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My 8 year Old is Getting Wrinkles. What Do I Do?

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posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:02 PM
Thought I would add a nifty name for this thread, as I feel it needs attention. No, I did not lie. There are new anti-aging products now for children between the ages of 8-12.

Retail Mega -Store Walmart will be adding a new line to their ever filled beauty aisles soon- only this make up is for the kiddies.
GeoGirl is a beauty line aimed at the ” Tweens” of America, specifically 8-12 year olds. The line which has been stirring up controversy, due to the issue of contributing to the “over-sexualising” of children, will offer blush, mascara, face shimmer and lipsticks, all of which are natural and “eco-friendly”. But here is the kicker, the line is supposedly “Anti-aging”. Anti-aging for 8 year olds?
According to the dailymail, the lines marketing team states the following;

“the formulas are designed for ‘young skin’ and contain natural ingredients like white willow bark, chamomile, lavender and calendula, as well as anti-oxidants which are said to prevent aging.”

While I doubt the goal of the line is to create anti-aging results in the children, the ingredients are there. Hitting shelves February 21st, the brand is set to replace the Mary-Kate and Ashley brand which was a long standing beauty staple for youth designed for Walmart.

Famed Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon, Dr Payman Simoni, who is familiar with the demand to stay youthful, weighs in on the topic saying that-

“the line is most likely created for kids to have fun with make-up, while allowing the parents to be comfortable since the line is all natural and chemical free. A makeup line like this for children isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’s if the parent allows their children to leave the house with it or promotes the idea of it making them more beautiful that would create negative implications” “As for the anti-aging qualities that is just a coincidence of having anti-oxidants in the ingredients. There are no creams or lotions in the line that I am aware of, meaning, the line is not intended to keep the little ones looking youthful”

Would you buy GeoGirl for your daughter?

Now I personally feel this it out of control. Why would an 8 year old worry about aging, and what parent would buy this product for their child?

There's a new term for it KGOY (Kids Getting Older Younger).

"Marketers say that kids today are growing up faster than ever before. Some even say that kids between the ages of 3 and 5 today, are more like 8 and 9 year olds from decades past in terms of their brand knowledge and influence, as well as play patterns and relationships with toys, etc."

There was overall mom agreement to the statement. A majority of the moms indicated that this statement is true as a result of the combined effect of technological opportunities, abundance of branding messages children learn from television and advertising and new trends in parenting.

We are overloading our children, especially girls to live in a world of whats on the outside is more important then the inside. I have 2 daughters and would never consider this for them, though I am sure that some parents would think it was harmless.

I want to hear from some other parents, or aunts and uncles even grandparents, about this situation that is filling this generation with this type of confusion.

Peace, NRE.

BTW, I will add some more stats concerning this trend.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:09 PM
Anti-aging make up... For the 8 year old who wants to look 6... Hmmm...

There really is a huge push by society to encourage girls to grow up way to fast... All I can say is that we need to let children be children. 8 is too young for make up anyway...

Put down the make up and pick up the barbie dolls! Be kids! Have fun! Kids are not supposed to be worrying about their looks and social status... They are supposed to worry about playing, being inside before it gets dark and eating all your vegetables ( And by eating, I mean sneaking them to the dog).

This push to over sexualize children and to force them to grow up so early... It needs to stop... Just... let children be children. They can worry about adult things when they are... you know.... An adult.

edit on 11-2-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:14 PM
This is the result of some mega-corporation having a meeting:

"Hey John, our market segments just seemed tapped out. We can't squeeze any more out of asian americans age 25-40 than we already have. What can we do?"
"Well Paul I got an idea!"
"New market segment. Girl's ages 8-12"
"Brilliant! If only we could get Bieber to market them"
"I'll call his agent"

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:34 PM
In reality, no one should have wrinkles until late 60's. Skin shouldnt be dry..this comes from lack of water..hydration..and the crap the gov is putting in our food and water.

Im 49 and have very minimal anyone that buys their child just..well..nuts.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:47 PM
The company making this product GeoGirl, has 69 products in their line, including, exfoliating cream, lipstick, blush and eyeshadow. What 8 year old needs to remove dead skin? We are over loading our children with adult products, adult mentality, and frankly, we are sending them into adult problems at a young age.

Young girls are currently having to deal with body issues, eating disorders, depression, and sex at young ages. Id like to say that this will go no where, but this is a 4 billion dollar a year business, and I am sure that moms are lining up to get their daughters the new "how to be sexier then the next 2nd grader" make up.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:56 PM
It's because of the corrosive ingredients put in the items we consume. Mostly preservatives, and mostly into sweet foods, very unhealthy stuff and almost always marketed to children.

A lot of the trash they use actually has properties in it which will destroy cells and bring on 'rapid aging', in organs and the entire body. It quite literally destroys DNA and cells which are needed to remain young and healthy. One of the more popular offenders is Sodium Benzoate, which is destructive by itself, but when combined with other natural components like Vitamin C, will become a carcinogen. So it's a mystery why they liberally introduce benzene for human consumption.

I'm always finding what I like to call, the "soft-mind cocktail" in a lot of junkfoods or trash-foods marketed to children. It usually consists of high-fructose syrup, aspartame, 3 dyes (Y5 R40 B1) and sodium benzoate. Then they'll go ahead and put sugar in it regardless of the "substitutes" added. Simply amazing. Consume enough of it and you're giving yourself a lobotomy, and an almost guaranteed cancer-related death before you're 50.

