posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 07:01 PM
Excellent research BurntheShips!! It looks like they fell behind on safety standards. I was following the New Madrid Fault, and there were
"over 500 quakes", all minor, along that fault line in the past 4-5months. Seeing as it runs along Western PA, is it possible tremors may have
weakened old pipes in Allentown?
We even have a natural gas pipeline running through a village named "Benton" in Columbia County, PA. It's underground, and runs through fields,
over mountains, and they fly a chopper from end to end everyday to inspect the unseen pipeline, along with locals that check meters on
atvs/snowmobiles daily. That however is not a 12" pipeline, it supplies natural gas to towns and cities all through north-south eastern PA. I'd hate
to hear of this malfunctioning.