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My wife doesn't know what the "Star Spangled Banner" is about.

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posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:20 PM
Before bed last night, my wife wanted to look up a video about Christina Aguilera botching the National Anthem, I loaded up youtube on my cellphone since it's faster than my computer's 56k connection. I found the video of Christina singing the "Star Spangled Banner" and she butchered it. That wasn't my biggest concern, however, and I vocalized my disgust for the song being sang at sporting events.

Myself being a war veteran, and an infantry grunt at that, I equated the "rockets red glare", and "bombs bursting in air" easily to war. The imagery is just vivid for someone who has experienced war. I digress.

I asked her to recite the anthem, and she meandered through it fairly well, and I was impressed but realized that she hears it often, being a football fan and military spouse.

After that, I asked her what it was about, when it was written and why. She couldn't answer even close to correctly. The closest answer she got was America, and then guessed it was about the Civil War, when I started to describe the imagery to her.

I'm not here bagging on my wife, I've been with her for 10 years and realize she's not the brightest star in the galaxy. I just find it really odd that she doesn't know something so... neccessary to our history.

The conversation went on, and I found out that she doesn't know who we fought for independence, that we fought Mexico, that we purchased a large portion of America from France, what the civil war was about, and plenty more before we both got frustrated and went to sleep.

As far as Social Issues go, this is huge. I wonder if anyone has experienced similar conversations? Does anyone here think those facts are not important knowledge? Does anyone else have a problem with the "Star Spangled Banner" being sang at sporting events?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:30 PM
This is ever more common among Americans these days and I'm sure its a problem in other countries as well.

People are too caught up in facebook, TV schedules, and work to even care about the history and sacrifices made not only for America but other major historical events that have shaped this world we live in.

It is very frustrating to me and for a while I was very turned off by my friends and families lack of knowledge or even care for things that everyone should know.

Over time I just started accepting it and not even trying to have a meaningful conversation with most people because to be honest they just don't have it in them. I try not to hold it against people but it really irks me.

The dumbing down of Americans is not a conspiracy it is a fact and as a result the history books will be able to be rewritten any way TPTB see fit.
edit on 7-2-2011 by TV_Nation because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by sbctinfantry

As a college graduate with a history degree, plus a graduate degree in history, I'm sorry to say that your wife's lack of knowlege about US history, or any history for that matter, is the norm and not the exception. History is, for the most part, poorly taught in US elementary and high schools and kids are turned off. I once did a slide presentation on ancient Greece for my godson's high school history class. After I finished the kids asked a lot of questions and we had a good discussion. But the kicker came when at the end of the class the teacher thanked me and then asked rather curiously "Do you really like this stuff? I became a teacher for the vacation."

When I was in college, my major was Ancient Near Eastern History. One of my best friends, now a published PhD in Assyriology, was puzzled over a reference in an article. She mentioned it to me. It was about the Lollard uprising in medieval England. I explained the history to her and she was fascinated. Finally she said that she liked learning history from me because I made it fun. History should be fun - it is a story, the story of us.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:32 PM
Please enlighten me on how any of this is important.

Personally, I'd defecate on my national anthem and I'd wipe myself with the flag before putting my girlfriend down like that.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Cocasinpry
Please enlighten me on how any of this is important.

Personally, I'd defecate on my national anthem and I'd wipe myself with the flag before putting my girlfriend down like that.

Ever hear of the quote "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it".

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:37 PM
Not everyone gets an upbringing that places an emphasis on education. Don't belittle the woman, educate her.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:38 PM
Yeah I feel your pain. My wife is of the same mind as yours: The general vague concepts of America are there, but absolutely nothing was retained from high school civics class. Whats more my wife pretty much refuses to discuss things I find on ATS. Sortof an Ostrich defense mechanism, which leaves me to worry about keeping our family prepared for SHTF scenarios!

Sadly I doubt that we are observing anything out of the ordinary. Americans on the whole have become lazy in the understanding and defense of their country and rights. We don't think anymore, we don't study anymore...Truth is we are ripe for explotation because of it. No wonder world bankers and elites are circling the country...

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Cocasinpry
Please enlighten me on how any of this is important.

Personally, I'd defecate on my national anthem and I'd wipe myself with the flag before putting my girlfriend down like that.

I've been with the same woman for a decade, and I was surprised by this. That says a lot of things, but it certainly doesn't imply that I am putting her down. If I though that low of her, we would not be married, and together so long. Thanks for your in depth, and informative reply, however.

To the other posters, thanks for the replies, I had a feeling that this was the rule rather than exception. I also rarely engage in thought provoking discussion, and have found it very dangerous stuff. Knowledge does strange things to people.

I had a dinner awhile back where I mentioned some of the unconstitutional things the government does, and gave some history on the Federal Reserve, it was very strange to see someones paradigms collapse before my eyes. It was like watching someone being reborn, but in a violent and frightening way. It must have been scary for them, being presented with the truth, and having to scrutinize what was moments ago facts of life.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by TV_Nation

Sure history, heritage and culture is important but even in my local community it creates violence between the language barriers. Patriotism and Pride is the cause of most wars... you'd be just as proud if you were born in Iraq, you'd have been just as proud if you would have been a Nazi (and no this doesn't apply to godwin's law).

In my opinion, a really intelligent man can see beyond the borders that has been imposed on him since birth and the Pride he feels because how he was raised to think.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by sbctinfantry

The closest answer she got was America, and then guessed it was about the Civil War, when I started to describe the imagery to her.

Are you saying she "guessed" correctly about the Civil War?

Because if so...then maybe you don't know as much as you think you do about the Star Spangled Banner.

