posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by squizzy
Ha, Daily Mail, guaranteed to take an issue and distort it beyond reality to get you to hate brown people.
Again, I repeat what I said above, namely these courts are only dealing with those cases because those involved have
agreed to it. I would
laugh my socks off then slam the door in the face of any Muslim who tried to bring me in front of a Sharia Court for nuisance neighbour disputes, or
land disputes or, if I was married to one and she beat me, domestic abuse. I would tell them that their courts have no power or jurisdiction and if
they really wanted to go to court over something, UK Law is supreme.
You don't seem to understand that
NO ONE CAN BE FORCED TO ATTEND THESE THINGS. They are voluntary and the only reason people, women
expecially, are being ruled against in these things are because they allow it.
If the women being forced to have sex went to the Police, arrests would be made.
If these women took people to a proper UK court over inheritance, or neighbour disputes they would be treated fairly. If they do not and submit
themselves willingly not onlt to the process but also the judgment, then there is nothing that can be done for them as they are simply weak of
Also, here is a quote from the end of your article:
Shadow home secretary Dominic Grieve said: 'These tribunals have no place in passing binding decisions in divorce or criminal justice
'Far from handling more criminal cases. They should be handling none at all.
'British law is absolute and must remain so.
Say's it all really. They only have power if people give them power.