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So how are we going to defeat the Reptilians!? I got an idea! How about you!?

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posted on May, 18 2011 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by brindle
The reptilians are a physically powerful species.It would be in our best interest to befreind our sasquatch .We need to grow the bigfoot population exponentially.Our sasquatches can match up strength wise with the reptilians and help defend us against this evil group of reptilians.

Ok luc.. may the force be with you...

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 07:56 AM
hi everybody,i am new on here so please bear with regards how are we going to defeat the reptilian-well i believe they ARE allready defeated.yes there is no doubt a lot of nasty stuff going on,but Jesus christ already has defeated satan and all his minions 2000 years ago.mankind is being tested so to speak and satan is being allowed to test mankind!. the battle od armaggedon is near the out come is assured!! pete

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 08:24 AM
I bet it will end like this,

Just imagine that the martians are reptillians

edit on 20-5-2011 by Silend because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 05:52 AM
i believe the only way to "defeat" the reptilians if all about them is true,is to rebuke them in the name of Jesus christ!. the bible says Jesus defeated ALL principalities and powers on the cross!. it also says when he returns at the second coming that EVERY KNEE WILL BOW TO if all this lizard stuff if true[which i think probably is] then they are being allowed to cause trouble down here for a time.and jesus gave all the things which would be going on on the earth just prior to his return.all these evil entities mucking around down here are scared stiff of jesus BECAUSE HIS LOVE IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE MUCH STRONGER THAN EVIL. Peter

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 09:24 AM
The bible never happened

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by brindle

HI,ok so you believe it never happened.can you not see that if all this alien crap is real then people like you are already falling for the NWO lie?.there is no "grey area".all that exists and ever will exist is black and white-good and evil.i have no problem with considerig that this world has been and IS invaded by evil entities.have you ever actually sat down and read the bible?.read revelation 9 and describes the evil entities we are going to see.if you do not believe the bible is real then i am sorry to tell you you are already beaten and controlled by an evil deception.have you ever stopped to consider exactly WHY prison population has multiplied many many fold in our lifetime?. I do realize many people on these forums say they do not believe in the bible.Ok people then be vey careful cuz a day is coming soon when the ANTICHRIST,or the beast will cause all to recieve his mark that he owns you-yes the devil will own you!-if you let him.and you will be destroyed with him and his false prophet by the LORD JESUS at his coming after 3 and a half years of this NWO.lastly folks,does not anybody wonder exactly WHY DAVID ICKE is still walking around blabbing his mouth off about reptilians,the NWO,etc?.i think it is cuz he says all religion is fabricated by man[including christianity] so he is actually doing their "dirty work" work for them!.icke is definetley "on to" something and it ain't good,but he is instilling a lot of fear in people WITHOUT presenting the full truth!. one more thing-i had a broken jaw 20 years ago when i was practising satanism and the occult.long story short, i was desperate and prayed to JESUS the living healer in the bible to fix it for me .then i woke up in the morning it was completely fixed.that is my proof if you like.i did'nt have christian TV, i did'nt go to the nearest church to be prayed for,non of that.ALL these conmen on "christian TV" telling people to send money in to prove to God first and then they'll get their healing,they are decieved conmen!.THAT BASICALLY IS WITCHCRAFT!-do the right things first,a fomula-and you'll get the results! peter

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Underworlds

Originally posted by RemiLP
im new to this site, so i honestly dont know if thats a joke, or if people truly are that crazy here

either way, it made me laugh

They are most certainly real. In the mid-1980's my services (along with the services of nearly a hundred others) were enlisted by the government of Sumter, SC to try and track down a Reptilian that had been terrorizing people along a dirt road that wound through the swampy woods of the area. The Reptilian is indeed a physically strong species - the one that we were looking for had literally ripped the top off one car as it tried to speed away.
Are you sure it was not a thunder lizard ?

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 05:59 PM
Originally posted by Underworlds

They are most certainly real. In the mid-1980's my services (along with the services of nearly a hundred others) were enlisted by the government of Sumter, SC to try and track down a Reptilian that had been terrorizing people along a dirt road that wound through the swampy woods of the area. The Reptilian is indeed a physically strong species - the one that we were looking for had literally ripped the top off one car as it tried to speed away.

