posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet
S&F Good find
Why don't you say : "I didn't check out the facts, but it sounds super duper exciting. I will believe every word you say, simply because it is
Mindless sheep proving once again, as long as it
isn't from the MSM, it will be swallowed by mindless drones all over the planet.
He was NOT CIA - He owns his own company (like Blackwater) located in Vegas. He shot 2 armed men (with 2 stolen cell phones) on a motorcycle,through
his windshield.
He had photos of buildings in Pakistan on his camera, along with a mini telescope. He was a contracted mercenary. There is no mention of Nukes.. He
has NOT been linked to nukes...
I pray, if I finally lose it and start to have grandeur delusions that are based strictly on fantasy, lacking one ounce of reality, my family would
step in and have me committed.
It is amazing how many mindless drones are still fooled by Sorcha Faal
edit on 2/14/2011 by Resurrectio because: (no reason given)