posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 08:53 AM
Jones jumps on the bandwagon yet again, how many topics is it now that at first he laughed at and wouldn't waste time on, then once those stories got
high post counts on the conspiracy web, he's talking about them.
don't worry, i'm sure he has a movie in the works about pole shifts to sell you, and of course the only solution to a pole shift is to buy a reverse
osmosis water system, take colloidal silver, and of course buy gold.
Nailed in the first few posts, AJ is a crazy guy and full of crap most of the time, but much like the US government, he won't let this go to waste,
if he can get people talking about AJ, it's all good. He makes money from advertising and that is completely dependent on real and perceived
viewer/listener ratings. He'd be an idiot to ignore this topic. Not because it's important, it really isn't, but because enough people THINK it
is, he'll talk about it.
This is the same reason you'll see him making fun of people or believing in reptilian vampire shape-shifting aliens, then a few days later he'll
have David Icke on, and will he call him on it? NO.
I actually sat through one of those shows where Icke talks about the reptiles and how he personally has seen the Royal Family and the Bushs shape
shift into lizards. Then AJ spends 15 minutes explaining david isn't talking literally he is talking figuratively, the "reptile mindset". Well
what is it? He's either seen them shape shift, or he's talking figuratively, not both.
AJ will talk about pole shifts and desperately try to find a way to cash in on it, when he doesn't, it will get less and less air time until finally
something else pops up on the radar. If he spent half as much time investigating as he does faking outrage at the "establishment" we'd already
have all the answers we're searching for.