originally posted by: DISRAELI
a reply to: Blue Shift
NOTHING happens after New Jerusalem arrives, because New Jerusalem is the end of all things, by definition. It is the symbolic image of the new world
in which we live after Chrsit returns. It's all there, in the relevant chapters at the END of Revelation.
Did you read the opening post?
Brilliant thread, thanks for creating it.
What do you mean, nothing happens? Does time stand still? I'd imagine the purpose to have all things created new and "redeemed" is to have events take
place in such a new existence. I might be misunderstandint something obvious though.
Also, my understanding is that after Christ wins after the battle of Armegeddon, indeed the kingdom of heaven comes to earth and He reigns as King for
a 1000 Years, then satan is unleased one final time to temp the nations, then finally destroyed. Now with no more evil, God will then make all things
new as you said, a New Jerusalaem, world, universe, etc. Is this also your opinion too?
Also, good eye catching the sea part not being remade. I recall the sea can also be interpreted as choas, indeed, a source of evil.
Also, my understanding and hope is also the New Jerusalem or even the Kingdom of Heaven prior to the remaking of all things new, is that the story of
man continues along the story of Eden, fulfilling the original role of Gods plan of Man being His imagers. The world he made was good, but saying good
also implies it was not perfect, according to a bible scholar Michael Heiser, probably by design to give man a role of the stewards of the garden of
eden, which is also not the entire earth, but a small portion, with supposively the aim to make the earth itself the garden, aka, grow it and work it
with all our faculties of imagination creativity, or what not. This is a theory, one I personally like, as an avid lover of nature. But I'm sure, no
eye has soon or mind concieved of the wonders God has in store for those who love Him.
I for one wouldn't mind spending eternity in God's beautiful Earth, even more so his new creation, best of all would be His presence, and as David and
other wrote, meditating and worshiping forever in God's holy temple, without fear. However, I too wouldn't limit what, where, how or anything else.
Whose to say we won't reign forever on earth, but be allowed to travel across galaxy, visit Heaven from time to time, be in different places at once,
as Jesus shown himself after he was brought back to life.
If you want a glimpse of what our glorified bodies would be capable of study up on what was possible after Jesus was ressurected. There is a few
youtube videos covering the topic and its fascinating.
edit on 3-8-2022 by TTU77 because: (no reason given)