I don't see the issue with it being sung at sporting events...would you rather have it never sung at all? Because besides that...when else is it sung?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by blamethegreys
Yeah I feel your pain. My wife is of the same mind as yours: The general vague concepts of America are there, but absolutely nothing was retained from high school civics class. Whats more my wife pretty much refuses to discuss things I find on ATS. Sortof an Ostrich defense mechanism, which leaves me to worry about keeping our family prepared for SHTF scenarios!

Sadly I doubt that we are observing anything out of the ordinary. Americans on the whole have become lazy in the understanding and defense of their country and rights. We don't think anymore, we don't study anymore...Truth is we are ripe for explotation because of it. No wonder world bankers and elites are circling the country...

I don't generally mind her lack of knowledge, but this just jumped out at me as something that should be known universally. I could understand if she had forgotten a portion of the history, but not entirely. I actually am more afraid to share some of the deeper knowledge of our contemporary history, because the last few times I blurted things out she took it and ran without fully understanding it. It's a scary thing to imbide knowledge into a fragile mind.

Originally posted by MindSpin
reply to post by sbctinfantry

The closest answer she got was America, and then guessed it was about the Civil War, when I started to describe the imagery to her.

Are you saying she "guessed" correctly about the Civil War?

Because if so...then maybe you don't know as much as you think you do about the Star Spangled Banner.

I don't see the issue with it being sung at sporting events...would you rather have it never sung at all? Because besides that...when else is it sung?

No, I was not implying that the song was about the Civil War. I will also say that, being a military veteran, I heard it routinely, which is why I believe she knows most of the lyric.

Originally posted by Cocasinpry
reply to post by TV_Nation

Sure history, heritage and culture is important but even in my local community it creates violence between the language barriers. Patriotism and Pride is the cause of most wars... you'd be just as proud if you were born in Iraq, you'd have been just as proud if you would have been a Nazi (and no this doesn't apply to godwin's law).

In my opinion, a really intelligent man can see beyond the borders that has been imposed on him since birth and the Pride he feels because how he was raised to think.

This is not about Patriotism, really. This is about basic knowledge of the country you live in. 99/110 people in this country believe it is a Democracy, when our form of government is a Constitutional Republic. That is a polling fact.

As far as what causes wars, it has nothing to do with either patriotism or pride. Those things are just one of many tools to get the countryman to support the politician's war.

Your post just seethes with naievety, and it's incredibly hard to respond to in such a way that you can digest the information. I have spoken to Iraqi's, being deployed to the country at a time of war. I have done my own "poll" of their opinions. From the information I had gathered during my time there, and speaking to others, patriotism comes back seat to feeding your family. There is absolutely no sense of pride. As far as Nazi germany goes, a man promised and delivered on fixing the economy, and a population that was recently starving saw a miracle they never thought possible occur. Because of that, they believed in the man, not the country. They followed Hitler because he did the seemingly impossible, and they rode that train all the way to a dark place. That is not patriotism or pride, that is a different beast entirely and has nothing to do with the history of a nation's song.
edit on 2011/2/7 by sbctinfantry because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:56 PM
my pet peeve is that we live in a democracy,,,,, no we live in a republic

in fact robert gibbs said we live in a democracy today,,,, and i yelled at him thru the tv

of course bush and obama did live in a democracy,, i guess,,, they did,do whatver they want,, legal, constitutional or not

when i explain in a democracy,,,,, if 51% of the people vote to kill all dogs,,, or burn all babies,,,,, they get it
and it's an ahh hah moment,,,, a light bulb goes off

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:58 PM
Interesting thread here. I'm putting this on the list for consideration in our next episode of Street View. S&F

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Cocasinpry
reply to post by TV_Nation

Sure history, heritage and culture is important but even in my local community it creates violence between the language barriers. Patriotism and Pride is the cause of most wars... you'd be just as proud if you were born in Iraq, you'd have been just as proud if you would have been a Nazi (and no this doesn't apply to godwin's law).

In my opinion, a really intelligent man can see beyond the borders that has been imposed on him since birth and the Pride he feels because how he was raised to think.

So we should just not learn about history because knowing about your country and other historical events causes too many problems?
edit on 7-2-2011 by TV_Nation because: spelling

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:41 PM
I have no problem with it sung at sporting events, it's a national anthem because it's about a historical time in the country.

Plus trust me, most including me don't know what our own British national anthem means other than asking a god to watch over and protect the Queen (when she dies/steps down and we have a male monarch again, does it revert to an older song or a new one?)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 08:48 PM
I have had such conversations with inner city school teachers in the 1970s.

Hearing that I was from New Mexico, many wanted to know if Indians were still a threat and if we had indoor plumbing.

Things certainly haven't gotten better since.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 09:05 PM
Actually, history is fun...did you know that the tune for this American anthem came from a British drinking more:

I too find it difficult to carry on conversations with someone that have no idea what I am talking about...but like others, I remember what I am dealing with and not everyone "get's it", those that do not know should be educated...that's why we are all here, right? To learn?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by shortywarn
my pet peeve is that we live in a democracy,,,,, no we live in a republic

in fact robert gibbs said we live in a democracy today,,,, and i yelled at him thru the tv

of course bush and obama did live in a democracy,, i guess,,, they did,do whatver they want,, legal, constitutional or not

when i explain in a democracy,,,,, if 51% of the people vote to kill all dogs,,, or burn all babies,,,,, they get it
and it's an ahh hah moment,,,, a light bulb goes off

I yell at the television a lot. People really think that there is no important difference between "democracy" and "republic" and I find a lot of people think it refers to political parties instead of types of government.

As far as I know, there are probably congresspersons who are just as confused as the general population. One senator recently said that the three branches of government were the presidency, the House of Representatives, and the Senate (instead of Legislative, Executive, and Judicial). Sometimes I worry about our country...
edit on 7-2-2011 by lizaveta because: I hit the wrong button, and didn't get my rely in.

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