Hi Underworlds,

Thanks for this testimonial. It really helps to cross paths with another person who is aware of the incredible physical force of these beings. I am still now, several years later, overwhelmed by the realization that such beings exist which are physically, psychically and mentally superior to us. Here is what Philadelphia Experiment participant Al Bielek says about them, having allegedly worked alongside one named 'Charley' at the Montauk Project:

"They told Dr. Herman Sieunterman, the administrative director of the project until 1983, that he would have to learn to work with aliens. He was a hard-headed German, who, in his life, probably had never seen an alien or even thought about what an alien might be. So, he was told by the government that he would have to work with them. Well, of course, all of us who were there did work with them. We all knew them, saw them, and worked with them every day. They had a draconian, who was in charge of and was the chief director of all the alien interests. He had his own office. We called him Charley. He was a seven-foot tall draconian, weighing 450 pounds. He was extremely intelligent. The first time he was there, he looked down at humans as a near sub-human species, which was almost dirt beneath his feet because, really, they were intelligent far beyond human standards. I wouldn’t even know how to estimate. However, being that the IQ standard is logarithmic, there are rare humans with IQs from 300 to 350. He would probably be somewhere around 1000+ to 2000. They are highly educated and live a long time."

"The only one who ever gave me information was Charley, and that was because we got friendly. I asked him about his background, education, and so forth, and his life span. He said, they could live up to 10,000 years. I asked his education, and he said, well, you’re familiar with PhD and the doctorate level, like a doctor of science. We have 16 disciplines in which we can achieve the equivalent of your doctor of science degree. He said that, when they are born, grow up and first start their education, they go through the first 160 years of their lives in education. He said he has the equivalent of 12 of our PhDs. I asked him how many he has, and he said 16 maximum. I said, well, you’ve got four more to go, and he said, yes. I asked him what he would do when he finished them, and he said he didn’t know."

An Interview with Al Bielek by Leading Edge Reporter Kenneth Burke, Global Sciences Congress, Daytona Beach, Florida, August 1997

You will note that since his contact with that Draconian Reptilian was in a scientific capacity his remarks focused upon the being's intelligence and attitutes towards humans more than on his physical features or athletic prowess. We must however take the time to note that he did mention that with a height of approximately 7 feet he estimated his weight at 450 pounds. The Draco I witnessed was taller towering at more than 8 feet if not 9 and weighing proportionately more. With very thick musculature far more massive than that of human mammals, it would probably be able to tear the roof off of a car without too much difficulty. All that would entail is having enough torsional force to twist and start a tear in the relatively thin sheet metal used for weight saving purposes in modern automobiles.

What I don't know, is whether these beings live inside our Earth and run much of our world affairs through secret back doors into Elite orders such as Skull & Bones or other secret societies, or if they are extraterrestrial beings who are in cahoots with the Military Industrial Complex and their Black Ops privatized intelligence units? Some say that both phenomena are contiguous and simultaneous, and that there is a faction of Dracos which went underground ages ago and who have been "farming us on the surface" for thousands of years while there is a larger cohort of Draconians who venture here from outer space, namely the Alpha Draconis system as well as the Orion system. Some attribute a different agenda to these two groups, the earth bound ones wanting to farm us in the long term while preserving the eco-system and their stellar cousins wanting to exploit and dominate us more harshly yet as a mere genetic biological resource and gastronomic delicacy.


posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 06:00 PM

I have been an eyewitness to the existence of such beings. However, that experience is in complete contrast with every other perception of my life. Aside from a far less strange but still unexplained encounter with a Man in Black, all of my life experience has been quite ordinary at least in terms of it only involving humans, and never aliens. This makes it all the more diffucult to accept this experience or integrate it into any body of knowledge, which by definition will be built without such a presence in its midst. I have pushed my cynicism to contemplate whether I might not have been subjected to some form of induced hallucination by some mind control technique, but try as I may, once I recollect exactly what I saw and how the events unfolded I cannot help but be convinced that it was indeed real, physical, and right there in my face when it happened.

This is what forces me to consider that there must be at minimum "complicities" in high places, for how else could such a presence in an urban setting go without interference by police intervention nor any media coverage or echo among the public? A friend recently told me "It must have been a hallucination because it would have been in all the newspapers if anyone had been murdered". But has anyone seen the movie starring Robert Redford called "Days of the Condor" where an entire CIA team is wiped out in New York City and within minutes a clean-up crew shows up and nobody's the wiser? Absence of evidence that something actually happened is in no way proof that nothing did. So I have only my own upsetting experience to rely upon in order to get a grip on the truth, and beyond what I've already described at length I cannot know a single further thing. Now, years later, I am still in the same dilemma, not knowing what these creatures are, what they're doing here, where they're from, or how they connect with our politicians and secretive elites?

The theory according to which they live beneath the earth's surface is supported by a number of arguments. First it has been relayed since ancient times that snake-like demons live in the depths of Hades, a place located far down deep beneath our location. The Devil himself is often depicted in a way that isn't so far removed from what I saw. When I told my story to a friend who lives right next to where I had the sighting, she exclaimed quite convinced of this as fact: "You saw the Devil !".

