Hey there,
about 10 years ago there was this show Sightings i'm sure people remember.
There was this one part about dimensions and dimensional windows etc. They had a picutre of the sky and in the sky was this hole (and it was high in
the sky) but in the hole if you zoomed in you could see hydro poles, streets, grass etc.. in the sky!
I have not beeen able to find it yet .. just figured i'd see if anyone has seen this picture or show and can help?
Are you talking about the time when in China there was a whole city displayed over the water? I mean people could hear traffic, people and everything
you would experience over looking a city?
It was discussed here on ATS, but a simple google search asked properly would get what you want.
Also my Grandfather who was a trucker, said that in the dessert between calif and az there was a place you could see a ship, an old fashioned one,
many many people saw that phenomena, Grampa is no liar nor did he ever lie or take any kind of drug.
any of these look right?
off topic : there was an interesting account listed here the other day about a cruise ship appearing out of nowhere in a field with a stream....it
pushed up the earth etc, , then it disappeared and the only thing left was a gaping gash.
Unfortunately they dont lol it was jus ta basic scenery with a guy in 1970's suit standing with a hat on pointing up at this hole in the sky that
when you looked into you saw a street pretty much.
I believe that many of the sightings are indeed portals into alternate realities, dimensions. This is something which in the future would give people
chance after chance to make things right in their lives or could go the opposite and spoil even the best of themselves.
Imagine being able to step into a higher life of your souls matrix, in doing so each part of yourself would also agree to rise. I would love it.