posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 10:57 AM
i would call this an out of body experiance
you were paralyzed but still aware, some call this mind awake body asleep.
when you feel that paralyzing feeling, just relax, and you will either come of your body and proceed with your astral adventure, or you will wake you
body and regain control.
if you get scared it will also bring you out of it, but it can be really really scary if you dont know what is happening.
as to weather it is a hallucination or an OOBE, i think i doesnt really matter.
to me is a spiritual experiance, and even if im hallucinating it doesnt matter because the experiance is still meaningful, and still improtant.
i would say if we are going to call oobe's hallucinations, then we have to call dreams hallucinations as well.
just remember, when your paralyzed, relax and remain calm, and you will pop right out of your body, or regain control.
some people also experiance extreme fear at these times. along with being paralyzed, they have a feeling of an entity in the room with them watching,
or a crushing feeling on their chest and they feel as tho they cant breath, sometimes accompanied by a figure sitting on their chest, like a daemon,
alien, or witch (most common entities seen at this time).
we can all give you advice on how to leave your body or what to do when you get out, but it is an incredibly personal experiance. you will need to
develop you own personal techniques on how to leave your body and how you will travel when your on the astral plane.
good luck and i hope you have some amazing spiritual experiences