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Woman’s rights under assault by Republican Party

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posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 01:31 PM
How is it a right to have tax money be used for abortions?
If you want the decision to abort a human, you should pay for it with your own money.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
Well, let's be honest. This sums up the attitudes of most Republicans towards women:

The only reason this half-baked Alaska has ANY chance is because of this. Can't expect much respect for the rest of the double-X population.

I love it when people that promote change, love and tolerance are the first to cast stones, stereotypes and names.

HYPOCRITES!!! Is there any other name for it? Any other description that best describes their behavior? At least the Rpeublicans are consistent; they dislike everyone not them and make no bones about it no matter how distasteful. I don't agree but respect their honesty. Liberals on the other hand... well, it sort of speaks for itself.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 05:54 PM

This is only the beginning; expect an assault on ALL minority rights

I'd like to know three things:

1. since when are women a 'minority'?
2. since when are 'rights' specific to a group? ie., aren't we supposed to ALL share the same rights?
3. why should I support your 'right' to reproductive choice, when you (most likely) don't support ALL people's right to reproductive choice? (including men)

Please take special care when answering #3. If you cite your "bodily autonomy" as the deciding metric, realize Roe. v. Wade did not such thing, and the "privacy" it insured should apply to all people if we take the constitution seriously at all.
Thank you.
edit on 13-2-2011 by joechip because: add a qualifier

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by inforeal

So, the ad hominem attacks by the left on the right extorting taxpayer paid abortion as a right has already started. FYI for those not in the know, a right someone holds does not place any burden upon any other person, physically or economically, for them to exercise. That is why anything the left classifies as a right, such as taxpayer paid healthcare or abortion, that obviously requires money from other Americans, cannot be a right but is actually an entitlement.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
reply to post by inforeal

So, the ad hominem attacks by the left on the right extorting taxpayer paid abortion as a right has already started. FYI for those not in the know, a right someone holds does not place any burden upon any other person, physically or economically, for them to exercise. That is why anything the left classifies as a right, such as taxpayer paid healthcare or abortion, that obviously requires money from other Americans, cannot be a right but is actually an entitlement.

DOH!!! Not another person interjecting a voice of reason to an unreasonable debate! Stop it! You are ruining the thread and causing people to question their idea of a utopian society where they simply lounge about enjoying the "rights" they are provided at the expense of hard-working people.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:16 PM
Other than the obvious partisan rhetoric in the Op, might I ask a quick question? Assuming the OP wasn't trolling and was being serious, although I doubt it. Suppose, as he says, the Republicans actually tabled such a thing and it passed, if Obama signed it, would that mean, that in fact, the Dems are doing the same thing........or would it be acceptable because the messiah of the left can do no wrong? Just wondering.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:25 PM
Yeah, how about we stop running to big brother for the answers, grow up and leave the big decisions like abortion to the people? They can't do anything except exert control. The government is to be regarded as a fire, not a father!

edit on 13-2-2011 by SmokeandShadow because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 10:27 PM
Actually abortion law should be under regulation of the states, seeing as it is not a power designated to the federal government nor prohibited from the states in the U.S. Constitution. But, we all know how certain people feel about that ancient outdated document, don't we?

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
Actually abortion law should be under regulation of the states, seeing as it is not a power designated to the federal government nor prohibited from the states in the U.S. Constitution. But, we all know how certain people feel about that ancient outdated document, don't we?

Maybe we should hold a wake for the 10th amendment....

You are right, though. I've always believed that it should be a states right, as should anything not explicitly covered in the Constitution. As the 10th amendment states....

Forgive I am tired, my posts are usully a tad more eloquent...

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

In my opinion, Women were created to have children, care for them, and keep the man company.
Men were created to work and provide for the woman, child, and himself.
to a certain extent women should have rights, but should not be given any political power what so-ever.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by Afterl1fe

Abortion is murder no matter how much you sugar coat it, and should not be legal. Fetuses have a beating heart. It's a shame. I guess murder is murder no matter how you look at it, you're going to have to answer to god on that one.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by Afterl1fe
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

In my opinion, Women were created to have children, care for them, and keep the man company.
Men were created to work and provide for the woman, child, and himself.
to a certain extent women should have rights, but should not be given any political power what so-ever.

OK, um and those of us that wish to transcend being a mindless animal driven by instinct(no matter how "smart" that instinct is) will disagree with you. We could argue our biological purpose, but paying attention to only the biological purpose ignores the true potential humanity has, the potential to become truly aware.

I don't me just self awareness, but also awareness of others: the fact that the person who kind of looks like me has their own inner world where they can perceive themselves, others and reality/environment/existence too.

And awareness of reality, the fact that it doesn't exist because I exist. It exists because it exists, while I exist because it exists.

The awkwardness of realizing we are naked comes into play. Once that awkwardness comes into play all talk of biological ordering becomes mute. As awkward humans with the potentiality of achieving further awkwardness, trying to deny that which makes us feel awkward or deny that of others that makes them feel awkward is horrible.

