look I've ever seen. Apparently it isn't as funny to people who haven't experienced this at one point or another. She asked where the video game about a great wife who takes care of her husband and cleans and cooks gets left for a younger girl after years of loyalty. Good question, I just said women don't like video games as much as men in general.

I found it funny and the best thing I found about it is that me 8 year old understood what was going on with the video game's theme...

I also tell my son, that there are hundreds of women that are GREAT women and those are worth keeping.

I am also almost ready to teach this kid the joy's of Child Support - So he can avoid this junk

Paternity FRAUD!!

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by greenovni

Child Support is a whole other issue, and I would be happy to offer my expertise in another thread. I worked in that field for awhile, and the injustices are rampant! What's worse is that the Child Support Enforcers know the injustices are rampant, but they are bound by ridiculous statutes, Federal mandates, and an indoctrination that convinces them it is all worth it for the children.

The videos you provided are actually quite routine and common, those do not even touch upon the crazy stories.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by greenovni

Child Support is a whole other issue, and I would be happy to offer my expertise in another thread. I worked in that field for awhile, and the injustices are rampant! What's worse is that the Child Support Enforcers know the injustices are rampant, but they are bound by ridiculous statutes, Federal mandates, and an indoctrination that convinces them it is all worth it for the children.

The videos you provided are actually quite routine and common, those do not even touch upon the crazy stories.

You should open a thread about it - or direct me to some crazy stories and I'll do the research as well as the thread.

Like I said before, this is something that our children must be thought about even before the birds and the bees, specially since a lot of these little girls now a days grow up their whole lives with their "princess" complexes

edit on 16-2-2011 by greenovni because: Fixed spelling

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by greenovni

What say you - Do women have a conspiracy against men, are they all evil OR it depends on the person?

Oh yes definitely a conspiracy, but the vid you posted answers your question. There all female, and it depends on the person who has the right things, and most often the right things are the shiny things, and houses and cars, and all that.

They should make that game mandatory in every middle and high school out there for males. When I was in school they didn't teach me about anything really, and most of what they said about the fairer sex was just plain lying, and exaggerating. But its so true, that the only way to pass that level, is to not play the game, and give the key to somebody who can afford the hassle.
Wining is not the point of the game.
The point of the game is to have fun. And if your not having fun, whats the point of playing any game.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 05:16 AM
I think it depends on the woman,but some do infact have hidden agendas to oppress every man they can....strip them of their governement/authority jobs while you still can......before china invades a feminist country....too weakened by women in authority positions to even fight back...ill give you an example,i was about to join army active duty,then i was introduced to the child support system,a ton of women with power and the jail i will have no part in protecting this place from forieghn invaders.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by miracleretiree
I think it depends on the woman,but some do infact have hidden agendas to oppress every man they can....strip them of their governement/authority jobs while you still can......before china invades a feminist country....too weakened by women in authority positions to even fight back...ill give you an example,i was about to join army active duty,then i was introduced to the child support system,a ton of women with power and the jail i will have no part in protecting this place from forieghn invaders.

Wow. I hear you loud and clear. I heard that child support even charges people for children that aren't even biologically theirs!

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