Also, it's all caffeinated as sort of an "add insult to injury" complex, even the foods. So children are being lobotomized, introduced to carcinogens, having their DNA disassembled, and then get affected by long-term adrenal fatigue from epidemic proportions of caffeine addiction.
edit on 12-2-2011 by SyphonX because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by SyphonX

You forgot to add the mass of medications they are prescribed for anxiety disorders,starting anywhere from the age of two on up,at least!

This world isn't fit for human consumption anymore.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 12:57 AM
If my eight year old was truly getting wrinkles, the last thing I would do is to come onto a conspiracy website and ask random members what to do about it. I would go to a doctor and make sure they are ok, and ask the doctor what to do about it.

edit to add:

Sorry I did not read anything but the title and it inflamed me, I just spoke out of being aghast at such a question!

It's just another product aimed at a market that doesn't need it.
edit on 12-2-2011 by space cadet because: meh

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:35 AM
Thought Id give this a bump, as it was written late at night. People need to see what we are attributing to the children of today.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:44 AM
Do not bring kids into this world, problem solved aint it.

Amazing threads, and what the madison ave people do sometimes.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth

There really is a huge push by society to encourage girls to grow up way to fast... All I can say is that we need to let children be children. 8 is too young for make up anyway...

Put down the make up and pick up the barbie dolls! Be kids! Have fun! Kids are not supposed to be worrying about their looks and social status... They are supposed to worry about playing, being inside before it gets dark and eating all your vegetables ( And by eating, I mean sneaking them to the dog).

Thats right, let them be and let them have fun while they can. Because the day will come for them SOON ENOUGH when they become adults where the REAL WORLD will SMACK them HARD and REPEATEDLY in the face where 'fun' will be nothing but a memory only...

Let them have their fun while they can.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
Do not bring kids into this world, problem solved aint it.

No... Not really. If everyone did that then human kind would be completely gone within one hundred twenty years. lol.

Not such a good thing. I think it would be smarter to perhaps boycott this company. At the same time, if you have a young daughter who wants this make up... You're the parent. Say no!

Let kids be kids, and don't allow them to fall into the trap of extremely early sexualization...

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:56 AM
Loads of fresh clean water, herbal organic teas, and meditations such as laughing or Yoga exercises done with tremendous joy. All the anti aging they will ever need.

Conscious living...

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

You gotta remember most people will not think about such a thing, they think they have a right to bring a kid into this horrible society. Why do people think they have that right?

But of course kids should not be worried about such things, but man these companies will create the fear that kids need this stuff. I have no clue about what little kids do today and peer pressure in schools, as i will never bring someone into this world, but do you think kids talk about this sort of stuff at school. I do not know, but man the companies know peer pressure works on alot of people.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 11:23 AM
Regardless of anyone's stance on children, this is a blatant ploy to poison children, whether it be physically or mentally. These parents that think that in order for their children to "look" better, lets put a bunch of crap on their faces. IMHO its not even to look better, its be sexy.

Why would a reasonable parent want their child (8-12) be "sexy"?

Here's a video that when kids are asked why they would want to wear makeup or sexy clothes, most of them say that the stored dont sell anything else.

There was a time when parents made the choices of what was right for their kids. Now Big Corp does it. Whether it be food, clothing, and anti age makeup for 8 yr old's. The generation that is currently teaching kids that getting old is scary, uncool, a great concern to their outer image, etc,. Is what will be the adults of the future. I for one will not buy this product for my daughters, and I have already sent this to every one I know to inform them to make themselves aware, and to talk to others, and maybe we can put a small damper into sales, by reaching out to others.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

You gotta remember most people will not think about such a thing, they think they have a right to bring a kid into this horrible society. Why do people think they have that right?

Well, having kids is not a right. It is a privilege. Kids can be taken away by the state if you abuse them, for example... You can lose custody of your children. That is true...

But simply no longer procreating is, with all due respect, a silly idea... As I said, if everyone stops having children... what would happen? Those of us living on earth would grow old and die.... and then... well? With no one procreating, human kind would fall out of existence...

I sense you are trying to suggest something that I have seen mentioned on ATS before, which is something like a legal license to have children.... If so, that is a horrid idea to. Just because some one has a license to do something, does not mean they will do it well. You need a license for marriage... and... 50% end in divorce. You need a license to drive, and how many people die or get injured in car accidents each year? See what I am saying?

look, the bottom line. If you are a parent with a child, you are in charge. If your 8 year old daughter wants make up. You get to decide. Not them. I would decide that no, my 8 year old daughter is way too young for make up and has no need for such a thing anyway.

How our children grow up relies heavily on the parents. If you cave in and give them everything they want... they will be ill equipped to go out into the real world when it is time. When society is pushing for your child to grow up too early and to become sexualized at an age in which no one should even be thinking about such things, it is your duty as a parent, to stand up, and say not just no, but hell no!

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

Your talking about 1st world status of society. All humans on earth think its a right.

I think they will control the process using things like mobile phones without telling you, but why do people never think for themselves?

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

Very well put. Parents seem to be terrified of their children. Saying no is not a punishment, its for the well being of a child. If your child is angry... oh well. They will get over it. But allowing a child to put on anti aging creams so that they dont have a temper tantrum is NOT an excuse. Its a parent not wanting to deal with a crying child.

Its scary enough that they now have a term for it like KGOY. This is just another marketing ploy to take over the next generation.

Peace, NRE.

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