The theory according to which they come from outer space is supported by the Sumerian tablets translated by Zacharia Sitchin and researchers at the British Museum, as well as by the legends of Gods from the skies af ancient Latin American origins. This version also finds recognition among numerous ufologists who claim that they are here for any number of reasons, some even tying them to the notorious Planet X Nibiru.

Finally the theory according to which they were designed and created by humans in secret military projects underground labs does not seem to hold water given the vastly superior intelligence of these beings which can hardly be generated simply by tweaking DNA in a test tube. So I fail to believe that they are merely some sort of genetically engineered chimera produced in some sort of grotesque Super Soldier program. Had they been within the human realm of thought processes I would have found this possibility far more attractive. The way things stand it is as if you wanted to convince me that a lab mouse had designed and created Leonardo da Vinci. If they can think circles around us it is hardly likely that we created them... but then again, who really knows? If so I only hope that their lust for human flesh was an unplanned craving and that they weren't hatched to cull the population by maiming aind eating us?


posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 04:34 AM
Here is a very interesting account of who or what is behind the Reptilian Power Structure and what motivates the Group Mind or Hive Mentality which directs their actions against humanity. The person in this story is a Remote Viewer and he, just like me, noticed that once perceived by such an entity found himself disregarded as too insignificant for this being to waste his time upon. We are however here in a sort of David vs. Goliath scenario where the over-inflated self-esteem of such beings blinds them to the potential significance lesser entities might have in the long term. This is his account:

"Shortly after this particular experiment began [one of many], Brown found himself in an area where several Greys were working, although he did not know exactly where this was. He 'followed' the collective mind or thought-flow and found it to be absolutely massive, giving him the feeling of something unbounded, and almost universal in nature. However, he did detect a center, a definite 'heartbeat' of this massive collective matrix, into which and out from which a steady stream of information was flowing.

He noticed, at one point, an unusual 'subspace' being that seemed to be directing the activities of the Greys he was observing, and discovered that the bodies of the Greys themselves were incarnated by such 'subspace' beings which apparently entered the Greys' embryonic bodies and used them as vessels to manipulate physical reality.

Brown was then instructed to locate other of these beings who apparently controlled the Grey collective from a subspace or astral level, and found himself in an area where several of these subspace or paraphysical entities were located. As he continued towards this 'center' the number of subspace or non-corporeal beings increased until he came to a place of much activity, something like a grand central station type of area, where these beings were very active in various pursuits. He did not know exactly where this was, but noticed that the closer he came to the control 'center' the more he sensed an increasing rigid atmosphere of absolute military-like control. He came to what he sensed was the central governing center of the subspace beings' activity, and in the center of this there was another area where a "council of 10" very high-level subspace or paraphysical entities congregated. These were apparently the governing principalities who were engaged in running the whole operation. The security here was absolutely incredible.

Then he perceived the SUPREME LEADER of this council of 10 paraphysical entities... and at about this point Courtney Brown was jerked back into his body, so to speak. He sensed that this leader had detected the presence of his own subspace, astral or magnetic body which he had projected, and had followed this RV 'intruder' back to his physical source. Brown and his trainer felt an oppressive, dark 'cloud' enter the room and it stayed there for about half a minute scrutinizing the scene. It left, apparently seeing the two RV'ers as "small frys" who were not worth wasting its time on.

Before Brown's expulsion from the command center however, he was able to perceive for a brief moment what this being was really like. He or it was an extremely powerful being, but one with a twisted personality that was full of darkness. Apparently this being had come into conflict with another Force which it saw as its enemy. Brown sensed within this being a severe self-esteem problem, in spite of its incredible power, and because of this it had a consuming desire to be worshipped by others. Brown was confused when he sensed that these subspace beings, and in turn the Reptilians/Greys, were actually COMMANDED by this leader to engage in self-indulgent and destructive activities. This being apparently wanted his servants to use self-indulgent rewards or fear of punishment to maintain the absolute hierarchical command structure within its empire -- as well as through the rest of the subspace hierarchy, and in turn throughout the Reptilian Grey's collective 'hive' society that they completely infested.

Brown also got the impression that it was FEAR and PRIDE -- its perceived NEED to be worshipped -- that kept this being from negotiating with its ancient enemy, and that this being was utterly desperate to maintain its very survival or existence [strange for a seemingly immortal subspace being] and chose to resort to rebellion and terrorism in a desperate attempt to take control of the situation. Brown recieved a strong impression that this being was the ultimate universal terrorist!!! Apparently because of its all-consuming ego this being would NEVER humble itself before its 'enemy', and the same might be said for most of the upper echelon of the hierarchy who depended on the praise of their fellow collaborators to maintain their illusion of self-importance."

