One of two possibilities... someone big and affiliated with technology- like murdoch or someone like that is psyching us up for something he is privvy
too... or someone big, like murdoch knows what's on people's minds and is banking on it.
I would assume the latter first... just for good measure. Don't get your hopes up for visitors.
You'll go crazy like me.
lol i was serious... don't know how this got moved to jokes and puns. People can get meaning from Sesame St, WWE and the Simpsons. But speak about a
real event people care about and it's considered a joke?
edit on 6-2-2011 by AtruthGuy because: (no reason given)
edit on 6-2-2011 by AtruthGuy because: (no reason
ah well the 2012 /aliens theme is gonna spiral all the way up to dec 2012. its poular, so people will exploit it for all its worth. i think the waters
are very muddy i you know what i mean. if your bothered, just stop watching tv and form your own opinions.