posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 05:30 AM
Are you there, God? It's me, George W. Come in, Almighty. Do you read me?
It's about 8:00 pm and it's just after my last bubble bath of the day and here I am again, kneeling here in the Oval Office all by myself in my most
favoritest PJs, the funny ones with the little M-1 tanks and baseball players all over them. I gots some problems, Lord.
Look, I've done everything you asked. I've been good. Haven't I?
I take the message to the people, don't I? I spout that evangelical born-again crap in pisswater Podunk conservative churches across this burned-out
fear-drunk nation like I was emceeing a freakin' rodeo in Crawford. And they eat it up, Lord. They eat that stuff up. Hell, I even believe a lot of
that fire-breathin' Second Comin' evildoer-hatin' stuff myself.
Gotta give it to them liberals they sure have a great senser of humor.
First whoopi and now this great piece. Warning, if your a conservative
christian, Do Not Read This Article. It will give you heart burn, gas and acid reflux problems. Just pop an couple oxycontin and go listen to
[edit on 15-7-2004 by df1]