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Not exactly a prediction, but a strong feeling.

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posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:07 PM
I don't if I've been brainwashed by 2012 or anything. But I get a grandeur sense that things wont be here anymore. I mean that from a different perspective...

I absolutely believe that some sort of 'thing' is going to really divide people up in basic: Good and Evil

I seriously believe that this is going to happen. I just can't bottle it up anymore. I feel this is the place to post it.

That Good will be sent some place better. And the Evil will stay here.... and I feel it coming soon.... By the end of 2011...or who knows 2012.

I'm sorry, I just don't see how good people will remain here any longer. This is not what they deserve....conscious co-creation coming....

How do you justify tying a saint in with an evil doer consciously co-creating with one another? It doesn't make sense anymore.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by PaR3v

i'm not into religion and i have been trying to avoid posting on religious subjects. That being said i do agree with you the earth is going through some major changes. what will happen? who knows what will happen honestly, All we can do is stay strong and look out for each other. If faith and religion helps you with these troubling times then by all means practice your faith pray to your god, But don't let your religion and faith control you like so many others do. If you are in a situation don't sit there waiting for god to come down and save you...Cause it's not going to happen. Save yourself, Free your self from whatever holds you back. and above all SAVE WHAT MATTERS EACH OTHER!

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:28 PM
But, There is "good" and "evil" or bad, if you prefer, in all of us. It can't be divided as they are both a part of and fundamental to, humanity. The duality, how we live with it and what we do with it is what makes each of us perhaps more or less "good" or "evil" but one cannot deny the existence of the other...
edit on 7-2-2011 by LadySkadi because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:34 PM
Why is this doomsday thing always a battle between absolute good and absolute evil? I don't buy that completely. Why can't it be a battle between absolute order and absolute chaos? And while I am at it, what does the abyss do when it's not staring back?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:42 PM
its quite easy to argue that good and evil dont exist.
'ive got a feeling something is gonna happen' ... im sure were all gratefull you shared that with us

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:49 PM
I just believe at this period of time. Whatever you're supposed to be doing Right...will get rewarded.

While others...who take advantage of others in sinful ways won't.

You have to have a Pure Heart in order to reach the higher plane, I believe.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:53 PM
i feel the same, at the moment the most important thing for me is to revive and merge with my soul and subconscious.. i agree on the theory when the world enters the 5th dimension, he purer people will ascent and live as light entities in the 5th dimension, those who are evil will be punished to repay their karma on the 3d world that is today. - doroles canon. i completely agree makes so much sense when i read her books and the thousands of clients who went to seek theropy from them destroying their lives.
time is running out for those who try to awaken, when you experience the awakened moment your life will change forever.
i can say this because i experienced it, i was a violent individual at first, but violence was never my nature, it was the environment i was raised in and social aspects that created this negativity, the need to feel like you are better or 'harder' as we brits would say than others, drown myself in materialistic things i dont need. killing my body with endless alcohol..
when nature calls you will hear her. you will get a slap in the face saying what the hell are you doing, just who do you think you are acting like this. we all live on this beautiful planet, we are all equal. we are here to help eachother to create the perfect civilization where there just peace and love. and endless smile upon our faces.
to all the skeptics say what you want, call me ''gay'' or mentally retarded. whatever you want, the message is clear, we can only forgive those and look forward to them of their enlightenment. for as this is a much more rewarding feeling than violence.

peace and love!

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by PaR3v

Lately I've been feeling the same way. The worst part is What can be done about it? Nothing I think. Nothing we can do will stop it from happening. What happens afterwards? Who knows, I sure dont know.

Helpless, that's a pretty good word to explain how I feel right about now. When you have kids/family what do you do? Where do you turn? Who can you trust?

Do you pull the kids out of school for 1-2 weeks because some anticipate "something big" happening around such-and-such date? I just don't know what to do to protect my family.

I can certainly understand why TPTB don't want to come clean, but DAMN! Who is gonna be left? How do they get to play God?

Where you live should not determine Whether you LIVE or whether you DIE~U2

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by PaR3v

I believe in the idea of treating someone the way you want to be treated...Doesn't need to be rewarded don't make you good or evil it's just called being kind hearted It is what it is i guess.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by makinit66
reply to post by PaR3v

Lately I've been feeling the same way. The worst part is What can be done about it? Nothing I think. Nothing we can do will stop it from happening. What happens afterwards? Who knows, I sure dont know.

Helpless, that's a pretty good word to explain how I feel right about now. When you have kids/family what do you do? Where do you turn? Who can you trust?

Do you pull the kids out of school for 1-2 weeks because some anticipate "something big" happening around such-and-such date? I just don't know what to do to protect my family.

I can certainly understand why TPTB don't want to come clean, but DAMN! Who is gonna be left? How do they get to play God?

Where you live should not determine Whether you LIVE or whether you DIE~U2

thats correct, and this is the why we are all free will spirits. however theres nothing wrong or stopping you from trying to forward the message of enlightenment to create a better living enviornment for your family.
listen i thought people would think i was crazy when i was suddenly talking about souls and spirits. yes most people will would say your a retard or what the hell, then i found out theres the small numbers that listen and might already have felt the same way, this is creating spiritual awareness and progressive thinking for the future. it give me satisfaction that others can relate to me, who are before too scared to talk about it because they would be perceived as wierd, as being part of the 'look at me crowd am better than all of you before' there IS something you can do because some people understand then there are those who dwell deeper whats happened to him? and take note to what you had said. we are here to work together, to help for all humanity to move forward, it isnt guna happen through a bloody night isit!

like the government, more people are starting to realise, it all takes time.

Originally posted by TechVampyre
reply to post by PaR3v

I believe in the idea of treating someone the way you want to be treated...Doesn't need to be rewarded don't make you good or evil it's just called being kind hearted It is what it is i guess.

completely agreed.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 11:33 PM
I have a predictions to all you. You will die.

Oh the horror!
Just side note: It's funny to think that you start dieing the moment you are born. It's a fate that none can scape (I am glad for it... just imagine how bored you will be after your first thousand year birthday lol)

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by LadySkadi
But, There is "good" and "evil" or bad, if you prefer, in all of us. It can't be divided as they are both a part of and fundamental to, humanity. The duality, how we live with it and what we do with it is what makes each of us perhaps more or less "good" or "evil" but one cannot deny the existence of the other...
edit on 7-2-2011 by LadySkadi because: (no reason given)

"Good" and "Evil" are only complex sound vibrations that we call "words"
There is really no such thing as good or evil.
These "words" are meant to provide a kindergarten understanding of a much more
complex state of being.

There is only acceptance and resistance.

Think about it for a while and get back to me.

The things you lable as "good" are things/situations that you internally thus externally Accept.
The things you lable as "Bad" are things/situations that you internally/externally resist.

Now, resistance and acceptance are only complex sound vibrations also.
So what I am referring to is completely internal in its most pure state and can never really be fully understood by anyone but you. That is until we all regain our ability to tap directly into eachothers minds/telepathy.

Hope this helps,
if not toss it out with the trash.
I'm having abother drink.

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 01:51 AM
Ever since we cross to 2011, I've always been having an indescribable feeling ..... like there's something suppose/ ought to happen. Don't what but still looking forward to it.

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by the_0bserver85

conscious awakening is approaching and the transistion is faster.
the people who pay attention to their spiritual selfs all say the same thing. evil is a disease, why do you think we are isolated on a solar system with no neighboring planets with life. fear and evil is a task everyone on here is coming to overcome. but the media does its best to strike fear and slow this transition down. we are slaves to satans system and government management.

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