posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 03:00 PM
I just wanted to share with you some of my out of body experiences, and to also give a little of my insight to how they work for me.
But firstly, I want to start with an experience I had when I was 10 years old.
One afternoon, I lay down to nap and found myself floating above my body. The radio was on and when I went to turn it off, my hand went through it.
This frightened me for a moment, but then, I felt as though I was whisked away from my bedroom and what felt like an instant, I was floating above the
I thought how wonderful this was and then turned around and looked into space. I then proceeded to travel into deep space at amazing speed. I began to
hear this humming, whirling type sound and then something happened which I have never been able to duplicate to this day.(I�m now 30yrs old) I felt a
vibration all over, and then I felt as though I had separated into millions of pieces. I then had the feeling that I was all over the Universe at the
same time, in all different places.
During my childhood, I used to �play� with others that I would meet whilst astral traveling. For example, we would have races to see who could fly
from the ground to fly above the Earth.
Now I want to share with you a negative experience I had when I was 18. In my own physical reality, things were quite tough for me then. I guess the
usual adolescent stuff most of us go through, as well as other external issues.
Firstly, I was reading in bed and the family dog was sleeping by my feet. I then began to smell something in the room.
It was like a terrible rotting smell which had come suddenly. I leaned over to my dog to see if maybe the smell was coming from him. (He would�ve
been in trouble if it did!) For obvious reasons that wasn�t the case as I then sent him out, and the smell hung around for about half an hour.
Before I decided to go to sleep, my dog came back in the room and started staring in the corner. His hairs then stood up like prickles and then he was
now growling. I sent him out and decided to sleep.
I then fell into the astral world and found myself floating in a place that was the color of brown. There were no walls, just brown. I felt as though
I was invited to this place. I then felt this rushing sensation coming towards me from the right. Hearing the screaming words of �F++k off, f++k off!�
I got such a fright I then woke up.
In my mid twenties, I had told my father about the experience of a rotting smell, and feeling as though somebody was also in the room. He then told me
that he had experienced the same thing when he was in his teens.
Flying feet first, without much control has also been a part of my darker periods in life.
With the examples I have shown, I seem to find parallels with what is going on in my life, which does impact my astral traveling experiences. So the
lesson here for me, is to have a good focus and clarity in my life. That way, my astral experiences are always positive.
Now let me tell you about my technique. It really is quite easy, and I think some people try too hard on how it should be done. Letting go of that,
you might find yourself being more successful. I believe that everyone astral travels frequently, but they don�t remember doing it.
So maybe you should concentrate on �remembering� what you are doing during your �sleep� state, rather than trying to achieve some form of
One thing I do find helpful, is when I lie down, my eyes are closed and I look ahead. Then I actually focus on a point which is a little to the right
of my central point of view. For some reason, focusing on this point helps me to astral travel. Try it out, and also remember to be sitting up a
little. This helps so that you don�t end up dozing off to sleep.