It is like saying since you can't handle your own awkwardness you must subjugate everyone else's perception of awkwardness.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by youdidntseeme

Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
Actually abortion law should be under regulation of the states, seeing as it is not a power designated to the federal government nor prohibited from the states in the U.S. Constitution. But, we all know how certain people feel about that ancient outdated document, don't we?

Maybe we should hold a wake for the 10th amendment....

You are right, though. I've always believed that it should be a states right, as should anything not explicitly covered in the Constitution. As the 10th amendment states....

Forgive I am tired, my posts are usully a tad more eloquent...

As a side note I find the rush to invoke the constitution amusing in this matter. Yes everyone weeps for the 10th Amendment while ignoring the butchered carcass of the 13th Amendment that family court Judges across the country use up on their mantel as decoration.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by korathin

I have always found that the equating of pregnancy to slavery quite a bit obtuse. The original intention of the 13th amendment is clear, based both up on its reading, and by obsering the social temperature of the great USA at the time of its writing.
Abortion = slavery?

I think this flies in the face of the abolitionists that worked tirelessly and sellflessly to work towards racial equality. The lives that were lost in that battle shall not be diminshed by equating slavery and pregnancy.

I am prolife, on a personal level. If faced with a choice between aborting and preserving life, I will always err on the side of life. With that being said, I also will not every tell someone else what they shall or shall not do with their body. If someone wants to rot their liver with drink, or pollute their blood with chemicals, I will not infringe their decision to. I also will not tell a woman or a couple that is set to be parents that they can not have an abortion.

But equating pregnancy to a lifetime of forced servitude? I dont think so.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by inforeal
"...One of the greatest examples of the sheer stupidity of the American people are woman voting republican, and now the troglodyte anti-human conservative republicans are steaming forward with due diligence in striping American woman of their hard fought for rights."

REPLY: Ahh yes.... a fine example of the compassionate Left. Once in a while their true values and opinions come to the surface. Now, to the meat of the post: sheer stupidity? ..... this is how you view your fellow man? They don't have any rights other than to follow your lead and opinions? Again, what rights has the Center taken from you? You're so solidly behind the "rights" of women, yet about 50% of babies subjected to infanticide are female. care to rationalize that? Also, you mention only American women. I see you haven't made any posts about the trials and tribulations of Muslim women. Have you gone to Iran to march and protest that?

"Amazingly the American people, who had the sense in 2008 in almost relegating the anti-human republican party to the trash bin of history they belong in—as they are the number one group in the world holding back human progress and development—have gone back to being subject to deception as they have revived the republican devil in the 2010 elections."

REPLY: Wait.... it's the Conservatives who are against abortion, but they are anti-human? Conservatives started this country and gave us our constitution. Human progress? The Republican party was put together to end slavery and racism; the Republicans started the NAACP, and the Republicans have fought since their inception to help Blacks and Minorities. It's a long list and I won't take the space to put it here.

"...Now we are beginning to see the folly of that; particularly woman’s rights are being savaged by the republican congress as the op-ed link informs."

REPLY: I guess this post was your 5 minutes of public notice, since you haven't replied yet to anything here. Again, what "rights" have been taken from you, and by who? Roe V. Wade does not legalize abortions; there's no mention of that in case law. What about the baby's constitutional rights? And, your source is a joke.

"...This is only the beginning; expect an assault on ALL minority rights such as for instance the voting rights act, by the republican bigots and cuts in programs for the poor."

REPLY: Why are they poor? Because the Dems pay them to stay poor. [People will do what you pay them to do. It was the war on poverty that destroyed the inner city and the Black family. And, read my reply, above.

"...They often use the excuse of balancing the budget, as they cut programs for ordinary Americans and continue their assault on the rights of woman and minorities, and non rich Americans."

REPLY: You mean those "evil rich" who provide jobs and services?

"...These foul liars and anti-human hypocrites have always been the prime source of increasing the federal deficit; have now all of a sudden become deficit hawks."

REPLY: you REALLY need to do some research.

"...It was Ronald Reagan, the republican senile puppet of the rich and superrich, who first gave us a deficit more than all of them combined in American economic history, and then another republican, the war criminal George Bush, who gave us the new record in budget deficits by initiating the 2008 bailout of the Wall Street super-rich, along with the adventure of the illegal Iraq war."

REPLY: That paragraph shows how little research you do. It reminds me of something a great man once said; "... it's not that Democrats don't know anything, it's just that most of what they know is wrong." Listen..... abortions do not belong in the federal governments purview. It is a state issue (13th amendment.) And, no, unfortunately abortions won't go away. The states that want to will have them available And, please, don't again try to make statements about economics, as you really don't have a clue.

WASHINGTON -- Women's reproductive rights are being seriously threatened by the Republican Party, according to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who said she is worried that many women are complacent about the possibility that they will lose access to abortions.

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