posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 10:37 AM
Lurker turned member
I read and hear about those that have great concerns about the extreme challenges we face today, and of the possibility they will cause great change
or End of Days. Such as Pole Shift, 2012, fall of the economy, etc. (I'm sure you know of many others.
Some are legitimate concerns, however, are some appearing more damaging than others because of the media society we are living in today?
When we look back, seems like every decade has it's scary moments, but they didn't pan out the way people had thought, and we moved on. Examples
that come to my mind, Cuban missile crisis (although this was before my time) That must have been much heart racing then what we face on this day.
But as we look back, those folks building nuclear shelters ended up not needing them. Another was the Y2K bug, (maybe not life threatening but
challenging to say the least),
So, is today any worse? or just appears that way because of internet and media? Im not saying today isnt as bad as last few decades, just something I
was thinking about.
But all in all, we tend to adapt, move on, and remember (wouldnt go as far as saying we learn from it)