posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 06:30 AM
Seems as if someone has hit the zoom button on ATS today. At first login of the day, some two hours ago or thereabouts, everything was normal, and all
the information on the page, fit width wise within the confines of the screen. But having just logged back in after a few minuites absence, I find
that the screen which had previously displayed the whole width of the page, is now not up to the task of containing the page. Using the ATS toolbar as
a measure, previously every option from 'Home' to 'Log In/Out' was visible. Now, the toolbar can only be seen as far as the chat button, and even
then only half of that button is visible, without scrolling over to see the rest of the page.
Has there been some change at point of origin, which might explain this? I know I havent changed anything on my computer which might explain the
increase in display size.
Any thoughts ? Am I alone in this expirience?