The Dulce Book by Branton


posted on Feb, 20 2018 @ 05:25 AM

originally posted by: youthsavior
So as I was searching around Google for ways to defeat Reptilians if and when they decide to take over us all, I came across a few ideas. One of the ones that stood out the most, was the notion that we need to transmit love energy to them! This in itself should hopefully balance their negative notions! We love you Reptilians!!! Lets be friends!!!!! Well that's about the only one that makes sense to me, what do you all have to say!? Any ideas! According to the things I've been hearing, this might be a problem at hand in the very near future and we need to figure out a way to deal with it and defeat them!!!! We can!!! We will!!!

Hollywood has been trying to do that and it doesn't seem to be working.

We need to come up with a new course of action.

posted on Feb, 21 2018 @ 11:54 PM
The reptilians were behind everything Roman.. Rome never fell, they diversified.

No chance of fighting. Just have to keep the faith of the monkey god, and reject the lizard god.

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 12:13 AM

originally posted by: youthsavior
From what I understand:

The reptilians and grays live where ever their from, and ..... in subterranean cities on this planet which is a huge tunnel/ cave network... They are working with the government and according to the Pleiadians (who are very similiar to us and have our best interest in mind) are evil demons and are using us for our resources, etc. That's why we should not trust them. Who would you believe, people who look like you who are smarter and peaceful, or reptile/ snake looking people who are very misleading/ evil??? I'll go with the Pleiadians! I know, we don't know any of this as fact right now.. But from all the reading I've been doing. It doesn't make sense that we would be told the opposite of what/ who these et's are.

What the heck, here is yet another opinion Hopefully this one isn't too confusing. In my opinion, the Bible states that Satan rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven with 1/3 of the other fallen angels. I believe, if they are real - many of these "aliens" are actually fallen angels whose entire purpose is to deceive mankind about who they really are. Also according to the Bible, Satan has been trying to decieve humankind forever, and will continue to do so until the return of Jesus. I believe people in high power on earth have probably communicated and maybe even made deals with these "aliens" and will someday realize the mistake they made, but it will be too late. I would suggest that you do some reading about this scenario! also, you don't have to worry about them whoever they are because God has it all under control. If a person accepts Christ into their life, then they do not have to worry about being taken over by anyone. Just my opinion, hope it can provide you another avenue to consider! Best regards, and welcome to ATS!

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 01:01 AM

originally posted by: TruthJava
If a person accepts Christ into their life, then they do not have to worry about being taken over by anyone. Just my opinion, hope it can provide you another avenue to consider! Best regards, and welcome to ATS!

I've found that to be quite the opposite...

Once you accept Christ... that is when you are attacked in the worst way possible.

That's when 'they' really start tempting you, evil always finds a way.

Christians have been getting their asses kicked for the last 20 years... in my opinion.

We are definitely living in "those days"

We all have to repent, but we're discovering that repentance isn't so easy to do.

Bad habits are hard to break.

posted on Feb, 23 2018 @ 12:35 AM

originally posted by: DD2029

originally posted by: TruthJava
If a person accepts Christ into their life, then they do not have to worry about being taken over by anyone. Just my opinion, hope it can provide you another avenue to consider! Best regards, and welcome to ATS!

I've found that to be quite the opposite...

Once you accept Christ... that is when you are attacked in the worst way possible.

That's when 'they' really start tempting you, evil always finds a way.

Christians have been getting their asses kicked for the last 20 years... in my opinion.

We are definitely living in "those days"

We all have to repent, but we're discovering that repentance isn't so easy to do.

Bad habits are hard to break.

I fully agree that once a person accepts Christ, then often they start to have trying times. What I meant by my response was that in the end Christ will win and a born again Christian does not have to worry about being taken over by Satan or any of his minions. They might have "attacks" as in bad luck starts happening but not physical/mind control type attacks.

posted on Feb, 23 2018 @ 12:37 AM
Like this

Pew pew pew.... 'merica

posted on Feb, 23 2018 @ 01:24 AM

originally posted by: Underworlds

They are most certainly real. In the mid-1980's my services (along with the services of nearly a hundred others) were enlisted by the government of Sumter, SC to try and track down a Reptilian that had been terrorizing people along a dirt road that wound through the swampy woods of the area. The Reptilian is indeed a physically strong species - the one that we were looking for had literally ripped the top off one car as it tried to speed away.

Was that the lizard man of scape ore swamp?

There are a lot of witnesses to that creature and it chewed big tooth holes through the sheet metal of a car front valence above the bumper and in the front edge of the car's hood. Some engineers rigged up a torque measuring device with a jaw and steel teeth and the pressure it took broke some of the teeth to recreate the damage. Some debunkers tried to claim a dog chewed up that car. Not even a grizzly bear has that much jaw power to do the damage done on that car..

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